8 May 1926 - 4 December 2016

RIP in peace.

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laterally hoo

>turned earth into a meme

good riddance

Fuck off. Is this literally the only thing you can think of to post, you goddamn phone monkey?

Good fucking riddance. Never have I lost respect for a man faster than I have for him.

>American education

Do you lose respect for everyone who makes jokes?

>after he dies we find out he was a kiddie diddler

defninitly not kiddie... he's either a straight up groper or he's into nature more than others

americans can't handle banter.

he is amerilard
he proably wants to nuke david's house right now because he dared to make a joke about donald trumpf


you fat lords can't really handle the banter uh

>implying I'm American
Try harder

>Defending Trump when you're not american

how cucked can you get?

>attacking someone by using the 15th century pronounciation of their name.

How cucked can you get?

you phrase doesn't even make sense you rest of an abortion

Neither does yours.

>no u!!!

Your posts implied it

That's Steve Irwin.

The Stingray knew the truth, he did nothing wrong.


The brother of Jurassic park man.

Well he seems to have turned into some stupid GMO-hating psuedoscience-believing retard the last few years. So it would probably be best if he died before destroying his legacy completely.

A lucrative idea for a fat fuck:
>make a video of you running on a treadmill every day
guaranteed youtube bucks

And don't come dragging with any fucking "GMO'S KILLED THE BEES" bullshit. That crap is just a stupid meme.

Holy shit, all that movable real estate.

Kekking at that one that could even step up onto the treadmill, while waiting for the one next to it to face plant and break the equipment.

Fucking Amerilards.