Max Borenstein, the head writer of Godzilla (2014) and the soon to be released, Kong: Skull Island, has posted nothing but hate for conservatives, Trump voters, and Trump himself. He's even semi-called for the assassination of Trump.

Boycott this fucker and the producers who allow this shit.


Grow up mate.



while I think this man is a cuck, boycotting something solely because you don't like what one of the people who is involved does in their fucking free time.

How fucking autistic do you even have to be

>cucks so used to writers and directors being mentally ill crybabies that they no longer see it worth pointing out




Nah, it's more like these "boycotts" are totally useless because nobody cares and it will make over half a billion dollars regardless

How does one being a crybaby affect their art?

Now if you swore off Borenstein's work because Godzilla was fucking shit, that'd at least make sense. But boycotting someone's film because you disagree with their opinions is childish as fuck.

>boycott this person for their hatespeech!

you're literally a SJW, please kill youtself

>Boycott this fucker and the producers who allow this shit
If you boycott everyone you disagreed with, your collection of movies, music and books would be gone.


They always have been you dumb fuck. Boycotts do nothing. Grow up.


Sup Forums is literally the right wing manifestation of the left wing tumblr they claim to hate


Why are neckbeards so easily triggered by differing political opinions?

Sorry your feelings got hurt over your orange overlord but we don't give a shit you stupid faggot. Why would we help you silence free speech when half the people come here for their anonymity, another thing guaranteeing free speech.

Go run into traffic and don't come back till it sticks.

is this accurate?

tumblr is childish teenaged girls; Sup Forums is childish teenaged boys. two sides of the same cancer.



why are you so triggered that we are pointing out that he is a jew?

>Sup Forumsbeards ever affecting anything IRL

vid related

He can't be that bad, he wanted DJT banned from Sup Forums

Didn't get the reaction you wanted, did you?
Dumbass americunt

why are you so butthurt about Jews?

Is it a virginity thing? I mean der fuhrer certainly seems to like them.

>Boycott this just like we did The Force Awakens. We'll make sure it doesn't make a fortune from our autismbucks.

we affected the election you dumb fuck

I hate to tell you, Sup Forums, but most of Hollywood are leftists. You might as well give up watching entertainment besides duck dynasty if you are that butthurt.

>Be Sup Forums fatass
>Nobody likes me IRL because I'm pushy, easily offended, can't relate to anyone, and have bad hygene
>Movies are all I have left after animu and cp
>Constantly triggered by everything in the media
>Stalk the twitter of movie producers for some reason
>See comments I disagree with

Being Sup Forums is suffering


yeah negatively, if Trump wasn't associated with the alt right he might have won the popular vote


That was Comey, retard.

The only one butthurt here is you Shlomo.

No blue collar working class whites did

Has a Sup Forumsbeard ever even had a job? I think not.

No. It's a natural pendulum from 2 terms of one party.

>u dont want a safespace u must be a j00000!


pic related ain't wrong either. Name the neck and watch it chimp out.

>no answer

no positively and popular vote is irrelevant

that was us

>It's a some neckbeards posting kiddie porn and "this is so offensive" threads on a chinese cartoon board all day take credit for the hard work of the Donald Trump Campaign episode


Who cares? He's entitled to his own opinions. Stop acting like the SJWs you hate.

No we did and I have a job

Nope Hillary would have won without our meddling. Nothing "natural" about the new non white world.

Holy shit you are triggered

tfw Sup Forums meme magic the election for Trump and redditors are still fuming.


>a few thousand 14-year-old shitposters affected the whole election
are you even old enough to vote?


He won because of an archaic system that should have been abolished ages ago. If anything, it's because liberals can move away from people they don't agree with (ie California). Thanks to the people you support, you keep getting fucked over financially, stuck in whatever state you were born in, most likely.

Great shilling, senpai. I'm gonna go to the midnight release now.

How about I "boycott" the movie because it's yet another king kong movie? A writer on the movie sharing his political opinions on twitter don't trigger me. I'm sure there were a few trumpfags that worked on the film in some capacity.

It's so childish and inherently faggoty to insist on boycotting something because one guy out of the hundreds, and if there is considerable CGI thousands, disagrees with

Well, all writers in Hollywood are liberal idiots like him and the Rouge One, that explains a lot why almost all movies in the recent are so terrible.

OP could have -
>Pointed out that Max Borestien probably dosen't have enough experience to make this any good.
>Pointed out that the main writer has been responsible for the worst three Eddie Murphy movies ever made.
>Waited for the trailer to come out and smile as Sup Forums inevitably ripped it to shreds.

But never mind that, 14/88 RA HO WA !!!!!11

>No we did
No, you didn't. You're social parasites nobody likes. Trump would have won by even a larger margin if you cockroaches didn't try and fuck things up with your autism constantly.

>and I have a job
funny joke. A Sup Forumsbeard is anathema to work. An honest days labor is utterly foreign to it. It leeches off of mommy and later on government disability for its """""""""Aspergers"""""""" and """"""""social anxiety"""""""

>If only the people who made the snorefest Godzilla 2014 agreed with my political views then it would be kino without changing a single frame.

>its a triggered Jew can't handle others opinions thread

oy vey

Sup Forums did correct

>wah wah i didn't get my way its archaic

top kek

>That projecting though

we did sorry the truth triggers you

I certainly know who else hopes 4 more years.

Seriously, people are willing to excuse his script for Godzilla 2014, but not his political opinions? OP is underaged.