How do we save him?

How do we save him?

Other urls found in this thread:

boycott mummy

What actually happened to him? Roles stopped coming in and he got depressed?

His career is permanently finished because of what happens when studio heads google him

ex wife took everything in the divorce.

>tfw the mummy was one of your favorite childhood movies growing up

Me on the left. AMA.

>How do we save him?
>after we single handedly memed his life into oblivion
Good question OP


by kill himself

I feel bad for him because I really liked his movies, and that divorce really fucked him over, but this guy is letting it get to him.

Don't know how to help him.

Fucking women man, I'll never get married.

funny stuff
i googled alimony images and all the "two pair of hands" pictures are woman hands taking money from man hands

He needs to hit the gym, and get a buzzcut, bam fixed

>tfw thought that was photo shopped
>search alimony on google images
>Brendan is fucking related
>It is real

Nice suit Brendan, where did you get it? Walmart?

Is this for one of his Indian movies?

Who is the potty hotty next to him?

holy fuck that JUST AT-AT Walker


>messed up suit
>dirty pants
>playing pocket pool

is Brendan drunk?

This is what a relatable human looks like, Jennifer.

i wonder if Brendan ever googles himself


... we don't

He should be in the next Expendables

he'd be the star

You redditors saved him with your petition :^)

Ironic that he earnt a lot of his fortune from the Mummy then lost it to the mummy of his children

He needs to wait until the alimony expires in 2019. All that money he will get from rolls will be sucked out of him from his ex wife

Where is the IMDB user that's supposed to be him?

We did it Reddit!


>He needs to wait until the alimony expires in 2019.
wait it expires? Please let this be true so Brendan can live a happy life again

>Where is the IMDB user that's supposed to be him?

Good to know he still has a sense of humor despite what has happened to him.

I just WISH he could star in another action adventure movie

how do you know?


is this the funniest meme Sup Forums ever created?

so many possibilities

>how do you know?
Because it is so obvious. The way he responded with "Brendan was wearing this so and so clothing when he went here and here".

I don't have the image but he talks in 3rd person about himself (because he doesn't want to actually say that he is actually Brendan).

could be me for all you know.


By stopping this autistic obsession this board has over him and not making a hundred threads about him every day.

Wow this is depressing

Kill his ex-wife.

>Because of medical issues Brendan has been advised not to do his own stunts anymore which is why he is no longer doing action films
AWW SHIT :( :(

In a recent interview with Brendan Fraser, he was asked what he thought “on Tom Cruise being roped in for The Mummy reboot,” and he had the following to say:

>“I am flattered as Tom Cruise is a really big movie star. There were many movies made before the one that I was lucky to be a part of. I am certain that this one will be unique. I have met Tom before and he is a nice guy. He will be great and the film will be exciting. I will buy the ticket to watch it on the opening day.”

He was leading man in a few bombs (Inkheart, Extraordinary measures, Furry Vengeance) and studios stopped taking a chance on him.

never. we love brendanposting

>"I will buy the ticket to watch it on the opening day.”


Why doesn't my image search come up with the same pictures?

what? He didnt get invitation to the premiere of the movie?

thats sad

They married in 1998 and got divorced in 2007
Maybe there is hope for the fucked up little shit

>Universal Re-releasing Peter Jackson’s ‘King Kong’ and ‘The Mummy’ Trilogy

Support Brendan by re-purchasing the Mummy trilogy on Blu Ray!


>Reminder: Brendan is filming a Bollywood Mafia film right now in India


unless they want a zombie movie

>wearing a hat to cover his baldness


He has hair. Calm down

Here is what Brendan looks like in his new role

kek it's real

whatever you do... DO NOT type in "alimony just" into google.

:( fuck you internet

why does he always have such fucked up haircut?

is he afraid to use hair gel or comb it?

Where did it all go so wrong? :(

He still looked awesome in 2008 in Mummy 3

he should sport a pompadour

I've watched webm related being posted in a lot of alimony threads, I just never realized that it was actually Brendan damn..

what is this expression trying to convey?

by stop giving a shit about him

He could pull off some Nicolas Cage-type roles


In the near future we will have the technology to generate lifelike movies with whatever characters and actors we want.

We just have to wait till that time for Brendan's big return to screen.

every face he makes is pure suffering

>its another forced redditor meme thread
Sup Forums is 10x better than this redditor board.

why dont you just stay there

>a walking cane


Brendans body is slowly rotting away and one morning he found a big lump of rotten flesh on his foot. Thats why he needs a walking cane

>somebody please put me out of my misery

Why does this shit genuinely make me sad? I think about it a lot actually. How he had the looks of a supermodel starring in huge films, to nothing more than a shell of his former self.

It's really upsetting.

Brendan didn't deserve any of this. He deserved better.

he has a bad back

serves him right
he trusted a woman

t. triggered redditor

Same here, The Mummy and George of the Jungle were such big movies for me when I was younger, the kind I watched with my friends after school.

there is literally nothing wrong being a reddidor

the Brendan JUST meme started on Sup Forums you fucking newfag

is this shooped. oh god

>i've made a huge mistake

wrong, they were invented by dannyboytbh on instagram

this. Reddit is my go-to for actual disussion. Sup Forums is for farting around

Is that for real? He's not a big lead name anymore and most of the time he only gets supporting roles. If that number is real the guy must be living a very frugal life to still be alive.
Fuck marriage.

>it's the JAJAJA poster again
fuck off to reddit

>has Sup Forums memes on his instagram
>not part of the Sup Forums senpai
JUST was invented by a 4chaner.

You've literally posted this for months every time we have a JUST thread. the fuck is your problem autist?

>In 1998 Brendan was married to the lovely, funny and intuitive Afton.

That's the face of a gold digger.

Actually iit was started by Normie's on Twitter. Then redditors came here to meme hustle because their faggots. So they repost the same thread with the same pictures iin hopes some sophomorefag will use his l33t Photoshop hacking skills to alter the image so they can steal the OC for upboats.
You're also a redditor

>says the redditor who post the same images and phrases in the same repetitive redditor forced meme threads


this is what I got for alimony
how could something be this happy and sad at the same time?

How do we save him fellow redditors?