
But that's completely correct.


Other urls found in this thread:


thats hilarious


>make fun of someone
>woah, how dares he get offended? what a thin skinned faggot

so when is okay to react or you have to let people shit on you no stop otherwise you would appear immature?

wtf I love this show now!

So is this show's entire promotion based around commenting on how millennials are triggered by a show about how millennials get triggered?
This all feels very crafted, but what I don't see is who the target audience is supposed to be.

both are delusional

people just call mchale a faggot because hes not funny and then he calls it outrage.

its pretty simple.

So I guess this show will be cancelled soon then. Oh well.

I'd argue old millenials who were there to remember 9/11 are

>Self Centered

It's never a clear-cut thing

That's honestly too perfect. And those reporters are cunts.

Probably mainly millenials who hate other millenials, or at least realize how retarded some of us are. Like how Boondocks was for black people probably.

It's for baby boomers who think their generation is the best.

>Probably mainly millenials who hate other millenials
The "born in the wrong generation" cunts are legitimately the people that irritate me the most about my generation.

>Especially to entertainment, something that isn't a human right.
Everything I want is a human right, you bigot.

The people that are the saltiest about the millennials are the Gen Xers though. Especially that late Gen Xers that are closest to millennials.

The dana carvey special 60 straight white male thing on netflix sums it up pretty well. Our generation has relied heavily on our parents generation for just about everything and our parents are only slightly less dumb than us. Considering the sheer amount of problems that they've left our generation. We're getting screwed by their inability to adult properly and leaving us a broken government, a borrowed future and a global system that is untenable.

As we lose our ability to fix and borrow what they've broken, we will be unable to interject our influence like we used to for our own interests and our enemies will rebound in the vacuum. They already are.

Our generation is ready to meet that challenge.

Our generation isn't* ready to meet that challenge. Unfortunate typo.

As someone of the previous generation, I think millennials have got the shaft in pretty much every conceivable way, and aren't as angry about it as they should be.

They didn't have childhoods like those of us in the older generation where we just took off on our bikes and were on our own exploring the woods and shit for 12 hours a day. That would be parental negligence now. They never got to experience that freedom because we're all too scared that our neighbors that we have never bothered to meet are rapists and pedophiles.

If they want a quality education, they'll be taking on shitloads of debt with no real guarantee of gainful employment afterwards. They could do a trade program instead, but even employment in the skilled trades isn't the sure bet it used to be.

Couple that with the fact that the housing markets in metropolitan areas have long since left them behind, so that owning a home is a pipe dream for the vast majority of millennials, and it equals one giant cock up the ass of a whole fucking generation of Americans.

And people call them whiny and entitled when they bitch about any of this. Setting aside the whole issue of SJWs (which, let's be honest, is like .0001% of them, they're just really fat and loud to make up for it) why do people hate millennials again? Because it seems to me they're taking their buttfucking with a fair amount of grace.

Is millenial,baby boomer,gen x thing an american thing?we dont have such terms here so im wondering

We tend to define age groups through generations, usually 25 years at a 'package' so Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z etc

baby boomers are the children of our world war 2 generation, because they came back from the war and had a ton of kids, along with a booming domestic economy, because pretty much every other industrialized place on planet got wrecked in the war, so we got jobs and millions of men back in the populace = lots of babies.

i was born in 97 and im 19
checkmate 4channers

So is the show any good?

I see thanks for explanation

Its not your fault, even though academia and media has been using this for a device to categorize people it isn't an often referred to thing as you would think and honestly, because of our economic problems..it has become more of a go to in the clickbait era of media we're in.

It is easier to shit on young people by calling them millenial, or know you're talking about old people if you're calling them boomers, or whatever the fuck they're going to call people after us..Gen Z?

>harsh times breed strong people
>strong people bring forth bountiful times
>bountiful times breed weak people
>weak people bring forth harsh times

That is all, carry on

Stop shilling your shitty "humor" show for plebeians

>Is millenial,baby boomer,gen x thing an american thing?we dont have such terms here so im wondering

No. Terms apply in pretty much all western countries.

>We tend to define age groups through generations, usually 25 years at a 'package' so Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z etc

20 years.

>baby boomers are the children of our world war 2 generation, because they came back from the war and had a ton of kids, along with a booming domestic economy, because pretty much every other industrialized place on planet got wrecked in the war, so we got jobs and millions of men back in the populace = lots of babies.

Happened in pretty much every western country after WWII. Only difference is that most other countries it wasn't instant prosperity after the war, shortages and rebuilding. Generally economy was booming and unemployment was non-existent thing thanks to rebuilding and return to economic normality in 50's.

When it comes to shit later generations have had to deal with stuff like economic deregulation have been bit behind outside of US. So Older gen x people have had more stable careers like baby boomers and temp/part time job fuckery became the norm few years to decade later.

hey me too
let's sex

Well I argued 25 because depending on which writer you're following they tend to shift the dates of who and what they're defining for whatever their purpose.

Which is why despite the years not changing, who gets lumped into what group is still up for debate and why they change starting and ending dates for who is in what group. They're in consensus in what general 'area' these groups fall in but I see and have seen a range of dates.

All of these tend to seem like media devices and short hand for signaling in our abbreviated media environment to convey the message more quickly and less to do with any reason why a label would fall on one date and not the other.

>be Gen Xer/ Baby Boomer
>be in positions of power for decades
>fuck up basically everything
>completely fuck over younger people

t-thanks user...

Well. I would argue there is an element of laziness brought on by our safer and chiller upbringings.

It's less "I need to get a job or I will starve" and more "I want a job in X field so I'm gonna spend 8 years living a cushy life with my parents and take on a lot of student dept".

Especially now that it seems harder than ever to find work, people should clamor for every little thing they can find.

>live in an era of constant economic growth
>jobs are plentiful
>can support an entire family on one wage

>A millennial member

Good fucking journalism.

Millennial is a meaningless label used because writers and journalists feel uncomfortable talking about real things that divide people like race and class

Millennials have a right to be outraged. The boomers were the most coddled, subsidized and privileged generation in human history. Now the millennials have to inherit the debt of the boomers and get none of the benefits.

Nor the jobs, or the great pensions they gave themselves and we won't be getting.

I think I'm technically a Millennial, born in 83... and still posting on Sup Forums... fuck!

Anyway; people smarter than us have lectured on the generational differences, usually from positions of bias, but I'd argue that the main problem is housing.

Rent/Mortgage payments as a percentage of income have gone up substantially, wages have remained roughly the same. Fucked

It also doesn't help that new-builds are aimed at baby-boomers who want to buy-to-let, or upgrade for their retirement.

Seriously upgrade for your retirement! Backwards or what.

At least we have video games

you have to be born in 90 or above to qualify for millenial you gen x scumbag

Categorising by birth dates is a poor way to group people.

I wish, most people place most of 80s in millennial territory, which is why I said 25 years.


>tfw there is a SEVEN YEAR waiting line just to rent a 1 room starter apartment in a shit neighborhood in my city
>can't move because all the jobs are here
>all the university students steal all the 1 room apartments because they get preferential treatment even though they are just freeloading off the government

Oh thank Christ! Millennial makes us/you sound like a cult.

See I read a couple of articles that argued otherwise, especially as people born 83-84 in the UK got hit by a bunch of Millennial type shit.

Stupid housing, university fees, richer parents, went back to live with parents after Uni, internet culture. Maybe we're just tail-end X(s)

Maybe we should put a boundary on it based upon culture; if you thought the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were amazing, you're generation -X. If you think Pokomon was amazing, you're a millennial.

Seriously Pokemon, what a bag of crap

>apply for affordable housing
>"Are you a single black mother?"
>"Then you're out of luck. Check your privilege."

people don't talk about SJW memes because they are incorrect, there is nothing more to it than that

the boomers' media encouraged "Rebelling" against the culture/societal status quo of North America. now millenials' media is all about outright hating their media/societal status quo. they blame every failure they've ever experienced on their society. it's the reason millenials are so pathetic. whatever this show is, I like it

>siding with baby boomers who ruined the economy and fucked things up for our generation and millennials

alt white literally has stockholm syndrome

What does that have to do with the it being a poor way to catergorise? I dislike the SJW, outrage culture, whatever you want to call it, as much as you do. But linking people by arbitrary birth dates is useless.

thats because society has screwed us over? most 1st world countries are aging populations and have left us to foot the bill for everything they've done and most of time we get on and deal with it. Millenials is just a term used by oldies who dont want to accept they caused the problems while most of us were in school

>whatever this show is, I like it
>I haven't watched it but I like it

Are you retarded? People probably didn't like it because it was shit, like most sitcoms. I can tell what fucking stereotype each character is and what jokes he'll say just by looking at that picture.

It's a fact that boomers and millennials were born into very different economic circumstances. A boom received tens of thousands in free government handouts, rode a wave of economic prosperity created by their parents and were able to afford a home on a single income after highschool with no skills or higher educations. Millennials can't afford to even rent on dual incomes with post-graduate degrees in STEM fields in most major cities where the jobs are. Boomers were born in a time when their parents were paying down the war debt, the total debt was shrinking and the economy was booming. Millennials were born during a time when boomers were massively expanding the US debt to record high levels and crashing the economy over and over.

I'm only saying it's not a poor way to categorize because the distinction is made between generations.
>when these people affected the culture in 1960 they were called boomers
>when these people affected the media in the 70s they were called generation x
>when these people affected the media in 2000 they were called millenials
as someone who was born in '90 I've had everything I need to live comfortably. working hard isn't the worst thing a person is faced with in life, it's one of the most straight forward parts of life honestly

What's the difference between creative and innovative?

>and crashing the economy with no survivors.

That's really not the right comparison though a better one would be
>make fun of someone for a specific thing
>they go on to do that specific thing as a response

You're missing the point. Boomers did not work hard. They were lazy, stupid and ruined everything. Now they think that's just how life works. You show up, do nothing, get all the money and retire early in a huge house. They think that's reality. They don't understand that they had very lucky timing and showed up at a very weird period in history that let them get away with that shit.

You don't even understand what you're talking about. The same income they were afforded by the environment of their economic conditions couldn't be met with credit cards, loans and a job in comparison to what they could do with a single income stream is what he is saying.

The dollar is only worth 68 cents to what it was in the 70s.

Think about that. You need to work twice basically for the same quality of income, that is how halved our economy is. Any labour historian could explain plateau- of income and life quality in general and you're trying to honeyglaze that with hard work is what makes life, life? Our working citizens put in more effort per job, take less time off more than just about any other industrialized nation, save maybe japan and they still get more days off in the working year.

Millennials watch significantly less TV than the previous generations. Especially the males.
It's understandable the old media have a grudge on them.

Who cares, the MSM are on the way of extinction.

Millenial generation start in the late 70s.

It wasn't so much that they didn't work hard, it's that their wage was much higher in comparison to what it is now adjusting for inflation, and pretty much everything didn't cost as much, including college

Millennials do work harder though. They work longer hours, receive less pay, and have fewer benefits and can't afford as much for their money.


I never said millennials don't work hard, I was just saying that boomers did as well. They were just paid more and lived in an economy where everything cost less by a huge margin to what it is today.

>Well I argued 25 because depending on which writer you're following they tend to shift the dates of who and what they're defining for whatever their purpose.

Well generations are extremely arbitrarily defined categories, there is certainly overlap. Baby boomers are usually defined as being born between WWII to 1960. In Europe they are quite often referred as 68'ers due to all student happenings back then in almost all European countries.

Generations before boomers are defined by much very clear historical events. The silent generation is largely defined by growing up during the great depression. The greatest generation that fought in WWII or worked in factories during it.

>Which is why despite the years not changing, who gets lumped into what group is still up for debate and why they change starting and ending dates for who is in what group. They're in consensus in what general 'area' these groups fall in but I see and have seen a range of dates.

When it comes to defining divisor between X and Y generations. We are in it right now. Most of gen X ran into internet as adults for them it is mostly work related thing. Gen Y ran into this clusterfuck as teenagers or as kid, it is entertainment as much as general communication thing.

Even if boomers paid for their education, colleges in US didn't operate as for profit de facto corporations. Education was much cheaper back then.

>Millennials do work harder though. They work longer hours, receive less pay, and have fewer benefits and can't afford as much for their money.

Millennials and late X gen never got job market stable employment like baby boomers. So we don't have economic stability and security it brings. It isn't all about wages, but knowing that you have that wage year or two ahead.

>education was much cheaper back then
until boomers took over the system and it became all about money and greed, more so than it was already. Not a communist or anything, but it's true.

The reason millenials are giant pussies is because of their whining about the media/culture. No one gives a shit if you're given less money than an extraordinarily over-privileged generation who squandered your utopia. And I certainly don't care if you think you deserve more than you're paid. Everyone deserves more than they're paid. The point is you shit on your own culture (i.e. film and tv, comics video games etc) incessantly, ironically doing so through your own culture. Why not produce something of value with all that anger instead of shit flinging on social media.

I'm not a millennial.

I didn't get mad, I got even. House prices are through the roof? I'll just live at home, then. Wages are terrible? I'll abuse welfare programs.

The government gives me about 8 times as much as I put back into the economy through purchasing. I went to university on their dime, and did nothing with the degree.

You sure showed them, and also everybody else and also you.

I don't think you understand how responsibility works. It isn't the victim's responsibility to fix the problem.

Hey man, let's fuck over our kids by making it really hard to afford to be alive and then call them whining little bitches.

>don't strive to be successful
>die out

Sounds good to me.

Your country basically only allows 10% to be successful

I'm not in the U.S.

If you don't work hard enough to be successful then you shouldn't be allowed to continue your bloodline because it's a waste of resources and will just breed more failure.

You're probably unemployed or on minimum wage and are blaming the 'system' instead of yourself for being a failure.

>Friendly reminder that baby boomers and Generation X created political correctness and are responsible for the downfall of Western Civilization

>Friendly reminder that Trump is their vain attempt at correcting this.

You reap what you sew faggots and millennials are your fucking fault.

I'm not in the US either, I live in a country without minimum wage, we have unions who negotiate wages for individual fields. I just finished three years of collage (for free, I actually got paid roughly 400$ a month even) so I'm currently working in a supermarket where I make around 1400$ a month working part time until I find a job related to my major. I've got it pretty fucking good living where I do, so americas social structure seems pretty retarded to me.

Not him, but you do realize there can't be just successful business owners, right? Someone has to do the rest of the jobs, we can't all be american presidents no matter how much your self help YOU CAN DO IT propaganda tells you.

>You reap what you sew

You rape what you see.

I agree. There is a noticeable disconnect between, say 81-90 and 91-96



so we are human trash that needs to be purged

>t. born 1990



Is this show actually any good?

Gen Z is too young to know how they'll be.

Also why is Gen Z less than a decade?

Totally this, the proliferation of the internet and to a lesser extent the end of the Cold War totally changed how kids saw the world.

t. 1986

Nigga, no kid between 86-90 remembers the Cold War you faggot

t. 1991

Americans are such Fucking finooks

>it's an everybody hates every other generation episode

You can create things that are not innovative.

Just another pointless way to segregate people, absolutely stupid really but I find it hilarious how people are being snobby over generational terms such as Millennial or Baby Boomer.

>12 year olds are self-aware, persistent, realists, innovative and self-reliant

Is that Stephen fucking Fry?

Millenials are truly trash. And boomers are worse for raising them to be that way.

To be fair, it is not like millennials watch TV, so what is the point of catering to them?

>Hates millenials and boomers
We have a literal 60-80 year old on our hands boys

What the hell is on his head?