Murdoch Murdoch is quickly proving that Youtube animated programs can be good

This might be the most well-made episode in terms of production yet.

Meme Magic is still the best episode though.

Youtube needs more animated TV shows like this.

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In that San Jose episode, why did they call beaners "Hispanic" instead of "Mexican mestizos".

I don't think Hispanic is a race, why should white Hispanics like ted cruz be blamed for mexican mestizo crimes? Is Murdoch Murdoch anti white?

Probably to bring the point home with normies

so is this supposed to be funny or serious

Well they can't just fucking ruin the reputation of their European Hispanic brothers like the spaniards to get normie points. FUcking anti white kikes

Mexican mestizos are shit due to their indio genes, not their hispania genes


>Hispanic brothers like the spaniard

Hispanics = mestizos. The term "hispanic" comes from the point of contact with Spanish settlers on the island of Hispaniola. They are indigenous + european settler.

You don't know what you are talking about. Nobody calls Spaniards "hispanic". Spaniards are White. Mestizos are mongrels. Indios are the same blood as the mongolians who crossed the Bering Strait into Alaska and settling through the New World down to Chile.

seems like neither

the fuck is this?

youtube kino

No you fucking retard

Hispanic doesn't mean mestizo. Hispanic is not a race dumbfuck. Mestizo means mestizo

Hispanic comes from Hispania, Spain. RETARD

The gov states hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic

This non mestizo is a White Hispanic because he is white and hispanic, and I don't mean mixed

Hispanic genes don't make beaners brown, it's the indio genes dumbfuck

The gov considers spaniards to be white hispanics so stop spreading memes


Hispanic was a term made in the 70s for spanish speakers regardless of race retard

>use moderates to garner support from political normies
>suprised when they form the New Right when you go full 1488
Dumb shitheads couldn't even wait until Trump was sworn in. Now they go back to being a fringe group.
>kill le jews and niggers
>muh america iz white only meme
>h-hail hitler!!1!

What the fuck was his problem?


examine thyself, my son.


He was jewish.

Hispanics are a race but they only come from Hispania (Spain). South Americans are only partially Hispanic if they are Hispanic at all. Mestizo is probably the most accurate term IMO

Is this essential fedoracore?

Been watching since the beginning. Glad to see mike and sven in a cameo

I'm a white nationalist but i never bothered with these cuz they just seem too cringey

Women should not be involved in politics except maybe as window dressing to draw more men into the movement

>Gassing Dr Pierce


The first few videos were funny, and then they started self-inserting. Shame. The obongo one was pretty funny though.

pretty good, reminds me of adult swim back when it didn't suck

get the fuck outta here with this goanimate tier bullshit. What's even more hilarious is that stormfags think this is quality.

i have a theory the murdoch channel is going to stitch these vids together into a mem wars movie

But they revived him and revised his character to fit the wise, old sage trope.

The Last son of the West is still my favorite episode

If you haven't seen it watch now