How do you meet girls with good taste?

How do you meet girls with good taste?

>tfw sperg who can't talk to women, let alone one with good taste

ask him

break into their houses

First you have to go outside

go to a concert????

Take a long, hard look at this picture.
Good taste and good sex in a gf are both great, but some things aren't worth the price you pay.

This. Perfect women don’t exist. Go find a nice girl and her tastes will be molded by yours OP.

Literally vomit tier.

Pic obviously not related.

>good taste in anything
Also her hair colour is a good indication she is bi-polar

Look into your mind, cause that's the only place you'll find them.

there's no such thing

this girl is someone who relies solely on image, not someone who has good music taste.

>having good taste

The same way you meet girls with bad taste.

Word. If the girl is cool, open minded and appreciates art, you two will sooner or later find a common denominator.


man imagine how fucking obnoxious she must be

in any other era she would have gone ignored. now theres a crowd for everything and she is instantly validated by hordes of beta males like us...scary shit

Yeah, I'm dating a girl right now who is super open minded about music and will give me her honest opinions on anything I show her. Honestly the best.

Last time I went to one I got beat up because I look jewish.

>like us
speak for yourself fag

A poseur? Any woman with good taste in music have it cause they had an ex with good taste. Have fun dating said qt who will never get over her old boyfriend because she listens constantly to music that they used to love. Women are incapable of forming good taste on their own, this is a meme. Kys my dude.

>trainspotting quote
Bet the bitch only saw the movies.

didn’t notice that

imagine having so little of a personality you have to have pop culture references everywhere to try and seem interesting

Also by taking the picture undermined the entire meaning of the quote.

is trainspotting considered pop culture???

It got a sequel, so probably.

Don't, the closest you're gonna get to a girl with "good taste" is a girl who just likes mediocre alt rock like your pic related. Might as well find someone who's nice and not let music be a deciding factor.

oh my god i forgot

i think you're right ... i mean, what the fuck

yeah why wouldn’t it be

didn't this chick have black hair? also who is this I know I've seen pics of her before, either that or it was another hipster arthoe with the same exact trainspotting quote written on her mirror.

go to college

Make a Tinder and post all your favorite bands in your bio.

Your mom goes to college

how am I supposed to do this if I don’t have any pictures of myself

My girlfriend likes William Basinski

that bitch was gay dude nice try

>shitty punk
>worst Sonic Youth album
find someone with better taste

if she was a REAL fan, she would have just overdosed on heroin instead

t. child

This thread is sad. What's the point of trying so hard to be "unique" and "interesting" when no one thinks that about you. You guys act like normies are losers without personality but deep down inside you don't have anything redeeming but music that you didn't even make.
