Why is Drive the only good Refn flick?

Why is Drive the only good Refn flick?

I drive

Is this b8?

Have you not seen the belgian "The Pusher" trilogy?

>mfw he hasn't even heard of the pusher trilogy

The Neon Demon had the best visuals + soundtrack of any film i watched this year. Good overall

No, because Drive is shit

How come Bronson is never mentioned in these threads

No, but it certainly is the most accessible, which explains why you liked it the most.

I drive

I actually watched this film the other day because of how much it's mentioned.
It's soo fucking cringe.
It had potential, after the opener I thought I was getting into some oceans 11 type shit.
Nope. Edgy mute cuck the movie.
The kinda shit a school shooter who doesn't have the balls to shoot anyone would enjoy.

You clearly missed the whole point of the film.

>you just don't get it

Fuck off, retard

It's about a man trying to become a better person. If you describe the film as 'edgy mute cuck the movie' you clearly don't understand what the film is about and you should return to capeshit.

It's boring shitheap with an autistic cuck protagonist that only exists for autistic cucks to self insert themselves into.

Fuck you

Well, this just proves my point even more. Only Marvel flicks for you from now on.

The whole point of the film is that
Being the next rung on the hypergamous ladder is adorable. And in order to be a hero, like the sound track proclaims, you have to sacrifice yourself to a literally-who single mother you haven't even boned.

Yeah "being a better man".
But in what way?
At what sacrifice?
For what reason?

Pusher trilogy + ogf are godlike imo

He had someone else write it. He's a fine director visually, but movies that he writes are never really better than 6/10, and often worse. It's too bad he doesn't just sit back and do visual work, because it'd be nice to see it along with decent scripts.

Seriously, Bronson is fantastic

He sacrificed his possible relationship with the woman (probably the only one he loves) in order to save her.

Bcoz Chopper is better

I was going to give this a watch because it was mentioned on RLM.
Then I remembered Jay is a huge Refn fanboy.
I really liked Drive, how does this one compare to it?

They didn't kiss so everyone forgets Refn and Hardy worked together.

Better in some parts, worse in others. Felt like he was aping Gaspar NoƩ a bit too much.

Who is she though?
I don't visit r9k but their words are soo efficient.
She's a roastie with chad-thundercocks baby, literally teen pregnancy material right there.
First 3/4 of the film he's a beta orbital, last part he's a puppet to his white-knight instincts.
Pussy whipped, without getting pussy. It's tragic and not in an empathetic way.

>(probably the only one he loves)
Oneitis nonsense.
I shiggy diggy.

>cuck cuck cuck

You're a fucken retard stop typing.

No, Only God Forgives is just too deep for you.

Valhalla Rising rules you fag

This, my fave refn, kinda doesn't even seem like him directing

Neon demon is trash

is there any other autism core?

Pro-tip: This is a common theme in Refn's cinema, impotent men (sometimes quite literally) attempting to achieve gratification and maintain a sense of self through violence (the flip side of sexuality).

>You didn't understand it isn't a valid argument
Why do people act like this? Is it really that hard to believe that something went over your head?
More importantly plot aside the movie is gorgeous, I don't understand why people have such a hard time getting absorbed into a nice atmospheric movie.

wew lad I thought I was gonna have to >ctrl+F >no Valhalla Rising
Bronson is awesome too, I'm downloading the Pusher Trilogy now

Just watched The Nice Guys. Easily Gosling's worst performance.

>I dont visit r9k
well you'd fit right in pal, not everything is about sex dude, people can help each other just because they care.

They didn't get along well and disagreed constantly on the creative direction of the film, which, in a weird way, is probably why it turned out so fucking well. They reined in each others' worst tendencies and indulgences. I think it's still Refn's best film and Hardy's best performance

>taking memes as a form of argument material
holy shit just fucking end yourself

Kuso... gomennasai...

Is Bronson good? I have a feeling that it is more of a traditional movie than Neon Demon or Only God Forgives.

That makes a lot of sense. I don't have a problem with directors creating whatever they want to but I think I'll try to avoid Refn's movies unless they are written by someone else from now on.

Said no one, ever.