Is this show any good? One of my tranny friends swears its good

Is this show any good? One of my tranny friends swears its good.

Does she idolize that one dumb kid with the glasses?

First couple of seasons are pretty alright

if a tranny says it's good it's probably bad
A tranny once said I'm attractive and I'm hideous looking

the good episodes are really really good

It is. Your tranny friend has good taste.

>date night tonight..gonna go out get some food

pretty good.
good to have on in the background while you shitpost and masturbate

It's pretty funny.

Though your tranny friend might just like it because almost all women in it are voiced by men.

Never trust trannies they are mentally retarded

Kill them asap

Its a solid show with a talented VA cast

it's a modest replacement for golden era simpsons, considering current simpsons are shit and the seth mcfarlane crap factory only craps out shit.

It's a show with no jokes. 100% of the "comedy" comes from characters saying non-jokes in a funny voice.

It's... "meh."

Dry non-jokes attempting to be quirky. I imagine it's written by that weird girl in high school who hardly spoke to anyone, had short hair and mismatched socks.

Probably the best (or the only good?) adult animated show on TV, despite what the Rick n' Morty redditsquad will tell you. It's the obvious inheritor of the KOTH mantle: underrated cartoon with tons of heart that preaches good values.

During the whole shit Simpsons, Family Guy era and Bob's Burgers was new, is was refreshingly hilarious.
When it started I thought it was really funny.
It's been a while, don't see it as much, but I still find it funnier than new Simpsons or Family Guy.
Can't say about recently though.
But first season was pretty hilarious.

>weird girl in high school who hardly spoke to anyone, had short hair and mismatched socks

she sounds like a cute

>One of my tranny friends

It's not consistently good, but when it hits the mark it's fucking hilarious.

i doubt it's anybody's favorite show. very mediocre. shit animation. really annoying voices. (the mom is soooooo fucking annoying.)

I like it, though it's not quite as good as home movies since it doesn't have the best character H. Jon Benjamin has ever voiced or will ever voice.

The answer is yes. It's a good show

>One of my tranny friends swears its good
Post her asshole lad

As much as I like home movies, I think bobs burgers is more consistently funny

I will Bob's had a better first season than Home Movies.

I haven't watched home movies in a long time. I still have the first couple of seasons somewhere. Bobs burgers doesn't have anything equivalent to Jason

Literally reeally good

Gene is kind of Jason on a constant candy high. Loses a lot of it's humor considering Jason's emotional explosions were made more funny by the constant mellow nature of the character otherwise for the most part.

Nah m8 I don't think they are much the same. I think Jason would get annoyed of gene

That's because Gene is the worst aspects of Jason.

Jason used to crack my shit up. I need to rewatch that show

first 5 season are fantastic
after that it gets kind of kit or miss, but there are still some great episodes

It feels like a more bombastic version of King of the Hill
>down to earth dad, really passionate about his mundane job
>kids that he can't really relate to
>obnoxious wife and friends
>lots of work put into expanding the town and side characters

It's absolute dogshit.

I'm surprised the consensus here is that it's """"""""""good""""""""""".

I really like it, the kids can be a little overdone in some episodes but as a whole it's a fun watch.

I'm a fan of any character H. Jon Benjamin voices but the real gem of the show is Linda, perfectly written and the voice actor nails it.


If you think unimaginatively animated characters delivering dry jokes with a dead pan tone is the pinnacle of comedy you'll love it otherwise save yourself the hassle