One week til he fucking dies

One week til he fucking dies.
how will /mu handle this?

Other urls found in this thread:

with love

He's not gonna die on that date! And even if he did die anytime soon, why that particular date? What the hell is this stupid meme?

dubs and Brian lives and attends Mike's funeral.

dubs and he dies on the 21st, carl's birthday

hell be fine

Dubs and OP dies next week

rolling for that

>implying he's not immortal

OP here rolling for that

dubs and everybody lives happily with a happy holiday of their choosing next week.



not op but rolling for this

Great, how are we supposed to have fun after that? Are you happy now??

thank you user :)


Thx user

If he lives past Christmas every Brian doubter must leave this board forever

He's been dead since the late 70's anyway.

quick rundown on this meme?

dubs and OP dies of AIDS

dubs & everyone in this thread dies except Brian


some user """""predicted""""" brian wilson was going to die on christmas day and his post number was in the trips or something (trips of truth i believe)

Hexes of truth works too

>trips of truth i believe

rolling for this

if your triples said, it's said.

trips of truth

way bigger than trips. Nice trips tho



He's gonna choke on christmas dinner

i'll throw in a reroll

Brian Wilson is not going to die on Christmas because getting repeating digits at the end of your post on Sup Forums doesn't actually mean anything because "meme magic" is not real.


Brian Wilson is not going to die on Christmas since we have one week to get to 76999999 at the very least, and if all goes well we get to 77777777

And mercy

He'll be fine.


How is he going to die anyways?


he was already saved by quads last week

He will live for another decade
Digits confirm

>inb4 meme magic will work on him
it this happens this shithole must be nuked

hell be fine

>tfw i'm the one who started the dying on christmas meme
feels good, can't wait to finally ascend and become a real prophet

>trips of truth

hexes override quads, so he's not saved
he will need some septs to survive

he's fucked, rip

he's not, we can still save him

i don't believe for a minute he got hexes of death with these post numbers anyway, quote the get or it's just tricks

I love you

i'm sorry


did this really happen?



god only knows he'll be having fun, fun, fun with barbara ann up in heaven this christmas


hell be FIINNNNEE!



>tfw you're dying at christmas but at least you'll be with your brothers again


rip brian

he'll 4 fine

Bye, Brian


he will be missed

Christ almighty, fucking RIP Brian

Holy fucking shit gg

why is this happening to brian??!! he doesn't deserve this!!!!

it's all over for Brian now

I will pop champagne and laugh.
Overrated crap.

Brian's going to be wrapped neatly underneath a Christmas tree

i can't believe how consistently brian has been btfo by amazing digits since the initial hex prediction. he's gonna die on christmas day just as surely as trump won I'm afraid. i don't even particularly believe in all this stuff but the signs all point to bad.

hell be fine

It wouldn't be nice.

rolling for a peaceful death

He's going to die on Christmas, user. Just accept it.


God only knows.



at least hell be going to heaven...

just noticed he has green shit in between his teeth. Must really like vegetables

you can't keep getting away with this

are you fucking kidding me???!! what the FUCK

absolutely fucking absurd thread. RIP.

i love clack

What are you guys going to do when Brian dies?

I can't believe he's actually going to die in 6 days

Sleep cause that'll be my first day off since last Saturday

Rolling for world peace

It was worth a try

trips and he releases a new album in 2018

Brian Wilson will live.

Your trips are of no value in this thread