Raped with a stick of butter LMAO

It is fucking hilarious Brando raped this class D actress with a stick of butter. How can one man be so based?

>The reactions from the hollywood sjw's makes it even more funny


>raped with a stick of butter
This turns me on.

This makes the movie a lot better.
I must rewatch it.

>class D

Firstly, where his fingers went, that ain't where no asshole is, learn anatomy.
Secondly, his pants weren't undone, his right hand was between her legs and his left was propping himself up, then holding her arm.
nothing happened in that scene other than some 3rd rate acting.

What are they saying is he having anal?

yea didnt look like anal idk

No he didn't, it's called "acting". No penetration occured.

It is however true that Schneider didn't want to do the scene but thought she had to, and felt violated by it. Her tears are genuine.

who gives a fuck if the bitches tears are genuine

It's not rape if the person involved really doesn't give too much of a fuck (not going to po po means it wasn't bad)

Simple science

What a first rate man you are, i can see your future will be full of long loving relationships with woman, and your future daughters will be blessed with a loving caring father.

keep crying your liberal tears fag

>“We were having, with Marlon [Brando], breakfast on the floor of the flat where I was shooting,” he said. “There was a baguette, there was butter and we looked at each other and, without saying anything, we knew what we wanted.”

>fucking kek

Brando loved to stick his knob of butter in buns he found on the floor.

wtf was the butter for, lubing up her ass?

yes it was

Scrub that, you'll die alone, unloved, devoid of the comfort that a caring relationship brings, full of the bitterness that a life alone rams into your heart to fill the void of love, a failure to your very being, your purpose on this earth, to reproduce, sad, alone, hateful and bitter. enjoy.

you should really see a doctor for that autism. i think you are on the wrong board. reddit is that way.

How do you know tho?

ill have to try this, thanks for the tip, brando

>thanks for the tip, brando
that's what she said

Yes Yes Well Done Schiender, Well Done Schiender.


watch the youtube clip in the op post

Going by the article and the outraged celebs I figured he took a whole block of butter and was ramming it into her starfish.

He literally just ran his fingers through some butter and stuck it down her pants.

And yes the butter might not have been in the script but the rape scene obviously was.

It's a little fucked up to pull a fast one on a girl in a rape scene but it's not nearly as heinous as they made it sound.

this, I really never got why the shut-ins on this website think it's 'cool' to be the most edgy, cynical person possible. Jokes on them for missing out on real human interaction I guess
Literally the most generic, meaningless and dumb responses you could have conjured up. Your a prime example of an impressionable kid who let Sup Forums get into your head and actually shape your real life opinions. I'm not even trying to just insult you, I genuinely want you to look at your self and change who you are before the damage becomes irredeemable
Your literally theoden from lord of the rings, Sup Forums being the black haired guy working for saruman

you are literally samefagging. i am guessing you have mild to medium level autism and likely fantasize about fucking ponies

Stop being boring

was it vegan butter.

shut the fuck up or we'll rape you without butter cunt

He went full method actor.

>you are literally samefagging

>i am guessing you have mild to medium level autism and likely fantasize about fucking ponies
>Literally the most generic, meaningless and dumb responses you could have conjured up
i'm genuinely trying to help you and stop you from having a terrible, lonely life
Dude how can you seriously be so unreasonable and thickheaded, you're literally to dumb to actually argue with and only respond in memes
Fuck it, enjoy being miserable. I tried

This is why you're a registered sex offender and single

>he doesn't fantasize about fucking ponies

you sound like a white knight faggot who should have offed himself a long time ago
samefagging this hard

Like Kubrick, Bertolucci was obsessed with getting right reaction. Anyone who has experienced the agony of editing process. This obsession is kinda understandable. Y'know that Fincher is the kind of the multiple taker. Steve Spielberg doesn't trust the acting against the blue screen. Not mentioning, Hich, Demille, & Ford, they all had their ways to get the reaction they wanted most. Those behaviors are all in the sakes of having the good option in the editing room. But I just don't agree on the mean ones though.

Woah, really made me think

>And yes the butter might not have been in the script but the rape scene obviously was.

According to the actress, it wasn't. They sprung it on her the morning of (scripts change during shoots all the time), and she was too young and new to know she could refuse.
So it's not like it was totally improvised in the moment or anything, but it was still a massive dick move to pull on her.

stop being a massive sjw faggot

This fucking disgusts me. I feel rage.

Use the catalog goofus.


first of all, brando never raped her with his dick and second of all oh boo hoo he grabbed a BIT of butter and rubbed it on her vagina/anus. This wasnt even closely remote to rape and she could have easily called it off during the shoot. Besides, that scene wasnt even 5 minutes long. It wasnt rape and i hate how every fuckin prick who hasnt even watched the movie is calling it rape and condemning brando and bert.

>This makes the movie alot butter

Settle down Reddit make your own memes for this one and leave us out of it.