Miss Piggy To Play Barbie

Looks like Sony is going full retard and doubling down on the SJW market.

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A Barbie that was left out in the Arizona sun all summer?

wtf i hate good-looking women now

>miss Piggy as Barbie
>winning both the fandoms of Barbie and the Mappets in one move

It's a brilliant strategy.

Live action or animated?

What's it gonna be called, Barbie: Off-Diet?

Amy is fine, get over yourselves you virgins

>not a trans nigger balded amputee
hollywood thinks it can just cast a slightly chubby woman and theyve done their duty to us progressives?

#notmybarbie #whyisntbarbiearetardedwhalenigger

lets get it trending boys

Just don't pay to see it and move on

Live action

We need her to enrich our culture...and WATER

Pic related is you.


Ok, so that premise isn't that bad, as long as the film isn't called "Barbie™" it might actually work.
>Film opens in a factory making perfect Barbie dolls
>One doll gets jammed in the gears of the conveyor belt
>Gets pulled out looking all warped and shitty
>somehow travels to the real world
>looks like the total mess that is Amy Schumer

it's not a terrible premise and could be done well. But obviously it wont be and she's just end up with a 10/10 chad that just loooooves her disgusting man-body and deformed face and horrible personality. The moral of the story being "even you're a shit tier human being you can get whatever you want because hurr" and "women shouldn't be judged on looks or decency, but men should".

Yeah, let's flip the roles and make the not-Ken doll's life hell.

She will have to go full Bale before they shoot the movie.

Is it gonna be an animated film? If so will they retain barbies slim figure & how trigged will shoemurr be?

that plot sounds alright. problem is it will be full of her horribly unfunny humor

Sjw boogeyman and meme aside, who would actually want to watch this?

small children and grandparents
it has a popular brand name you fduckin dopenao qewr32`

What is Sony thinking? Their Ghostbusters movie bombed because people have rejected social justice yet they're going to continue this trend?

they let women make business decisions

So basically the plot is that Barbie is a fat chick who feels hotter than she really is and feels entitled.

OK, so this is a movie virtually no one would watch. But SONY will sink millions into it.

makes me hate fat agenda even more.

Children want to watch Barbie in the Dream House (which is a better series that it has right to be), not a fat bloke telling vagina jokes and being a miserable piece of shit.
It would be worse than a GIJoe movie about a legless GI full of PTSD trying to survive in a world of hippies and numales who do not care about how many friends did he lose against Cobra.

>A WHITE Barbie in 2016/2017
Shake my head to be honest family.

kek, this will definitely hurt the sales of the toy.

If there's no "muh vagina" or queef jokes it's total FAIL.

I guess Lena Dunham was busy

I'd honestly watch that. And that idea is more imaginitive than Amy Barbie being shitfaced and ugly for one and a half hours.

Honestly why can't Sony Japan shareholders just hire yakuza hitmen to kill Amy Pascal, Tom Rothman and other retarded Sony Film execs? It would be easier and cheaper than letting those SJeWS to run the company into the ground.

So it she making it in Tokyo or is she never going to keep her promise of leaving Trump's America?

Life in the Dreamhouse is kino as fuck.

I am pretty sure someone is actively trying to kill sony from the top

Everything they do seems retarded.

Now if you want to know who DESTROYED Sony look no further than KAZ HIRAI.

This ignorant shit head rose up through the ranks of the gaming division at a time when Sony was starting to lose it's grip on the more lucrative and prestigious TV, Portable Music and Camera market. Sony was a pioneer in all of these fields. They were a revolutionary company that dominated all of these markets with some of the best products in electronics history.

But one ego driven little shit wanted to put all his focus on making KIDDY TOYS to appeal to SHIT HEADS like Sup Forums.

Kaz Hirai wanted to appeal to moronic human garbage like this. He chose to favor making KIDDY TOYS over great, high quality electronics.

The rise of the gaming division, which has now lost billions it will never recoup, directly correlates to the fall of the TV, Camera and Portable Music Market.

At this point I should admit that I am an old school Sony fan. I have owned dozens of Sony products in my life. Cameras, TVs, Walkman, Disc Man, etc, etc, etc

Sony was a leader, a visionary company, even the infamous Steve Jobs admired Sony and their products. Ironically he lost that admiration when Kaz Hirai started to rise to power.

Kaz Hirai DESTROYED Sony because he wanted to make KIDDY TOYS that appeal to morons.

Think about it. The rise and fall of a might empire was all caused by one idiot.


>this whole post

Fukkin what? Most of Sony's electronics division became irrelevant when everything went digital. Meanwhile they're trouncing both Microsoft and Nintendo in console sales. Nobody gives a shit if you don't play games.

>Sonyggers are on Sup Forums now

>movie produced by pig amy pascal
>same person behind ghostbuster reboot
>now it all makes sense

Literally (You).


shut up fatso.

Sperg harder why don't you

I don't even own a current console but thanks for proving my point that you're just mad they don't make products just for you, you special snowflakes.

who hired Amy "all hispanics are rapists" Schumer for this?

Amy "The Penis" Pascal, that's who. She obviously owes Shumer's uncle and wanted Sony to lose billions.

>You have to like and support this movie or you are literally a misogynist and a sexist

>"Barbie is exiled from Barbieland for failing to meet the benchmark of perfection"
>Amy Schumer as ugly Barbie cast out of Barbieland
how is this SJW? more to the point this cant possibly be real, no way Mattel would sign off on this.

>Now if you want to know who DESTROYED Sony look no further than KAZ HIRAI.

Quite a lot of Sony's core business was already in total chaos by the time became CEO, just due to changing markets.

>The rise of the gaming division, which has now lost billions it will never recoup, directly correlates to the fall of the TV, Camera and Portable Music Market.

Portable music players and simple pocket cameras almost dead business now. Both are being strangled slowly by smartphones. On TV's competition has increased a lot and as TV's aren't products that last for decade or longer due to becoming obsolete, quality isn't as important anymore as it used to be. 5 years and kek your TV is just obsolete.

Also entering the DSLR business on their own brand after buying camera business from Konica-Minolta was stupid as fuck when it comes to continuity on professional cameras and shieet. They should forked out bit more money and pay either of those brands. Business Konica-Minolta does now is almost entirely printers, medical imaging, industrial equipment and scientific equipment. Their clients don't give a fuck about brand, they are professionals.


Listen, you fucking Trump voters. Amy Schumer is hot and sexy. Deal with it.

Fuck off Sup Forums shes actually funny you autists

She's got an associates degree, I know you may think she's just a hot little package, but shes educated.


Kys yourself

I hope she does a "muh vagina" joke I fucking love those

my only solace from all of this is knowing that either the movie won't be made, or that it will bomb so hard the Middle East will claim that it killed many innocent children

Maybe that is the one thing that is perfect on an otherwise horrible barbie doll whereas most dolls have nothing there.

Barbie 2: Refill

Can you guys maybe not start some shit this time?
I rather not read a bunch of articles about how online anime mras are outraged about this.

Fat ugly dumb jew bitch

>Can you guys maybe not start some shit this time?
>I rather not read a bunch of articles about how online anime mras are outraged about this.

not possible.

even normies and women are shitting on amy and this movie.

go look at the facebook comments section of any news site like EW or people magazine
women shitting on amy about her stand up and about her crass jokes and her looks.

>reading online "articles"
Could you just stoop being female for one day

What makes her different than that femake of Ghostbusters?
Seems like the same humor to me

ypu probably laugh at dane cook and carlos mencia dont u fagot

>women who were fans of barbie won't like it for bastardizing their childhood
>little girls won't be allowed to see it because it stars Amy "industry bicycle" Schumer
>men don't care
>little boys aren't interested in anything without guns or dinosaurs

I'm pretty sure at this point Amy Pascal, the producer to this thing, makes movies only for herself, considering she also produced summer flop Ghostbusters 2016 and bought the rights to Zoe Quinn's memoir. Sony really should fire her.

Adults who like raunchy Amy Schumer comedies

her rape jokes and slut jokes and stinky dirty vagina jokes and fucking black cock jokes

not like the girls of ghostbusters not even the gorilla


So she is "problematic"`?

I love it. Always great when they cannibalize each other.

>it's a pol gets triggered by modern media thread

just stick to watching 60s shows if you want to play pretend at a lily white world you alt white crybabies

>obvious Sup Forums false flag
too obvious Sup Forumstard.

yes, very problematic
comments like this are popping up in the guardian or screencrush

"Most unfunny, classless woman I have ever seen. Her GQ acceptance speech was utterly disgraceful"

"Amy Schumer brand of comedy is mostly sex jokes and about how fat she is. Considering that barbie is generally aimed at young girls and has no genitalia, not sure how this is going to work"

are the pictures of toys for this movie leaking already?

>32.8 billion yen
What is that in real money?

I don't get why you guys are mad about this. Let them make more SJW films that crash and burn. You don't need to argue against SJWs if they're just going to self-sabotage with shit like this.

If Online Harassment Organization, The "Alt - Right" doesn't use Russian hacking methodologies to manipulate the like/dislike ratio for the trailer on youtube, then it will be the smashing success that Ghostbusters: Answer The Call would have been.

When this film breaks 100 million domestically and saves a generation of little girls from a nightmarish future of healthy eating and exercise, this will serve as repudiation of Trump's presidency, and will destroy his ability to implement the LGBTQISLAMICPOCBLMFEMMELATINX gas chamber policy. Even more so than Jill Stein's devastating recount.


No refunds.

I'm surprised they didn't got the other fat fuck from the Ghostflopper.

Are they hiding her for another surprise reboot?

What if Lena Durnham played as Barbie?

Didn't she rape a cab driver because she couldn't pay?

>They're going for the SJW market
>SJW's will feel obligated to support it
>it's like a vicious cycle of stupidity

we need a world war or something

Movie will open with Amy being in Barbie world, will basically be an entire movie about fit/healthy shaming

>but thats ok by the end we will all learn you can be healthy at any size

>5 years later Schumer dies of fat related disease

where'd you fine her, in a dumpster and how does one get over oneself when they're not a virgin?

nice virgin shaming


my guess is
>Sausage Party with Barbies!

Sounds familiar.

Sup Forums my fist orgasm was with a blue party balloon stretched over my dick and me holding a Barbie on my cock making her bounce up and down like she was violently sliding around on a tree trunk. I still remember the little convolutions and pulling off the balloon and the tiny little gob of cum at the bottom. It was only then that I understood what all those porno magazines were talking about, I thought cum was just piss at that point.

I'm literally shaking right now, they're trying to reimagine my first sexual conquest with this ugly Cabbage Patch Doll.

>SJW's will feel obligated to support it
As shown by Ghostbusters, their support is not enough.

I know Sony's board are a bunch of trolls trying to bring down their company.
I'm really surprised though that Mattel gave the greenlight to this.
This will tarnish the image of one their most important toy lines.

let's hope that's enough to stop this shit then

How is the Barbie brand allowing this? It will be suicide to put a bunch of fat Schumer Barbie's on the shelf next to Monster High and other good looking dolls.

>literally "women are smart and funny, get over it: the post"

Be honest, how many of you rail on-line against Schumer for being any of the following: fat, ugly, dumb, jew, bitch or unfunny. Yet you would totally nail her in real life, given half the chance? Either 90% of Sup Forums is lying their asses off, or you're all in loving relationships with super-models... guess which scenario sounds more plausible?

You never leave the damn house, let alone the basement. So it shouldn't even be a problem for you.

I don't have sex with rapists

>Yet you would totally nail her in real life, given half the chance? Either 90% of Sup Forums is lying their asses off, or you're all in loving relationships with super-models

Super model > 90% of women > Amy Schumer

Your false dichotomy is false.

I turned down sex with your Mom last night because her breath smelled like she had gorged herself on rotten garbage at dinner.

Does that answer your question? Yah/nah?

I rail in her because I hate her.
I hate her voice, her personality, and face.
I wish she'd die painfully, and I'd rather fuck a goat.

sorry bro. she has a disgusting face.
no matter how much she begged me to fuck her i wouldnt.
there are some things you cannot ever forget. cant ever unsee.

the idea of a sweaty amy shumer moaning while fucking me makes me want to puke. she looks like an orc

So, once they release a trailer for this, do you think it will top Ghostbusters dislike ratio?

I'm already imaging how mad the media and SJWs will get