This sucks man

this sucks man

>Sup Forums thinks disorder is a good song, so the rest of the album must also be amazing
It's boring as fuck

no, its ok

I agree. Closer is better by far, even if only for the fact that they figured out how to work around Ian's inability to sing for a whole album instead of just a couple songs at a time.

new order is so much better it's not even funny


>it's boring

Spoken like a true pleb

great thread, gotta love Sup Forums for these insightful discussions

Disorder and Wilderness are good songs, the rest just kinda blurs together for me. I've heard it 5-6 times.

Disorder isn't even top 5 on the album and the album is an 8/10

Absolute pleb

>Disorder isn't even top 5
come on mate

>Deletes Candidate
>Shortens I Remember Nothing
Now it's perfect.
Disorder isn't top 3 but it's certainly top 5

I overplayed it I guess.... Day of the Lords, Insight, New Dawn Fades, She's Lost Control and Shadowplay.

I prefer**

Day of the Lords, New Dawn Fades, and Shadowplay are my personal picks for better songs, but Disorder will always be one of my favourites.

Thats what ya get taking advise from basement dwelling failures & rejects.

what's wrong with you op

Candidate is the most depressing song tho

Worst post-punk "essential" by fafr

which is why it doesn't fit on UP at all, there's two depressing songs on the album and those are the ones I listed

I thought the same thing on my first couple of listens but I eventually learnt to love it.
Disorder and Interzone used to be my favourites as they're some of the most accessible on the album but I love Day of the Lords


it's ok

>Closer is better by far

it isnt

how would you describe post-punk to a Swedish hardcore fan

this is objectively true

Insight is the only bad song on this album to be honest.

I thought so too on my first listen, maybe even my second, but now I love it.

UP is highly acclaimed by the outside world. Even a lot of normies like it.

"It sucks man"

New order is basically joy division without Ian. Which means New order is basically joy division but shit lyrics