How do you feel about this wall?

How do you feel about this wall?

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Makes me want to watch Mission Hill


Shit line up desu

Every good thing on it is not actually an Adult Swim original.

Reminds me how bad things have gotten, and how you don't realize you're in the good days until they're gone.

And that the channel used to be better.

Inuyasha>Mission Hill>Home Movies>>>>Futurama>Cowboy Bebop>>>>>>>Big O

I hope Mexico paid for it.

Where's FUCKING Sealab show me Sealab

is this thier hall of dead heroes or something?

it reminds me of the dark times before internet allowed us to ignore tv channel lineups.

Home Movies >>ATHF>>Mission Hill>>Harvey Birdman>Futurama>
anime is for fags

What the hell were you trying to quote

>Sealab >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else

Makes me miss coach McGuirk


Check under the sea

>Brendan. Brendan listen to me.

Overbudget and behind schedule

Cause that is where you'll fiiiiind me


> > anything
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you a fat landwhale woman?

>messing up the best one
Spikes mouth and eyes look wierd

Would liberals support the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border if it had murals designed by Adult Swim?

Look at your fucking post retard
You quoted something from another thread in Sup Forums.

Is he /ourguy/?

dr katz is better than home movies


Makes me think of that shitty Youtube "video essayist" who everyone fawns over but in reality is absolute dog shit.

Post the pasta.

>tfw no more Harvey Birdman

why do people act like adult swim is a some sort of legitimate network when in reality it's literally 75% family guy, cleveland show, and american dad reruns?
it's like the people who call gamegrumps a "show"

>not their target audience

When it first started it was.
>Space Ghost
>Sealab 2021
>Harvey Birdman
>Home Movies

All-original line up bitch.

you didn't need to call me a bitch

Are you mad, bitch?

That wasn't me btw. I felt the bitch was necessary to emphasize how wrong you were, because you opened with a particularly hostile statement by comparing Adult Swim to fucking Game Grumps

Get a load of this pussy ass faggot.

the great wall of reddit

I fail to see how calling someone a bitch makes me a pussy

At this point, what isn't reddit?

nigger faggot shitface cockgobbler

Goddamn, you aborted cock sucking faggots are getting desperate.