If he didn't answer the door he'd be alive today

If he didn't answer the door he'd be alive today.

if he wasn't a hitman he'd be alive today

Your death is guaranteed from the moment you're born.

Whoa. ..

but then he wouldn't have gotten prime neta-lee poon
worth dying for desu

really makes you think

If he wasn't killed he'd be alive today.



Everybody dies, but he got to plow a loli.


It was beauty that killed the beast.

Birth is naught but death begun.

If he wasn't in that movie he would still be alive today.

>implying you wouldn't have opened the door

He reincarnated in the plant later on.

>you need to water me not that plant
what the heck did that even fucking mean? he took her in and shes being a cunt

>tfw uploading consciousness becomes a thing
>but not in our lifetime

potted lant was best character desu

Wouldn't that be a copy of yourself though? A separate copy. Might as well be a clone because your own consciousness is dead.

God damn it, trips never lie

the plant was already alive before he died


No you idiot. You upload your consciousness you're transferring yourself to whatever it is you're transferring to.


Would read again

It's true.

really shakes my marbles

Stranger Things season 2?

No you fuck how would you upload an analog conscience into a digital format without conversion? It would be a copy you shit.

*inhales cigarette*
You're just realising this now, kiddo?

If he didn't answer the door he'd be Léon the Unacceptable

*loads sawed off shotgun*

Heh... The only difference is some death happen sooner then others....

*blows your brains out*

you should write

for reddit