Draper has 10/10 wife

>Draper has 10/10 wife
>Chases after women well below her in looks
>Pete has 9/10 wife
>Chases after beaver faced Peggy

Is Mad Men just a show about how dumb men are?

the relationships just don't make much sense. especially when he marries horseface "IM ACTING" frenchie.

Are you a kid? Otherwise, you're surely a virgin.

>men not knowing what they have and constantly sacrificing it all for the thrill of the chase
>wondering why they would do something like that

are you a straight male?

>underage OP
Hmm... Who would have thought...

it's a womenshit show, so as long as it shows the values which lead to men compromising more in a positive light it is achieving its goal.

>Any of Don's wifes being anywhere near a 10/10
>Betty has the iq of a 10 year old
>Pete's wife is an annoying diminishing cunt

The problem with Don, is that hes an inherently flawed character.

Hes not faithful, because his life in his person, which involves living the NY life.

Betty is his breeding sow, he goes home to for appearances and dinner parties.

Lastly, dont forget that many men married to supermodels fucked mingers.

If your 10/10 wife is bitching non stop, you will cheat with any woman, who shows a bit of affection.

Pete was simply a fucking retard.

Doesn't matter how hot your wife is, the same thing gets boring after a while and you want something new. Plus Betty was the biggest cunt in the universe and really wasn't that hot.

Betty was pretty much unconditionally devoted to Don. She only started being a cunt when he betrayed that, which understandably embittered her.

this desu

>The problem with Don, is that hes an inherently flawed character.

Isn't that every significant character in Mad Men? Don, Pete, Roger, Betty, Peggy, Joan, Ted, Sally, Megan, Lane? Even fucking Duck Phillips before he became an alcoholic? There are some peripheral characters who are complete assholes or dipshits, like Kinsey, Cutler, Singen at PPL, or Dr. Greg, but even the best characters on the show have personality flaws to some degree.

Mad Men is typical leftist, anti-white male propaganda using the past as a sleek backdrop. They crammed every bullshit political issue they could and made sure to cover every year of the 60's. The entire thing turned to shit after season 1.

The fuck was the point of Duck's character? He would just pop up randomly and do something totally inconsequential and then disappear again,

please provide some examples or go back to Sup Forums faggot


No it shows the moral decay that comes from one group having everything. Said group must then become hyper competitive to make themselves feel like they are accomplishing something. Eventually leading to cannibalization of the soul

No. It's about how we always want something else even if what we have is good.

The problem is that Meme Men is a soap opera/power fantasy for males, so it has to mine for shitty relationship drama since it has nothing else of value to say.

He was Don, Roger, and Pete's future.

Drunk, divorced, depressed, and unwisely fucking his coworkers

Notice how everyones lives get worse and the subtext of a deteriorating society grows more prominent as the series progresses further and further into the sixties?

Mad Men was secretly Red Pilled.

The only character who really comes out triumphant is Peggy, which is apt considering the arrival of second wave feminism around that time.

I've watched up to season 2 episode 4 or something and I'll come back every couple of months wondering why I stopped in the middle of an episode and then I'll realise that it's complete dogshit.

This, he was basically an object lesson. At first on how to fuck your life up and then on how to get it back in order, like when he was headhunting Pete and lectured him about appreciating his family.

If you think of women and people of color gaining more rights as "deteriorating society" then sure, white men got the shaft because they couldn't use their privilege to subjugate other people as much as they used to.

Nice bait.

But that's not really necessarily what I'm talking about. The breaking down of family life, rise in crime, deterioration of the inner cities, increasing use of drugs, racial violence and tensions, among other things, are all there in the background.

They paint a picture of a society going through various convulsions, not all of them good ones.

>yfw Cooper secretly cucked every man in the series and he doesn't even have balls

Duck was significant in the second season, and to a lesser extent in the third. Remember he had some of his own scenes involving his divorce, and he is also responsible for some of the major changes to the agency (the sale to PPL and the chase to get American Airlines, specifically). The second season Duck is really supposed to be the main rival of Don's; Duck is kind of a conniving bastard who's looking out for himself, but who also has a very different vision of the agency that is accounts-focused and minimizes the role of creative, Don's area. He's also competing with Don for influence over and loyalty from Pete.

It's appropriate that Duck becomes a headhunter in season 3, as that suits his personality and his tendency to lure people away in a manner that suits him; he really starts Peggy on the track that ultimately ends with her going to CGC.

After that he's just a drunk asshole who reappears for comic relief and then to ultimately gift Pete the job that gets him out of McCann.

>They paint a picture of a society going through various convulsions, not all of them good ones.

To me, this is one of the things that makes Mad Men great, just to show people's lives as the world changes around them, to what extent it affects them and how they cope with that. It's not necessarily for better or worse overall, the show never depicts events as "progress" or a "decline". For instance, Joan thrived as the head of the office using her sex appeal under the old 50s-style model, but then has a kind of awakening after the bullshit with Greg and becoming a mom, and by the end of the show is in the spirit of the times by running her own business. She really was very successful in both eras, it's just that her idea of what constituted "success" changed with what she experienced.

>Pete was simply a fucking retard.

Especially since Trudy knew the game and was cool with Pete fucking around so long as it wasn't any of her friends/neighbors.

there is a theory that men cheat on women with the type of girls they could get in highschool/had their first sexual experience with

Pete desperstely wanted to be Don and het away with the shit Don did because it looked sexy and exciting, but he was a sheltered WASP that went from home to college to a professional career at his family friend's firm. He was about as cunning as a melon because he'd never had to figure anything out on his own.

I'd argue she has the eq of a 10 year old. Her iq seemed fine.

This. Betty wasn't stupid, she was just immature. Like Pete she'd been looked after and doted on her whole life.

Can pinpoint the virgins ITT with atomic precision lmao

>Draper has a 10/10 cunnybunny
>Doesn't fuck her all day every day.




megan > betty though

“Don’t you love the chase? Sometimes it doesn’t work out, those are the stakes. But when it DOES work out, it’s like having that first cigarette. Head gets all dizzy, your heart pounds, knees go weak. Remember that? Old business is just old business.”

Agreed. Betty seems like she would be a dead fish breeder in bed, but Megan would wrap her slinky slutfu legs around you, grind and hold you in while your ropes Zou Bisou her Canadian cervix.

>“Don’t you love the chase? Sometimes it doesn’t work out, those are the stakes. But when it DOES work out, it’s like having that first cigarette. Head gets all dizzy, your heart pounds, knees go weak. Remember that? Old business is just old business.”
spoken as a true beta

>men cheat on women with the type of girls they could get in highschool
Well then, if any ladies 21-45 want a loyal man give me a shout literally any time
TonyDawsonEssex @ gmail com

>Draper has 10/10 wife
>Pete has 9/10 wife
Those looks were plain back in those days.

Don is unfaithful. That's the fucking point. He took his dead comrade's name because he's unfaithful to his life, his country, his family, and even those hippies at the end. It's the point of the whole show.

>ITT: envious virgins who are mad that Don pump and dumps prime pussy

Nothing happens after season 2

Yeah, so it finally had the breathing space to get good


But wasn't it a better time desu?

>>Pete has 9/10 wife
Pete's wife? A 9?


>a show about advertising and the people who create it
its obviously about how stupid people are


Were thongs a thing back in the 60's? I don't believe they were.


t. Never been to a black """"neighborhood""""


It's a show about how mad men are

yea Betty is objectively prettier but 10/10 are bland looking tooBH

8/10 have slight unordinary features that make them more interesting

Weiner remembers the Chase

I won to Fuggg dat

All I want is a house in the subs and a 50's wife. Please don't wake me up.

What was his problem?