Do you ever regret sticking with a show despite how awful it is, simply out of a misguided sense of loyalty?

Do you ever regret sticking with a show despite how awful it is, simply out of a misguided sense of loyalty?

I feel like I'm a battered wife stuck in an abusive relationship with this piece of shit show.

is that twd?

i stopped after season 2

shows like supernatural i stopped season 6 i think

I had to stop Doctor Who as it was so fucking aweful past matt smiths 1st season

only show i stuck with over the years was GoT, South Park and American Dad and Family guy

I watched prison break all the way to the end

you cannot outdo that

Truly the worst. Even Dexter was better

I'm still watching Arrow. worst thing about it is that Arrow wasn't any good to begin with, but of cours eI'm a Green Arrow fanboy so I watch it even though it has shit all to do with Green Arrow or Black Canary.

I wish I knew why I do these things to myself

It's called the sunk cost fallacy

Dexter, I should have realized half way through season 6 that it wasnt getting any better but I kept with it.
I regret everything.

I-I watched Smallville to completion. 10 fucking seasons. full season, 22 episodes each

>is that twd?
Yeah, a whole episode focused on a minor character no one cares about and literally who women being hysterical and boring for 40 minutes, absolutely unbearable.

I bet she tasted his BBC

I'm trying to power through all of The X Files. I've just gotten up to where it's really started getting shit and I'm sick of the myth arc episodes that go nowhere.

I just fast forward pretty much every episode and watch the good parts.

I did like season 7 i think it was, with ray stevenson playing the ukranian terminator

I did this a couple months ago. It turned to background noise once season 3 started. Futurama I stopped a few episodes after that Green wonder movie. Just felt like I was forcing myself to watch it. Was pretty bad man.

I haven't watched that episode yet
Is it really as bad as everyone says?

Betty x Daryl was way worse

no user. it's even worse. masterson's bouncy tits couldn't help the shit that is the walking deadâ„¢.

Nope. I drop shows I don't enjoy. Stop being a limpwristed homo.

no, the episode before it was worse. seriously the writing was at a series low last episode

Is she adopted?
Looks nothing like the brothers
No blond hair/blue eyes


I watched the entirety of 30 Rock cause my friend recommended it once

>simply out of a misguided sense of loyalty?

I do it for the unintentional comedy dude

It started off well but by the end I just wanted the whole thing to die. They'd killed the spirit of the first seasons and raped its twitching carcass. Yet I still had to stick with it to see how it ended.

That's jew genetics. Men gotta look the part to infiltrate and destroy goyim societies while women keep the purity of the race. This is why judaism only transmits through the mother.


I've been a Walking Dead apologist for its whole run, but season 7 is really pushing it. People are singling out this episode but the whole season has been meh. In 6 episodes barely anything has happened, and all these bottle episodes are so disjointed that you could rearrange every episode except the first and almost nothing would change.
>Daryl's quietness during Negan's visit wouldn't be explained yet, but wouldn't be out of place here
>Tara's absence during Negan's visit
>Dwight needing a new bike and asking where Daryl's is
>Rosita asking Tara for guns
That's all, everything else would be the same because the plot has barely moved forward. It's like you're watching Seinfeld or something with an extremely loose overarching plot but every episode is self-contained with the occasional throwbacks to old ones.

I couldn't bear to sit through the last season. Wasn't strong enough.

it's the signal of shitty writing user. it's more common with HBO and cinemax shows. they have the first season start strong, while introducing many characters. then as the series goes on, it stagnates into little 10-20 minute vignettes as each character gets their own storyline with barely any semblance of a main storyline pushing forward.

i fucking hate that shit so much.

It's an hour a week (40 minutes if you record it) and you can pop in and out from week to week. Quit being so fucking dramatic. If this (or any) show is having this much of an impact of your emotions, whether good or bad, then you need to get help.

Short answer yes.

Also women written eps for this show are awful.

Thanks for the anthropology lesson, but they look different because they have different dads.


Live Bait is one of the only episodes of this show worth watching.

I stopped when they got thrown into prison in Panama.

I actually don't give a shit about that show one way or another. I'm just baffled by how much it seems to trigger people. If I hate a show, I tend to not watch it.

That whole season was filler. Only existed because of writer's strike.

Is this worth re-watching for the original seasons? What season does it start going to shit?
>tho i do remember as a kid it crapped out at the end

>I actually don't give a shit about that show one way or another.
Then you wouldn't care enough to get annoyed.

Are you fucking retarded? It's a fucking TV show. Just stop watching.

I gave up on arrow after season 4. After they started legends of tomorrow, the flash and now they are doing crossover shit with supergirl.....fuck i dont have the time to commit...

And i thought watching chicago fire, chicago pd and chicago md was bad....

There's another Brother that looks like her.
Jordan, who plays Ryan on Last Man Standing.

Has that typical Hungarian jew look, same as her.

i want to hold them all off and just marathon it because i wait all week and its just another dragged out fucking episode with nothing going on, its not that bad when you have a whole season to marathon. i was lucky i only got into walking dead at the end of season 5, and both season 6 and 7 have been both dragged the FUCK out to the MAX with little to no content in each episode, so its pretty painful to watch week by week, but i cant stop myself.

The Tara episode had the worst ratings since season 3. Do you think it will sink lower next week? Will this make them realise that they have to improve the writing/pacing? I really hope this will be a wake-up call for them.

I'm watching this at 2x not even kidding
I only put normal speed when Rick or Negan appear on screen

I had that with under the dome
First season was alright, not great but watchable
Second season was shit but convinced to keep watching by friends who swore it was great
Cut to season three and I'm forced to waddle through some retarded bullshit about a pod people ripoff
Lost had a better finale with more answered questions then under the dome did. Put it that way

Really feels like a chore watching it now but I've invested too much time into the show not to watch it. Kind of like Sons of Anarchy for me. That show was horribly written much like this one is now, but I watched every damn episode.

I gave The Walking Dead way more time than it deserved. Finally gave up around season 4 or early 5 I think

The Strain.
Granted I could only stomach the first season but according to threads I am not missing anything.

same. theres too many episodes of fucking nothing with the occasional good one. its like they just have those to keep you interested.

i marathoned 4 and 5 but hardly fucking remember any of it

I kind of felt this way about LOST once it became clear that the writers truly had no plan, but at the very least the show was always entertaining, even if not that good
I did actually give up on Dexter

I watched all 357 Dallas episodes and their movies and the reboot. I don't know why.

season 5 is well worth the watch bruv

Yes. Heroes. It started out so good, then it just kept adding in new plot material without ever resolving the old shit to the point where it was just like... why is any of this shit happening?

The West Wing after Sorkin left. i quit The Walking Dead during the second season. nothing will make me return to that show after the dullness and blatant stupidity of that season.

Anybody here get bored as fuck and start on The 100 or The 4400? Anybody actually make headway on either of them?
I started each a few days ago. Each have such great space for writing, yet some of the worst execution I've ever seen. The 100 has the opportunity to tell a valuable story of sci-fi using actual real world post-nuclear procedures and science, and then seems to throw them away an episode in to try and grab the Twilight audience. The 4400 kinda just seemed retarded tho, what with the
>"you disappeared for 11 years, Emily. I remarried! Also, have a restraining order. You'll never see your daughter again. whore."

Could be embellishing. 80% sure those shows belong here though.

I watched every season of Dexter. I'm not sure what compelled me to watch the utter shitfest that is seasons 5-8, but i did it, and boy do i regret it.

fuck them i swear ...

No, it's not. It's where I gave up.

Damn it would almost. Be better rearranged.
>Why is Daryl quiet and what is he wearing?
>Why does Rosita want to know about guns?
But the bike thing would have been a bit confusing. Also you need Carl to be around for Negas visit and then the Hilltop episode.

The 100 is alright... bit cheesy but it's still worth a watch.

Season 2 was a trainwreck, so much filler and I barely remember what even happened besides "muh Lumen." Season 3 was better but not by much.

The Strain was so much wasted potential. A brief synopsis of the story and overview of the characters sounds great on paper, but in reality the story is just not there most of the time, so many episodes dedicated to cat and mouse games with no payoff and pointless bickering. After Fet got turned into a melodramatic passive-aggressive jerk, the only thing keeping me watching is Setrakian, Eichhorst, Quinlan, and Palmer.

TWD (I haven't caught up this season and probably won't) and Mr. Robot for most of Season 2 (it redeemed itself though)


great show

I really don't know why I watch it.

holy shit, fucking this

I still tune in for Simpson's every week, even though it went to shit two decades ago.

shes lebanese you weird cunt thinking everyone is a jew