What are the chances this will better than The Mummy (1999)


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I actually think there's a chance that it could be "good" or tolerable. But it has a lot going against it
>Guaranteed modern blockbuster bullshit cliches because of how the system has changed
>Set in modern times
>Mummy isn't a bad ass zombie man
>Mummy is a woman
>Looks like its leading man / woman instead of having a more fleshed out cast of supporting characters (AKA americans)
>Used for a bullshit movie universe gimmick
>Probably no longer an adventure movie, more like a capeshit/action movie
>Probably a lot less set-up and exploration of the actual location like in the first one.

That's just off the top of my head.

Since when did Sup Forums turn on Tom /ourguy/ Cruise?

Can't ruse the cruse.

But he asked if it would be better than the original which it won't. Very little could make me dislike /ourguy/ but the reality of big budget moder mock-capeshit movies is that they're cookie cutter uncreative and usually bad.

But I guess we'll see the trailer soon.

>tom cruise
>female mummy
>no imhotep

Tom Cruise could have stroke paralyzing his face, and he'd look exactly the same.

No chance.

This will be fun, but expectation will keep this from coming near the first one in our hearts.

>as tall, if not smaller, than the female lead.

Listen up millennial, the Universal Monster Universe has been around since the 1930s.

The Mummy 1999 is actually so much fucking fun. Its no Indiana Jones, but its great.

Look at these clips:

God damn what a fun character. Get to see the hero actually vulnerable. And Rachiel Weisz was a fucking BOMBSHELL back then. Plus she plays a "strong" woman without being bullshit.


Dat fucking world building getting you SO fucking hyped.


Then its the protagonists' own fault that everything goes wrong...


Fucking mind control zombies


Fucking Americans.



>no beni


Is that Grace from Peaky fookin' Blinders?

FUCK we're doomed

Cruise will carry it as always

have you seen the making of the mummy?
the concept art in particular and their approach for designing the mummy was pretty interesting

>no beni

Because of memes, Sup Forums will refuse to enjoy this movie. Like Sup Forums and Sup Forums, 90% of users don't know how to feel about something until they see 4chans reaction to it.


Neat stuff. Really gives you an appreciation for how hard this animation actually is back then and now.

>no beni

sup reddit

He's on the wrong side of the river

It'll probably suck. I grew up with some cool Tom Cruise movies, but he grew into a weirdo himself. It reflects in his face and in his acting.

I think Tom Cruise should gracefully accept the roles of an old man. Shit, I watched his movies when he was the cool guy when I was a kid. Either be old in the movie, or step your ass aside.

>Comparing it to the 1999 Mummy
Why are people doing this? This one is entirely different and Cruise does not play a gun who shoots Mummies and kills them with swords.

I will still enjoy it.

Probably because you're young and stupid.

I once asked my dad why he didn't get into to the new Star Trek movies because he loved the original series. I didn't. He told me he won't watch something that ruins what you loved.

I didn't understand it until they fucked up Star Wars, Robocop...soon to be Blade Runner, Escape From New York, and now this.

Will Cruise's character appear in the sequel to this starring Russel Crowe and Johnny Depp as Invisible Man?

why does Cruise always get my underrated waifus in his movies?

First the Swedish goddess Rebecca Ferguson in Rogue Nation and now Annabelle Wallis

>In November 2015, The Hollywood Reporter reported that the studio is looking at Angelina Jolie for the main role in the reboot of Bride of Frankenstein.
Isn't that harsh?

>Why are people doing this?

Because they have taste, user. Probably not the same as yours. I hope you enjoy it, but not everyone has to. And not everyone will ironically dislike it out be interested in it. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see a movie be about something out contain a certain element. And there's nothing wrong with being disappointed if it doesn't.

>like The Mummy
>like Brendan
>like Cruise
>not looking forward to this at all

How do you figure?

Her body won't be able to support the weight of that wig

>Cruise will corrupt yet another English rose

he crossed paths with justman

of the river Jordan. May he RIP in pieces.

his later movies are still good. However those movies would have been good no matter who the main male actor was. I.E. Edge of Tomorrow. You could put Chris pratt or any of the chrises into that role he played and it still would have worked. The female lead in that movie though is different. Right now there are only a few well known enough actresses to pull that role off.

>people think Tom Cruise is gay
I don't get this meme. Maybe he did have a fling with a guy back in the day (As a male I have had the usual crush here and there on another guy so I can understand) but no doubt he indeed loves the women.

Because these people are idiots. Judging from the teaser, this is going to be an excellent Mummy movie and Sofia as the Mummy looks absolutely brilliant. I am loving the design so much.

I hope it has some creepy scenes like the 1999 one when the guy loses his glasses scene and the Mummy creeps up on him.

>>people think Tom Cruise is gay

Where the hell did I imply that?

>Where the hell did I imply that?
You didn't. I am saying other people do like these Force Awakens loving shills who make the Honest Trailers

I can't wait to see the plane scene in the cinema

>hey O'Connell, it looks like...

Your dad sounds like a colossal faggot



She fucking quit Peaky Blinders to be in The Mummy

>isn't wrapped head to toe in gauze