What went wrong?

What went wrong?


His best movie was The Frighteners, so by this point his career was essentially over anyway.

From what I gather the studio forced him into it. Whether or not that's entirely true, I choose to believe it. From this belief, I would also further hope that the studio also forced him into stretching the movie out into a trilogy


He wasn't the original director for the Hobbit, Del Toro was. It was supposed to be 2 movies but the studio pushed for it to be 3 I am pretty sure. They completely scrapped Del Toro's script and at some points Jackson was coming up with shit on the fly the day of shooting. Jackson also seemed to put a ton of effort and love into the making of LoTR and I don't think it was there with the Hobbit films.

Basically the dude was fucking burnt out

>forced him into it

Del Taco leaving, forcing PJ to take over on a movie he didn't want to direct

2 movies would have made it better probably. maybe more soul, less cgi, actual acting etc.

3D in a fantasy adventure
Pushing 48fps
Turning a single or two movie project into 3
Forcing a love triangle situation that was never there to begin with
Trying to force the magic of the first trilogy on a whole new project
Studio forced him into it
Studio had previously fucked him over pay on the prior trilogy
Whole world knew the project stank from the beginning, set bad precedent

Honestly there was no way it was going to succeed. But in like 20 or 30 years we'll get a killer Hobbit movie by some other director.

the george lucas effect of laziness

This, del Toro dropped out making him have to direct when he didn't want to. Thus he had almost no pre-production time compared to the almost three years he had for lotr

>But in like 20 or 30 years we'll get a killer Hobbit movie by some other director.

I don't see this happening desu

>best movie was frieghteners

okay time to take your medication

the studio threatened to hire brett ratner

is LOTR the last relic of the 90s?

left photo
>that moment after a great school event or work day when you genuinely had fun n only appreciate the moment after its gone

right photo
>that depressing moment when you turn up the same dead end job youve been doing for years and realize all your old soul pals are gone and the your the last guy in a new team bunch of young assholes


Fantasy will never be this kino again...




The LOTR trilogy dropped in quality as it went on senpaitachi desu. The reliance on CGI was glaring in the third film.

>caveman on campus aka malouka ain no sellouts

Probably the fact that they had to literally make it up as they went along for the hobbit and were doing this 24/7

Being thrust into something you don't wanna do added without the time or preparation you used to have will fuck up whatever you try to make.

I been thinking on cutting my own version of The Hobbit, were I will cut out anything that isn't in the book.

So it's probably gonna be like 45 minutes long.


>LOTR 10 million+slice of the profits
>King Kong 20 million+20% of the profits
>Hobbit 666 gorillion
>plus WETA Digital profits for years

How did it go from this...

I don't get how the director can just drop out in the last minute and not be sued into oblivion, do these studio idiots have lawyers?


>The reliance on CGI was glaring in the third film.
um, probably because the films got bigger and bigger with each film. i don't remember there being city-wide sieges and massive battlefield warfare in fellowship of the ring for instance.

Pretty much this. The studio forcing Jackson into directing with almost no time for preproduction is went wrong.

Yeah, the movies sucked and it's easy to make fun of Jackson for them, but he was basically set up to fail. New Line knew the movies would make money regardless, so they didn't care how they were made. They just threw Jackson in as the director, made him stretch the content out to three movies, and let it happen because they figured people would see it anyway.

48fps was the best thing Jackson did with The Hobbit though. I saw it in IMAX with 48fps and it was like looking into a window.

RIP both Saruman and Christopher. BOTH GOATS

God I wished Del Toro directed. It would have been really interesting to see his vision of it and felt fresh

Full house doesn't lie here

Some people have already done that. Search the tokien cut or something.

I have been thinking about the same thing, but certain issues you just can't fix.


iirc he got nothing from the LOTR profits since the studio claimed net loss thanks to hollywood acounting


Jackson expirienced the Deamon described in Tolkiens Books on himself.

>If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.