
That's like taking CinemaSins seriously.

Yeah it's bad and i liked man of steel and batman v superman before any fag wanna call me a marvel drone

He just parrots everything he hears from Reddit and RLM. He has no opinions of his own.

Of course not. There are many superhero movies that are FAR worse.

>Ghost Rider
>Green Lantern
>Batman & Robin

>caring about cancerous e celebs
kys yourself

he's an idiot and always has been, this takes the cake though.

apparently its worse than
>Green Lantern
>Batman and Robin
>Batman Forever
>Avengers 2
>Wolverine Origins

It was by no means good, but squad had more of an identity than any of those.

>Avengers 2
>Wolverine Origins

Of course it's worse than these. These aren't bad at all.

I knew he was kind of dumb about certain things, but I did't realize just how fucking stupid he is until now. He really does just say what reddit and other people say without understanding why.

and I didnt even like Suicide Squad, but his reasoning and arguments are so childish in this

>"The Joker is the best villain DC has"

>This piece of shit is not shit because there are bigger pieces of shit.

>a guy with a channel titled "I Hate Everything" calling anything cringey

Green Lantern isnt that bad

Its painfully average

Who are you quoting? No one said it wasn't bad.

they're awful, i was perhaps harsh on the x films, but origins is dogshit and the avengers films are some of the worst blockbusters ever made.

This isnt even me being subjective.

at least his popularity's starting to fade now. But i noticed he had been doing this shit whenever something big or popular comes along, (FW and BvS), and just says the opinions of what he read online.

>"The Joker is the best villain DC has"
i keked heartily, his comments on "ruining the first ever screen adaptation of harley quinn" were pretty funny too.

>Complaining about e-celebs
kys yourself


>Caring about this edgy contrarian try hard.

I am not giving this retard a single click

>I usually like IHE

>IHE btfo'd Angry "Deported Desperado" Joe

>tv is so contrarian it will actually defend a dogshit movie (and I mean it) when this opinion is picked up by an autistic mainstream youtuber.

I was actually happy to see that I wasn't the only one thinking Suicide Squad is a stinking piece of shit.
One the first time I agree with that faggot.

I mean come on, don't tell me you fucks are going to say the good old "it wasn't THAT bad..." because it isn't true.

Sup Forums loves DC because its contrarian

3 minutes in and he hasn't actually properly criticized the movie, has made several lame jokes and mentioned that stupid fucking gorilla that got shot. Also the movie was destroyed by critics and a sizable number of people who enjoyed the movie are aware of its flaws, no one is saying this is a great piece of cinematic artistry. The angry guy who reviews shitty movies gimmick has to stop.