Give me 1 (read: ONE) funny female comedian

Give me 1 (read: ONE) funny female comedian.

Hard mode: She doesn't talk about her vagina, penises and masturbation for more than 2 mins.

Ultra Hard/Easy mode : She is from your country.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's a few from my country but I couldn't find any vids with subtitles.

Oh well.

Strictly stand up? Or does this extend to comedic actors as well? If the later, I put forward Kaitlin Olson, Kathryn Hahn and Jillian Bel

Is Katherine Ryan really funny, or am I just overwhelmed by my desire to have sex with her?

She's a huge SJW.

1:05 - 4:05


I came here for bad comedy, please deliver.

The female comedians who do those British panel shows are alright.

Maria Bamford


Philomena Cunk's Moments of Wonder:

genuinely funny, granted she's the only one

Lucy Ball and Mary Tyler Moore are both great comedic writers and Maria Bamford is a pretty alright comic.

Someone post the Brit girl talking about shoes

literally the only female comedian who matters.

I think she has potential. Her Netflix bit wasn't good though, but she was just on Adult Swim last night

Tina Fey

came here to post this

Kathleen Madigan

Hard Mode


Ultra Hard Mode


Nightmare Mode: She is sexy and you would do sex with and on her

Literally any british comedian. Holly Walsh, for example.

And will never be topped.

Doesn't change the fact that her idea of humor is saying things in funny voices

Funny voices are funny though, that's why they call them that

If only you could use your wannabe Edgemeister bile against your Muzrat friends, Katherine