Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Obviously Trump, duh.

He's so evil they HAD to joke about his plane crashing. Can't you see how he manipulates people?


Sup Forums for thinking they were welcome on any board other than their containment toilet

Sup Forums here, I welcome Sup Forums with open arms and I speak for ALL of Sup Forums when I say that (you are not Sup Forums).

>my friend's son had nightmares for days after I told him Trump will kill his parents. this is how he impacts our kids
>after I told him Trump will kill his parents

But that's literally your fault

go back to tumblr

Sup Forums here 2
i gotta agree
Sup Forums is welcome here more than the Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums scum any day. and by Sup Forums i mean the Sup Forums posters from before Sup Forums harbour

>he thinks Sup Forums is not entitled to be in any board now that Trump has won

We're here to stay, keep being salty.

Nigga Sup Forums is Sup Forums

>by Sup Forums i mean the Sup Forums posters from before Sup Forums harbour
Still here. Only use Sup Forums, Sup Forums is /trump/ now :(

poor newfag
Soon you'll learn.

Someone post that Banescene vertical with that racist guy in the cowboyhat and sunglasses.

this isn't even satire is it?

i'm caught between wincing and laughing

welcome my friend

The only thing crashing with no survivors is CNN's ratings.

r/GoT is severely mistaken, Sup Forums has always been Sup Forums clay, back to your containment thread

Why are Sup Forumsshitters so easy to bait? Is it because they're children or because they lack the self-control necessary to keep from responding?

Was getting caught part of your plan CNN?

Sup Forums here. I apologize for offending. I'll go back to my home board and never leave again. I encourage others like me do the same.

let them have their moment of victory before they're forced to acknowledge that he's a shitty president just like all the others

These are both satire, of course. Even if it wasn't well within our power to check the twitter accounts, they're way too on the nose. See for yourself if you don't believe me. Think critically about what you see online.

>you have to be Sup Forums to like Trump