What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

Raised by a single mother.

fookin' sand m8


dick burned off

Poor writing
give him to Gene Roddenberry and you'll see some villainy instead of just implying it

he dealt in absolutes


He had the dark side of the force which is power by any means, i.e. fascism
Same exact character appears in 900 samurai movies

muh dead wife

Satan's right

He literally had his genitals roasted while his """"good friend"""" watched

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to lava dick, and lava dick is a path to the dark side.

Spaceniggers, furry koala manlets, problematic son, etc.

Fear of death.

Seriously, I watched some half-wit philosophy video on YouTube the other day spout some pseudo-Buddhist bullshit about how Anakin's core problem was fear of death.

Which only completely ignored the fact that the vast majority of other people in the galaxy also fear death, but don't run around murdering children because of it.

Well, all I'm going to say is that Nolan could make a Vader movie.

>Jedi stole him from his relatively happy life as a "slave"
>left his mother to die
>never once thought about saving her
>forbade Anakin from dating
>denied him his master position for no real reason despite being a superior Jedi
>They couldn't give him the power to save his wife
>best friend slices his limbs and watches him burn in lava forever tying him to his Vader suit.

It's actually quite tragic when you lay it all down like that.

he was a white supremacist

So the same as voldemort and sauron then?

>most ham-fisted tragic backstory ever created drawn out over three fucking films
>user has to have it laid out to see it

It's executed poorly in the films.

Not his death, though. Anakin was a daredevil, always taking reckless actions. He couldn't handle his loved ones dying.

Once you go black you never go back

Sick to fucking death of Republican Bureaucracy.

Saw the benefits of a fascist dictatorship.

Yes, ham-fisting isn't usually considered good execution.