No one would be standing around to wonder this after observing these alien's capabilities of lifting up cars and...

no one would be standing around to wonder this after observing these alien's capabilities of lifting up cars and destroying half the town.

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And why did he freak out after killing Zod when he LITERALLY performed genocide on his entire race by crashing the scout ship with the genesis chamber?

>Krypton had its chance

They literally were though.

Not the entire time, but they saw what was happening. He crashed into a goddamn IHOP.

Pete Ross was the only one who recognized him though.

Why didn't anyone else then?

After Clark pulled the bus out of the water, Pete and his mom were sitting in the Kent's living room and the mom said there have been other stories like this about Clark... so clearly he had a reputation around town.

Next thing they know, he's walking through town in his costume, staring at people and telling them to get inside and not a single person other than the chubby guy connects the dots?

In order for there to be fetuses inside the Genesis Chamber, Zod needed the Codex. Without it, it's just empty sacs of fluid. Superman didn't commit "genocide".

He didn't want Zod's vision of Krypton. He didn't want Krypton to repeat the same mistakes it did in the past. He wanted humans and Kryptonians to coexist peacefully.

Yeah, not a single person was hanging around.

Consider this: We're talking about a guy who wears glasses in order to hide his identity. And yet no one can put two and two together. It was like this in the comics.

I hate to say this, but just "turn your brain off, bro."

So he's OK with passively exterminating his entire race but not with actively killing a genocidal psychopath?

Maybe they did? Do you really need a scene of them all chanting "Clark! Clark! Clark!"

After John Kent died, Clark went into isolation as an itinerant worker for most of his adult life, perhaps people simply forgot about him and moved on with life?

I'd take an explanation as to why not a single person in that derelict hick town cashed in with the biggest tabloid scoop in human history.

I'm glad you mentioned this. My question is: for someone looking to lay low and stay off the grid, why did he pick the most ridiculously dangerous jobs?

But, no, you don't permanently forget about the kid who dragged a bus out of a river.

And why is he such an asshole about it, too?

Like when he was on the crab fishing boat or whatever it was, and the guy had to dive into him to keep the steel cage from falling on him.

What if that dude got his back broken by the cage trying to help Clark? Would Clark be OK with paralyzing a man because he is so smug in his invincibility that situational awareness is irrelevant?

And what the hell was meant by Superman giving mankind something to aspire to?

Are there people out there who DON'T want to fly around, stop bullets with their bare hands and shoot lasers from their eyes? What is Clark bringing to the picture, really?

All this nigga does is save the world from things that are ONLY THERE BECAUSE OF HIM. Catastrophic damage, thousands of deaths, etc.

And he's completely useless to humanity otherwise, since he's not contributing anything other than punching out aliens.

And why was Pa Kent salty about Clark saying he didn't want to be a farmer?

>Oh, you think you're too good for that?
>Dad, I can LITERALLY survive a nuclear bomb detonating in my face. Of course my skills are wasted tilling fields.

If you recall, right before he takes down the scout ship, he hesitates before using heat vision. He was obviously conflicted about the whole ordeal, but deep down he knew Krypton could not exist without it's foundation being built on Earth. Earth is his home, it's all he knows, and he didn't want to lose his loved ones.

I guess because he could save people on the downlow and no one would be the wiser? He would just move on to the next job. He wants to help people, it's in his blood.

Oh, and why is his house such a piece of shit?

Dude can literally move faster than a speeding bullet, but he can't find the time to scrape and repaint his mom's house?

Then why not just zap Zod with his laser eyes and place the ship on the ground gently?

I don't know where you're getting that he's an asshole. I didn't get that at all. He wasn't paying attention and he made a mistake, that's all.

What are you rambling on about? You are nitpicking really hard.

You really didn't get the movie at all. You just took it at face value.

>Either you die, or I do

How could anyone possibly believe otherwise??

Michael Shannon's talents are wasted on such a useless script.

This is the face of a man conflicted over killing his entire race.

>What are you rambling on about? You are nitpicking really hard.

Then why not answer the question? What is he supposed to inspire mankind to achieve? People already want to be invincible flying badasses.

What is so inspiring about the fact that the only value he brings to the planet is saving humanity from atrocities that are only there because of him (Zod, Doomsday)?

He contributes NOTHING to the planet besides the brute strength to clean up the messes he either actively or passively creates.

>You really didn't get the movie at all. You just took it at face value.

What's there to get?

His parents didn't want him to use his powers for things they viewed as petty or vain. It probably never crossed their minds because they knew the power he had was something he should use for big things in the world. Even Pa Kent viewed his life as a small thing in the big picture.

His mom is an older woman living by herself on a farm while working in a diner. How is wanting to make her life easier or more comfortable petty or vain?

>Kryptonians had their shot, and nature selected them for extinction.

And to be fair, I think his girlfriend actively putting herself in harm's way, knowing that her superhero BF is stalking her up in the stratosphere waiting to swoop in and save the day, is pretty petty and vain.

Malcolm would've been a MUCH better father than Pa Kent.

Cavill's sexiness is wasted on Costner's horse stories and life lessons.

It looks like the face of a man who feels pity and
for someone who clings desperately to the past, ie: Zod.

What's there to answer? You watched the movie, didn't you? Jor-El's hopes and dreams is for his son to set an example for the rest of mankind by being a good person who uses his power to help others.

Unfortunately, Clark's mistake of activating the distress signal on the scout ship, unwillingly brought Zod and his forces to Earth, leaving a bad taste in humanity's mouth after witnessing the two aliens duke it out, and now Clark is viewed with suspicion, even though he tries to do good. BvS addresses this.

I think it's not necessarily what he wants to do but what she wants. His ideas have been influenced by his parents and their view of the world. They must not view that stuff as important.

>"It's just stuff Clark, it can be replaced"
>"...But you can't, mom."

I think these are the reasons everyone hates this Superman. Everyone in his life is steering him in a direction that is completely opposite of the do-gooder Superman so many people admire from the comics. I believe they're steering him toward that, but they just had to make it a challenge for him to become that "better" Superman.

>why did he pick the most ridiculously dangerous jobs
Because the jobs he chose are a romantic notion to people who think about running away from life and living life on the edge. It's about being anonymous with other anonymous hard men. Being a logger, working on an oil rig, or working in some factory in South America. It used to be joining the French Foreign Legion.