Itt: feminism done right

Itt: feminism done right

Joshi Puroresu (especially during the 80s)

>focused on female audience
>unique style
>characters that both defied and embraced perceptions of femininity
>never focussed on any gender issues

if feminism would be like that id support it.

>if feminism acts harmless so it won't affect my brittle sense of worth, I'll allow it

how is that feminist in anyways ? they need max for protection


shit movie that's fun the first time but doesn't hold up on rewatch

honestly the wives felt more honest as strong female characters than Furiosa, not to mention Theron's acting was awful for the entire movie.

>put your trust in this buzzcut gimp
>she starts crying when her master plan literally goes tits up

that "scream up at the heavens" scene make me roll my eyes


you mean effective? Building something? Making the world more interesting instead of trying to make it more bleak?

>be women who are pampered and treated like queens in a world where literally everyone else dies and starves to death
>he wants you to have his babies like every other woman in history
>"waaaah oppression"

fuck women, nothing is good enough for them. she went out of her way to save a few women but killed hundreds of men in the process. i guess men's lives are disposable and only women's are worth saving?

Dredd was pretty good with this.

yeah but having a strong female character doesn't make a movie feminist no ?
i mean is Alien a feminist movie ?

fuck off Sup Forums

>the white haired wife


well she does come from a tribe of man-hating womyn warriors who deliberately set honey pot traps to catch and murder horny dudes

you bitch like a woman

"Who killed the world?" though?

it's the british,mate

>moral of the story is both hyper masculine and hyper feminine societies are doomed to fail and the sexes need to work together to prosper
>autistic SJWs and MRAs on the internet think it's a man vs woman movie

it's people discover how reproduction works


There is no "feminism done right." Good female characters are independent of some intellectually bankrupt ideology

>one guy is holding society together and is trying to produce a less than fucked up heir
>one woman ruins this and then dumps the society down the drain because it was mean

The man was straight up running a functional society with farms and social welfare.

It's nothing to do with fucking feminism. It's a fucking movie.

There are good male actors.
There are good female actors.

Just because a female is a lead actor does NOT MEAN IT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH FEMINISM.

These are MOVIES. They do not EMPOWER anyone. They are chosen simply for the storyline and character. Nothing to do with fucking making one gender better than the other.

It's called propaganda and that is exactly what it is. Just like the new Star Wars.

This, the sjw pseudofeminist are dumb as fuck but the amount of supreme gentleman posting it's getting annoying. Those lame fuckers get insecure and triggered by the lightest things

the only thing that triggers me is that Fury Road is not a very good movie but people act like it's the greatest action film since Die Hard

I really hope people get over this fucking trash in a few years

This is completely opinionated though. Not everyone likes the same films.

>Some people like transformers

That kind of movies are just fun action, they don't aspire to be some deep shit, dunno why some people keep sperging about that, same with capeshit. Why don't they stick to their "patrician" films and stop complaining like bitches?

Yeah, but it's still annoying to hear people constantly praising a film that I think sucks, and it makes me hate the film even more out of pure spite. I just want everyone to shut the fuck up about Fury Road already

Mad Max barely has much of a script. How does that aspire to be some "deep shit" then? It is just a fun action film, yet everyone goes fucking ape shit about it thinking it's "le reddit movie", "edgelord movie". It's just an action film that's pretty fun. There I said it, it's enjoyable. I don't read anymore into it, why would I need to? It's simply a film.

It has nothing to do with being "patrician" or not. Snobs are just as pathetic and obnoxious as the worst of plebs

I just think the movie is crap regardless of what it "aspires to be"

Feminist Kino

>people act like it's the greatest action film since Die Hard

Fury Road is actually better than Die Hard


Fury Road isn't even as good as Die Hard 2, let alone the original

the forced feminism was the worst thing about Fury Road though


really makes you ponder

It's not forced. Women being held captive like Immortan's wives were would probably react that very way. It made total sense even if it triggers you

>both men and women can be good or evil
>both men and women can be competent or useless
>both men and women can do terrible things and have terrible things done to them

Agreed. Why we even call women people is beyond me. They literally only exist to create more humans, and should be treated as the cattle they are.

Maybe you should try /r9k/ you Incel faggots.

In a post-apocalyptic environment it makes sense for women to be treated as precious commodities.

I like the way they treated the subject in "A Boy and His Dog" which IMO is better than any of the Mad Max films

10/10 movie

>boy and his dog
>its about a woman
Why do they do this?

A boy and his bitch

It's not about a woman, that's actually the point of the film. It'll make sense when you watch it, trust me

but it was so unsubtle

>that revelation when one of the fallen bosses was now a sissified fucktoy
Feminism done right

>trusting a Sup Forums user
Ruh roh


feel free to make a "movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching" thread if I'm wrong

Some of the most insane projection I've ever seen right here.

It's not a feminist movie, it's pretty obviously just the typical egalitarian "men and women have to work together to win" fluff that is all to common in movies. It doesn't have much of a message outside of 'societal change has to come from within' with the focus on furiosa vs. Joe.

If you're seeing deep, seething feminism in this film it's because you put it there. The hiring of one consultant with an obvious agenda for a minor part of the film does not dictate the message of the film which again isn't anything more than the safe predictable "work together" message.

Fury road isn't a terribly deep or thought provoking movie, but it is one of the best shot / choreographed / directed action movies in the last 16 or so years. Practical effects and stunt work, all real cars and tech, on-location shooting with the exception of the dust storm pick up shots and parts of Joe's citadel, precise, perfect center to center editing with no shaky cam, etc... You may not like the simple (or nonexistent) story, but in terms of action and presentation there isn't a movie that holds up against Fury Road since some of the action gems of the late 90's. Other movies have parts that are better, the raid for example, but as a complete package of action set pieces Fury Road is top of the pile until something dethrones it.

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

Eh, I thought Dredd was more interesting, more stylish, more fun and had less obnoxious subtext.

Say what you will, I usually hate sitcoms and such, but I fucking love that show (excepts once they won the lottery). very nostalgic.


its on par with 1 and 3 its better than 2.

The movie revolves around a bunch of women who are escaping a man who kept them as breeding stock and called them his property. They even claim that "they're not things". These are women who were targeted for their beauty and ability to get pregnant. And they want to escape and do what they want.

How is that not feminism? It might not be nu-feminism but it's feminism. Maybe at its most basic level considering Immortan barely sees them as women.

He sees attractive women of breeding age as valuable goods which makes perfect sense. In a world where humanity is dying off, every girl with good genes and working ovaries should be closely guarded, I can't really blame him.

In such times, survival of one's genetic line is more important than worrying about some girl's fee fees. Anyway I'm pretty sure the director wants to side with the female characters because "muh freedumbs" and all that but I wasn't buying.

it's more on part with 4 than any of the first three

its a dystopia though, do you even remember the beginning of the film?

From my post it's obvious I realize it's a dystopia. Naturally such behavior wouldn't be understandable in a utopia