It's over. Star Wars is finished

It's over. Star Wars is finished.

thank god, finally you nerds will stop obsessing over a franchise that's been dead for 40 years.

>"It's over. Star Wars is finished." says increasingly triggered autist for the 24th time this week

This is so tolerant

Why does he tweet like such a pussy? Why is he the screenwriter for Rogue One? Why did I buy tickets already?

I think you may need to read up on that word.

But literally most of the stormtroopers would still be clones of a Polynesian guy, wouldn't they?

They're either dead or retired by the time the empire really gets into gear, they didn't age naturally because of the cloning and its fucked with them.


Not a lot. Some but they'd be old as fuck.

Please note that this is the same old sanctimonious arrogance that is going to get Trump elected all over again four years from now.

>L-look everyone, I'm progressive!

George Lucas didn't need to fucking print out in big writing that the empire was based off the Nazi regime, why does everything these days have to be printed out in big bold letters

Virtue signaling only counts if it is blatant.

My headcanon is that they're a human supremacist organization, not necessarily white supremacist.

>oy vey stop liking the good guys goy

Maori ruling the universe

Same thing if you really think about it.

Well they used to be in the previous EU. Actually Count Dooku was pretty human supremacist, fucking hated non-humans.

He's a grown man that thinks the only way you can be virtuous is through virtue signalling.

Don't bother trying to really understand the rationale; it will only annoy you.

This. I'm not even an american and I despise Trump, but this regressive SJW bullshit is why he won in the first place, and it's why he's going to wipe the floor with the democrats in 4 years again. Left wing in american needs to get their shit together.

I guess you're right, how far the might have fallen

I think that's what that tweet is trying to say which is tragic considering the guy is a professional screenwriter.


Aw chur cuz. pretty sweet aye.

The more Star Wars movies they make the more I sympathise with the Empire.
Sheev's rise to power was completely legit and in the end, he just did what the Jedi wished they could do but were too incompetent.
Then in TFA, we are being showed a small splinter group of the Empire taking on building a massive Doomsday weapon and succeeding. They basically outsmart and outgun the new republic after roughly 20 years.

the problem with kylo ren is that you just KNOW he's going to have a redemption arc that comes full circle in the third film with him questioning his choices in the second. Its so predictable.

If you want to do a *good* redemption arc with an evil charcter than zuko is the template to follow

why is he posting this? what the hell does the empire have to do with white supremacy? In a universe with literally hundreds of different sentient species you really expect anyone to believe the big powerful military baddies are going to be focussing on "the blacks"

or is he saying that they are human supremacists only and this is an analogy for white supremacists irl?

either way drawing this parallel is unnecessary and plain fucking dumb. It's a fantasy film and the liberals want to shoehorn all their imaginary bullshit into it. he probably genuinely thinks he's doing all the kids a favour on this one of they dont buy in to trumps "white supremacist" politics or some bollocks.

hate that this type of stuff has to be in everything, i wanaa just enjoy star wars without having thinly veiled politics rammed down my thoat

A white human organization?

Its dead, Reddit wins