Based Mads

Based Mads

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Will this be the first kino game?

By falling for the Mads Mikkelsen meme you're every bit as bad as the people lining up for the latest Chris Pratt flick. These men are marketing tools, not actors. The Hunt/ Pusher are a hollywood shill job made for the express purpose of creating a new "legitimate" actor to be used in subsequent capeshit releases in order to attract the "film buff" demographic to maximize profits. This happens all the time in hollywood. They pluck out a new star with an inoffensive face from obscurity, put them in an indie shit on the cheap, and bam, they now have "legitimacy" "wow look at this hot new talented actor" appeal and can now be a new "artificial star" to hinge your summer tentpole release on.

It is all fraud, a manipulation. Mads Mikkelsen is no more an artist, no more a human being even, than the new mcdonalds festive hamburger promotion. He is smoke and mirrors, a light show, a pretend actor.

Exact same career progression is true of all of the shilled meme actors of late. Lawrence, Fassbender, Hardy, Pratt, Isaac. By supporting these "lesser known" critical darling you are only enabling the pre-production marketing phase of the capeshit machine.

Mikkelsen is lying to you with his very existence.

is this like dr. strange but you play as the badguy?

is mads going to molest norman reedus in this game?

That title belongs to Beyond: Two Souls

You need help, m8. You are not well.

No Kojima is fucking garbage

You shut your whore mouth! Kojima is one of the best writers the gaming industry has ever had.



Jack Nicholson was in Batman.
Jeff Bridges in Iron Man.
Michael Keaton just took part in a movie criticizing cape movies and now he ie the vulture.
There is no escape

>What is Until Dawn and Life is Strange

>norman reedus

>mgs4, pw, v
>not hack level writing
Am I being baited.

That title belongs to THE WITNESS

>schlocky horror shit and life is tumblr

Probably true but he's still garbage. Game writing is atrocious across the board.

Hey, Deus Ex had some pretty good writing.

at lest link the trailer you turbofag

memes can be good
generalizations are bad

this is literally true

I just played this and I spent the entire game repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

>what is Xenogears
Get a load of this retard. Kojima is the lowest turd when it comes to writing though, indeed.

Amazing how Kojima got both Mads & Daryl in the same game since he's got major boners for both actors.

Is Mad naked also like Daryl?

This whole trailer screamed DUDE TARKOVSKY LMAO

It might be good for video games but it's terrible from a literature perspective.

>There is no escape
of course there is escape the idea is to watch a camrip and dont watch them at the theater neither buy a dvd bd or 4k

>life is tumblr
and I agree with the first guy. Mads is not a respectable actor anymore. It's really sad to see someone sell out like that.

Nah thats Red Dead Redemption

god I hope so

>mfw watching both the trailers

Sup Forums is finished. Video games are art now. All film has left is garbage like Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars, DC trash etc.

Xenogears has terrible writing. And terrible everything.

>that deviant art tier trash
I can't stop laughing
Do videogame playing iqlet redditors actually consider this good or are they just easily impressed because of their lack of artistic eloquence?

>being this unintelligent pleb

Please. There's so much released that isn't majorly advertised.

Only kojimadrones considers this turd good.

sad bait. 0/10

>tfw the dawn of vidyakino is upon us

Tell me the appeal of "Mads". Now.

he's such a hollywood fangirl but he'll never make a hollywood movie because is easier to please Sup Forumsirgins with capeshit camerawork gimmicks and writing. From now on we can expect more like this

Gnosticism is not deep. Neither is dialogue that scrolls so slow you spend more time waiting for it to advance than you do reading.

He's talented. Go watch The Hunt, Pusher and Hannibal (the TV show, not the movie).

That buzzword doesn't really mean anything m8

>i have a man crush on him
>he's "talented"

Sup Forums seriously has no grounds to shit on video games at this point when the entire film industry is capeshit and rehashes

Both are creatively bankrupt right now

Well kojima just borrows shit he sees in films though, so not much to say

He did make those good trailers for MGSV but the game was shit

>the game was shit
It was unfinished, but what was included was very good. It was still one of the best games of the year.

But I don't have a man crush on him. Have you watched any of his work?

>who is Sam lake?


>but what was included was very good

No, it was objectively shit.

>Star Wars
>video games
It was nice while it lasted.

What games did you love from 2015?

story was shit. "episode" like parts were shit. rest of the game was okay.

Rocket League

Doctor Strange much.

nothing good was released in 2015



So how many more CINEMATIC trailers each features a new movie star will Kojihack release in the coming years.

Enough until someone actually phones him and tells him they got a job for him in the movie business.

Which will never happen since he has nothing to show for it except video games, so he just befriends people to help him out before it's too late. Hence Guillermo partnership

t. pleb who hasn't seen any of Mads' work except for Casino Royale and Doctor Strange

This is why he couldn't be Euron. I'm legit mad now

Norman Reedus, Del Taco, and Mads. He's building up quite a meme cast. And no gameplay of course.

>mfw Gosling is in it

A more competent writer than Kojima. Metal Gear is so fucking stupid and confusing. The cutscenes didn't even start looking good to make up for it until MGS4.

This looks fucking retarded.


yeah let's just keep hoping tom cruise gets all these roles right?
also, mads, isaac and fassbender are good actors. Hardy is okay. Jennifer lawrence and chris pratt fucking suck, although i can stand the later.

also, get help m8

t. pleb

>he thinks there is going to be gameplay


Video games should not be cinematic, and cinematic trailers should not be used to advertise video games.

Gameplay is king, and until there is a suggestion that something novel or basically interesting is going to be done with the gameplay of this, then we shouldn't hype it. It's reminiscent of Kojima's last big hype piece, the silent hill demo. The gameplay consisted of walking in circles through a house while "spooky" things happened, and somehow this managed to speak to the gamer consciousness. This game will probably be another long cinematic hallway, passing through different setpieces and having a compelling story, but ultimately not taking advantage of the very thing games are made for: gameplay.

4 u


This is fucking outstanding, but you know the real game is going to be filled with terrible exposition-dialogue. I just want ninety minutes of this shit.

Imagine being such a child that you give a fuck about legitimacy in art.

>seriously using the word "art"
>in a video game thread
>on Sup Forums

You sound like a child desu

>mads will never control your movements with his slimy bio-mechanical umbilical cords

No that's Spec Ops: The Line

See Its 100% spot on

Kojima's had a boner for (almost) silent protagonists ever since he saw Drive and Fury Road so it will probably be another MGSV with very little dialogue.

I was talking about the pasta talking about the legitimacy of an actor.
Only children and tryhard pseudo intellectuals care about legitimacy, it is absolutely irrelevant.

It is really not and you're a retard.

MGS 4 and MGS V were terrible. Not sure why people are looking forward to this trash.

>hollywood shill job

It's not that calculated. Actors take on smaller, better roles so that they can both do cool shit and become more recognized - then, they do the big movies so they can get filthy rich. If there appeal starts to wear out, or they don't need the money as much, they switch back to smaller indie films to stay relevant to the film nerds. "One for them, one for me"

Mads is part of the same fedora buff meme actor club as Jake Gyllenhaal.

>based jake
>Based Gosling
>Based Mads
>Michael Shannon
>Oscar Isaacs
>neo mcconaughey

And any other actor who is trendy among adult males who still play video games.

You are a tryhard mouthbreather and your opinion is worthless.
I can't believe faggots like you come here and believe you have anything to say about anything at all.

I loved MGS4, i hated MGSV. should have ended in MGS4 though

First doc strange and now this. Is there some in-joke about putting a bunch of shit on Mads eyes I'm not getting?

Only bad art enables bad people. If it was good art in the first place then those bad people would be running away scared.

>Sup Forums this butthurt about an awsome trailer

Seems like you guys are too deep into capeshit to even understand that vidya is the bigger, better and more successful artform of the current era. :)

>bad art
>good art
What a braindead mouthbreather, just stop posting, it's embarrassing.

I understand that, more often than not, I am throwing pearls before swine. But if I have set even just one person walking in the right direction, then I have done my duty. Cinema is in a dire state, but someday authenticity will reign supreme. And on that day, I can rest and say: ''I put it all on the line. I did my part. And now we have won.''

Authenticity is a placebo for tryhard children such as yourself that actually believe that ignoring the industrial aspect of an entertainment industry is some bold decision in art appreciation.
Kill yourself already, your "path" is far from being "the right one", you're just a fucking spaz, and a pretentious one to boot.

Except Kojima's games are usually pretty damn solid when it comes to gameplay.

MGSV may have been flawed story-wise, but you can't say that it doesn't have the best gameplay in the entire series.



Is Kojima the most successful autist in the world?