Remember when Tim Heidecker was on Half in the Bag?

Remember when Tim Heidecker was on Half in the Bag?

Half in the Bag/On Cinema crossover WHEN?

Nope. I don't member that.

Who? On what show? I've been on Sup Forums for years and never heard of any of these guys.


Tim left thoroughly unimpressed.

>tfw this will never happen ever again because Tim is now a liberal cuck and RLM is now a famous alt-right channel

This is also why Patton Oswald, a former fan, will never want to do anything with them again (if you didn't know he was in Space Cop).

They're running out of celebrity fans to do work with. All they have left is Max Landis.


Bald guy is a leftist cuck, and the others don't give a shit about politics.

>I like them so that makes them alt right

fucking sad and pathetic, desu.

They all voted for Hillary.

luckily Max Landis is a rabid alt -rightit

>i take shitposts seriously

now thats sad

Jack likes guns, so for every other leftist he is the enemy

>they all voted for Hillary
>they all voted
>they voted

Doubt it desu.

Jack is leftist, but he's also real life friends with them so they can be forgiving of differences in opinion. The rest are alt-right.

Rich has already said that he hates Hilary, so we know he's an alt-righter. And it's obvious from their Ghostbusters (2016) review that they're alt-right.
And if you say, "b-but that's just a movie" then you know nothing about how politics works these days.

>videos slowed down because mike "voting for trump makes me want to hump" stoklasa is too busy disrupting the wisconsin recount

Remember when Tim Heidecker was mad at Sup Forums?


Rich didn't

I have GPS trackers installed on Mike and Jay's cars.

>spend 10 minutes ripping on Trump in their gremlins commentary

>anybody who recognizes Hillary is a snake in the grass must think just like me!

kill yourself


Just as much as they may hate Hillary, they find Trump stupid. They explicitly called both of them criminals. They're moderate, but lean right because they do comedy. Jack isn't full liberal, but he cares about identity politics.

>alt-right is a real thing
is this CNN?

Fuck you autists who spread lies. Jack voted for Hillary, Rich didn't vote, Josh hasn't said who he voted for but I would guess Hillary since he's an even bigger leftie than Jack, Jay and Rich haven't said who they voted for and they've never stated their political views so we have no idea who they voted for.

fuck off schlomo

I don't believe you. RedLetterMedia has been a huge part of this board since 2011 and for the last year Sup Forumstards have been spamming anti-Tim Heidecker threads. There's no way you haven't heard of them before.

>Jay and Rich
Jay and MIKE

>tfw Mike has so much grey hair in his beard now
>tfw he isn't even 40 yet

such is life as a pollack

Here's your reply

They PRETEND to be leftists because THEY KNOW they will be destroyed otherwise, smart people know they have to hide their beliefs because leftists love to persecute anyone who isn't a mad useless libshit like them and start insult and bullying them, that's what they do.
They are larping, did you completely forget that Stoklasa was in a brawl with a bunch of white supremacists against some ching chongs?

>And it's obvious from their Ghostbusters (2016) review that they're alt-right.

Wtf? Pointing out how bad that movie was doesn't make you some kind of extremist. Does "alt-right" mean the entire right as well all moderates on the left now?


Mike voted Trump but Plinkett voted Hillary

Mike: 38 but looks 45

Rich: 39 but looks 44

Jay: 36 but looks 28

How does this work?


Why would Mr. Plinkett vote for her? Because she's a moralless murderer like him?

>I'm too young to understand genetics and that not everyone ages exactly the same.
Don't worry, kid. Some day you'll graduate high school and start to understand the world a little better.

This is my dream

>tfw Jay is the most mature and adult of them all despite being the youngest