Reminder that Brockhampton are literal manchildren

reminder that Brockhampton are literal manchildren

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums collectively thinks that pitchfork is shit
>gets mad at an artist that thinks that pitchfork is shit

>listening to nigger music


Christ if they would just shut up about this shit. Goddamn half of their fans prolly only ever heard of them b/c of pitchfork.

they are shit, but doesn't change the fact that this literal who wouldn't be talking shit if they gave this album a better review.

>artist is butthurt by reviews

pretty pathetic t.b.h

should have told pitchfork to give up on reviewing desu

>siding with pitchfork
pretty pathetic t b h

uh its not about pitchfork
its about Brockhampt throwin a bitch-fork fit.

typical 'hampton fan right here

yeah it is
pitchfork is garbage
you're just mad that it was brockhampton that called them out. are you mad that black kids aren't taking any more of pitchfork's left-leaning flavor of racism?

there is a difference between:
"I feel you did not review our music accurately"
even the former is still a bit buttblasted

>dictating who is allowed to write about your music

no wonder people stopped supporting musicians, they are all fags.

Ameer is based though

lmao you're so upset. if it was a white musician that had called them out we wouldn't have this discussion. you're just mad that it's a bunch of "niggers." hahahahha

nah, if a white dude did it he'd just look like a bigger fag

he is ironic
brockhampton is literally plebbit;the group


Pathetic derivative of a legit 10/10


i don't like brockhampton either but it's wholly hypocritical for you faggots to be calling them out for bitching about pitchfork.

but that's their appeal though

When is Sup Forums's hate boner for brockhampton gonna go flaccid? You guys are so fucking annoying acting like you have any sort of grievances with their music when all you complain about is their Twitter or fans.

Reddit might be more your speed

Thanks for proving my point

Yeah, but one of them is a Berserk fan so I don't mind.


except that cuckhampton are just as left as shitfork


their music is machild music

Yes how dare they call out a piece of shit internet publication. So cringey. Also see

they didn't call out shit
they sperged out like a teacher just gave them a B-

>racebaiting this hard

I always forget Sup Forums is one person

What's the issue? No one here makes an issue about Sonic Youth or Lou Reed slagging off Christgau or Zomby making that "melon" tweet about Fantano, and they all seemed genuinely more annoyed about it then Brockhampton just making a single offhand remark.

Ameer or his producer used to post on Sup Forums pretty often

>sees shitpost
>takes it seriously

Brockhampton are faggots

kanye did this too lol

sonic youth and reed are cool whereas cockhampton are well deserving of whatever shit rating they got

plus the zomby tweet was funny at least

people made a huge deal about zomby idiot

are they right?


daily reminder

>Jayson Greene
I've never seen a more hipster fucking name in my life. Its like his parents predestined him to be an insufferable faggot

stop giving me a hate boner

>Calling out shitfork
And this is bad, because?

No. once its mainstream, it IS A REDDIT THING

This, do you any of you faggots honestly think that something like R&M started as a "Reddit thing"? It became Reddit the moment it got wide mainstream acceptance.

>who is Fantano?

Reminder that you're projecting.

>implying Sup Forums isn't just one person arguing with himself
Come on even the nicknames are all the same

Reminder that that's a copout.

I went to high school with these guys and I was good friends with Merlin. I'm surprised that they're big enough to be mentioned here.

They're all from the Woodlands, and this town is one of the nicest towns in America. It gets named in several "Best Towns in the US" articles every year. It is an insulated wealthy white suburb. One of them says something like "where I'm from they kill niggas for being gay" or some shit, but our last murder was five years ago when some businessman strangled his wife on a frisbee golf course. They have some fun and energetic songs but I hope that nobody takes them seriously when they talk about any kind of "struggle." Pic related is literally the neighborhood that Merlin grew up in. The fact that they're trying to pass themselves off as "urban" is fucking insane to me. They all went to the Woodlands High School for crying out loud.

Nice! How many more posts do you have to make defending shitfork before you can afford a dinner that doesn't come from a vending machine?

if this is true, you need to go deeper and expose them.

Big if true

I listened to them for the first time today, I live in a major north american city, an urban environment much like the one portray themselves as coming from.

Thematically, they did not affect me the same way as other artists in the genre do.

Thanks for sharing, guess I know why.

I'm not defending pitchfork retards I'm just disagreeing with how cockhampton is handling criticism

>look them up
>self-styled "boy band"
lmao what a bunch of fags

Oh look at you. Such a big boi spattering insults at a void

it's always funny when an artist throws a hissy fit over reviews. case in point: tyler the creator after cherry bomb was released. it shows you what someone is really like when they are hurt

Cherry Bomb is fantastic and still very misunderstood. Also, the only way I can imagining caring about who he really is was if he was my close friend.

The reference it sometimes which makes it even more ridiculous. They call it the "Hoodlands" or something, that might not be it exactly, and they name local roads a lot too like route 45. I'm surprised that this isn't at least somewhat known already, since they mention it/don't actively hide it. I don't care enough to expose anybody or anything, just popped in because I recognized the name.
>This is Merlyn Wood, man
>Everywhere I go is The Woodlands

All I can say is that Merlin is 100% straight up from the wealthiest suburb in Texas and arguably the United States. He's a cool guy and everything but that facts are the facts.

90% of Sup Forums is manchildren. They'd fit right in here.

Just looked it up, p4k gave the new album a 7.5. Why are they complaining? Hell I'd say its generous, Saturation III is definitely the worst of the three IMO.

Oh a mainstream music review site bothered reviewing your music at all?

Must be nice.

Which members of Brockhampton are lurking this thread right now?

Im pretty sure the only one who mentions killers and thugs is Ameer, and his story is somewhere along the lines of that poor kid that went to the white kid private school.
Kevin also talks about getting killed for being gay but Kevin lies about literally everything

Not to be that guy, but :

1. Pitchfork has every right to do a thinkpiece on an album. The score should be irrrelevant, for what’s that’s worth.

2. Brockhampton has the right to voice their displeasure with the P4k review.

3. Everybody has a right to an opinion about anything. I think Brockhampton outed themselves as being quite ignorant considering theirs not a clear statement they made back to Pitchfork, or any other Music Publication. To me it’s relevant that they didn’t say the same thing to Melon. Of course how can you when the man catapulted you’re career

Good shit. I think Kevin was talking about the rap game when he talked about getting "killed" for being gay.


Gayniggers acting gay as fuck on twitter.

of fucking course everyone "has the right" to voice their opinions, and we also have a "right" to criticize them for it
what a faggy, milquetoast take

I like their music , its catchy and fun but their personalities are cringy and all their fans are those smug gen z faggots on twitter

wtf i love brockhampton now

berserk sucks

You suck bitch

>Cherry Bomb is fantastic

cherry bomb is god awful

>sonic youth
Maybe 20 years ago

yall motherfuckers are dumb, he's mocking kanye. kevin has proved multiple times that his twitter and all of his social media isn't to be taken seriously. biggest example of this is "brockhampton is breaking up"
it isnt like that
they talk about people not liking them because they are from the woodlands, probably because of their nice upbringing and not going through the hardships of being poor. growing up in the woodlands isnt saying they grew up poor, just grew up in a way that people dont like and would make niggas wanna fight them. kevin is probably referring to being from the south when he's saying he comes from a place where people get called faggot and killed

Brockhampton is weak af for responding to Pitchfork unless this for another reason other than the album review being bad. Like they don't seem like the types to take reviews this poorly. something else is up.

>something else is up.
perhaps they were jokin?

>Overly sensitive and emotional 20somethings gain overnight success
>Expect them to act any different than any other overly sensitive and emotional 20somethings

didn't he do this in response to like a 9 or somethin?

Not him but the past ~100 chapters have been garbage

he wanted a 30/10

>Implying being "Reddit's thing" isn't as mainstream as you can get before being total normie-core

friendly reminder that this is exactly how whirr turned into pariahs

it is normie core

le ebin lebbit bamboozle


wait what? elaborate

Reddit is a normie site. Things that blow up on reddit are one step from blowing up on normie social media. It's far removed from underground or obscure if it's big on reddit.

you can simultaneously think a group is bad while also hating the website they complain about. also OP is more about how brockhampton handles criticism not about pitchfork, it just so happens that p4k sucks

can relate

I honestly think you're misinterpreting aesthetic? Its pretty clear that they're suburban kids, but the "struggle" isn't really defined by an material wealth issue. Ameer talks about going to a different school because of his issues, and having more issues arise because of his being different. A lot of the "struggle" is actually there because they exist in a white suburb while being "unorthodox". Kevin's parents are mormon, Joba had mental troubles, and Merlyn's parent's are the typical strict African parents. I don't know where you would get that they are urban? They only thing that remotely kind of urban about them are Ameer's verses (and I *think* he's actually from another neighborhood, but was sent to school in the Woodlands).

Wait do they actually ever call it the Hoodlands? Just did a genius search, no hits. I believe you that Merlyn lived a nice neighborhood, because he talked a lot about going to a good school (college that is). In case you actually are his friend, it might be a little calming to know he isn't rapping about "the streets." Its a lot about being ghana(ian?)

I feel almost personally offended by Brockhampton. I feel, as a musically and culturally aware college student in 2017, as if their music is being SPECIFICALLY marketed towards me, or at least my demographic, and it all feels so vapid and fake. I think the problem is that they are just too trendy, and as a result of that their music doesn't stick with me at all. Their albums feel disposable and meaningless. It also feels as though it is being targeted towards people who THINK they have good music taste or THINK they know something about music because they watch Fantano or read Pitchfork, but in reality if you put on a Coil album or a Yes album around them they would react with revulsion, because it doesn't fit their ultra-fashionable instagram aesthetics. What do you guys think? Are these valid opinions?

WORSt THRead kill selves all you die fuck now awful mu is shit