How can Marvel even compete?

How can Marvel even compete?

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By making movies that people actually enjoy


Why is this so fucking funny?

low budget avengers

This is a low budget Russian remake of The Avengers, right?

Poor ayy lmaos

you mean low low budget avengers?

Because Marvel spent billions on the samething and acted like it was the greatest shit ever, while DC spent like tree fiddy and achieved the same thing.

>implying anyone watches this

you forgot to post the Evans face

alien live's matter

>Vixen takes on the proportional strength and abilities of an elephant
>punches and kicks barely faze the Dominators


That choreography is appalling

That's worse than Agents of SHIT

>the flash, arrow, superwoman, captain usa, fire man,...
>and a guy in a jacket

How did Marvel manage to make the dark and miserable shows while DC made the fun colorful shows? It's a weird reversal of the way they do movies

>implying you don't

>supergirl flies by
>pew pew pew

>shitty iron man drops the bad guy
>it gently floats down like a feather

>that elephant shit

Then agents of shield must have better cinematography than the marvel movies

sweded avengers

Marvel made bright colorful movies, so the TV shows had to contrast.

DC made a show to rip off Marvel movies.

Vixen always lightly punches and kicks no matter what animal she picks.

At least she's giving the gorilla a rest.

>le topical humor, XD
leave, reddit.

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is that shit? Do people actually watch these CW shows unironically?

>This is a low budget Russian remake of The Avengers, right?

Fuck you brah, Guardians looks great

Godammit, Diggle.

At least use a shotgun.


I think they are fun.

They are.

Why on a rooftop? Why are they running at each other in a line?

Why does Flash need any help?

>a human can ram a spike through their skin/muscle/skull/brains/skull/muscle/skin using nothing but the power of their neck

Marvelfags will defend this.

What you just posted was equally fucking dumb

.22 is all the stopping power he needs!

>mfw shitty low budget CW shows are more entertaining than marvels quipfest movies and DCs snorefest movies.

>Why on a rooftop?
That's where the aliens landed.

>Why are they running at each other in a line?
Because it looks cool.

>Why does Flash need any help?
He's not invincible.

look, mate, if you can't think of something funny to post then just don't post.

>Because Marvel spent billions on the samething and acted like it was the greatest shit ever, while DC spent like tree fiddy and achieved the same thing.

holy levels of denial

what a reddit post, racist.

>He's not invincible.

lrn2DC, yes he is

CW crossover was absolute kino
I liked when this intergalactic crisis with dozens of ships (that we've never seen) floating above the world was solved by a brawl on a roof between a bunch of heroes and some aliens that seem to not have any particular weapon nor ability, which leads me to believe that such crisis could be solved by Supergirl and Flash alone in a minute or so.

Not in the show. He runs up to Mach-2 and gets overpowered often.

Why would Green Arrow charge the enemy? Shouldn't he stay back and fire from a distance?

Good humor is hard, I know. But I'm just trying to help you out, guy.
I'm not continuing this so have a final (you), on the house.

By bringing this out 2 weeks before Justice League. Looks like DC is fucked again, they are going to move their release date, i guarantee.

(this pic is legit, zoom for deets)


>which leads me to believe that such crisis could be solved by Supergirl and Flash alone in a minute or so

Think of it this way. Supergirls doesn't want to deal with every random villain herself, she's better than that. So you hire the lesser heroes to deal with the lesser threats you just can't be bothered to deal with, and keep the impressive stuff for yourself.

Nobody bugged that Atom didn't get his new suit from Cisco by the end? I was so ready to replace his horrible mech suit.

Also, wheres my hall of justice?

>leads me to believe that such crisis could be solved by Supergirl and Flash alone in a minute or so.
Stein and his new daughter had to create the pain device for Flash and Supergirl to put on them.

>arrow going mele mode

another clip

you are autistic as fuck

lol is theis a jojo reference xD

He's not invincible in the show you retarded piece of shit.

They've spent way too much on that suit to ditch it.

>team has guys with guns
>continue to use a bow and arrow
>need to be saved by Supergirl, who apparently wants your dick

Everything went better than expected

In these shows green arrow is pretty much budget batman who happens to have a bow and call himself green arrow.

Did Marvel do it better?

who is that guy?

>implying I watch this garbage

Now if only she could maintain her fucking accent instead of slipping into britbong every three words

>Also, wheres my hall of justice?


Kara just want some oliver D

Yes, it wasn't quite as absurd in Civil War.

Not quite.

lol barely for 20x the budget

Hulk and Thor

>need to be saved by Supergirl, who apparently wants your dick

Nah, it she wants anyone's dick is Barry's.

>I used to defend DC


Marvel was obviously better made and with a better budget, but CW actually made the cinematography look better

Civil War officially looks worse than a low budget TV show

>be in Justice League building for all the EPs

>don't make it Justice League

Her and Ollie were so cute together

>You can either have your awful capeshit movies
>Or you can trade it all in for what's in this CW capekino box.

Thor seriously looks asian in that poster.


Shame the choreography was shit and makes it look like amateur dramatics

They're not allowed to because of WB's embargoes.

By which i meant more that i was sad they never acknowledged it as a future meeting place for them as a collective of superheroes.

it´s almost as capstuff is boring unless you can laugh about it

reminds me of some other obsession of Sup Forums

>implying I'll ever watch a solo Thor movie again


>Implying the problem in these CW DC's shows are choreography and CGI

They are fine for such low budget. Real problem is the messy script.

According to this crossover.

>Kara wants Oliver and Barry.
>Oliver's sister wants Barry.
>Iris wants Oliver.
>Ray Oedipally wants Kara.
>Mick wants Kara.
>Sara wants Kara.
>Both Sara and Mick want the President.

Degenerates, all of them.

how can this guy play the character with a straight face?

Damn right. Get rid of Cuckenheim and Berlanti and everything will be fine

Both look incredibly dumb.

No idea how anyone can like this garbage.

>guy in spiderman costume shows up
How low are the standards? Why are humans so easy to please?

They equated it to Midnight Run and it's Hulk and Thor on an adventure through time and space, directed by the What we Do in the Shadows guy.

Of course that means nothing if Marvel doesn't give him enough room to do his job but I'm tentatively looking forward to it

>it's everything bad about the airport scene

the schadenfreude

it's too much to bear

He's being paid user

Stupid fuck this is going to be thorkino

>no Natalie Portman
>based Taika

>Get paid to wear a silly costume and play pretend alongside a bunch of qts and bros

Living the dream.

Because he can't move his face in that helmet, also he's mostly cgi

>>Ray Oedipally wants Kara.

superman and supergirl :O

Aren't the Flash and Green Arrow in its first seasons supposedly good tho?

Why is Melissa so qt goddamn

Yeah we'll see

>Hulk and Thor go to one planet
>Defeat faceless bad guy like Ronan the Accuser or some shit
>Come home, nothing changes either way

what is flash doing to the thrown alien?

If he can turn to steel, does that mean that his phallus turns to steel too?

Jesus christ this CGI
The monsters look like something from one of those Nigerian films

Is this Slavkino?


You mean like Thor or The Dark World was? Fool me twice user

Yo, are those Dominators?

Reminder that Based Gotham is the only true capetelekino and all others are teleflickshit at best.

Why the fuck was there some spike just jutting out like that again? If I was Daredevil I'd bust out laughing. Who the fuck kills themselves like that?