Radiohead BTFO by based Million Dollar Extreme

Radiohead BTFO by based Million Dollar Extreme

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MDE have been dead for 2 years now dude

Is this 2015?

MDE was never that funny but this made me chuckle audibly desu


dude is this 2015 why are they making fun of le radiohead my favorite band

That guy with the afro did it better

>tfw no more classic MDE

it hurts


>masturbating while listening to The Postal Service
Who does this?

t. reddit tourist who discovered mde this year

thom thom

I love MDE but Sam fucked it all up.
Take the Bombstrap pill.

i pretty much agree
the show shouldn't have been taken off the air for what he did but it is his fault for trying to test the boundaries of what he can and can't do instead of playing it safe and keeping the show

I hope he turns it around he hasn't made anything funny in awhile and his recent pandering to kids raised on chan culture is pretty embarrassing

I like the few videos he has but don't give care to watch 3 hours of him playing videogames. Also how is charls able to immediately ship merch but sam takes months to years?

Purity boys

Sam is undeniably the weak link in MDE. He's the worst actor of the three and also a self-hating little pussy bitch. Fuck you Sam

Hopefully Thom will see this and get really sad and make some more good music

You're right but Sam does make the most content by far too

peaked years ago, content has been shit since. can't wait until sam gets too dejected to do this.

I actually quite like the video though. The abrupt way the backing music pops in and out during Nick's impression of Thom is really well done. I think it highlights one of MDE's strengths which is their sound design. The outro on this video is great.

come on mde would be nothing without sam. i love charls and nick but sam more or less singlehandedly made mde what it is (/was)


Sam Hyde more like Sueis Hyde because he's gonna kill himself in 2018

You're right. I'm just bitter because he also made it what it is now.

t. sam

why the fuck didn't sam go on cum town

dude sam hasn't made good content in a long time. he just rants about stupid conspiracies on hydewars

MDE is fucking dead but College Cunts is a modern work of art. It perfectly encapsulates the nihilistic dread of the college experience in the 21st century. I rewatch it before a new semester.

allegedly the timing just didnt work out

same, for me Sam just has one of those faces that no matter what he's doing I'm laughing. The general structure of their stuff is lame but if Sam is coming on strong I'm laughing

isn't cumtown affiliated with the democratic socialists of america? they got some shit for a rape joke from sjws, imagine if they got le nazi man sam hyde on the show.

youre getting cum town mixed up with chapo

I miss MDE

mde never dies

KSTV2 is coming soon and sam is doing hella shit
bombstrap is making choice cuts every so often
it's still lit

you're all faggots

Sam was the best in the gang...and without him, would have been a bunch of nothing.

yeah that's chapo trap house which is basically the shitty version of cumtown that sincerely shills political causes and makes literally millions a year on patreon

MDE is dead dude. Nick, Sam, Charls aren't making another video together again. KSTV2 is just going to be more aut right pandering. He's working with the fucking eggman from /r9k/.

mde never dies newfag

hell yeah

john maus

I'm as far left as they come but College CUnts, Moms, Ideas Man alone give MDE a permanent free pass from me. Sam may be a douchebag but he has serious graphic design/production talent and a good ear for music and he actually has some insightful critiques on society once in a while when he's not going on about muh j00s.

sam wasn't that bad. hes pretty clever in those phone videos on mde. charles is fucking hilarious though

2nd guy is terrible. what a sarcastic tool.
Anyone making fun of radiohead that way is lame, because last time I checked they make good music.


>the last good vertical video was a flavorful smoke

the only joke, which I hope was intentional, is that the guy in the video is actually a total loser compared to Radiohead, whom actually made quality music and media

Nick's the funniest member, show some respect.

-thom thom yorke

he's a diamond a dozen suprior than you-sarcastic dude according to that video

the kissless virgin i never get pussy one was good too

>diamond a dozen

Damn Sam is fugly as any race

>Sup Forums - Music

thom york

I'll agree hydewars isn't exactly good content for most people, but I still find some of it funny and Sam has some pretty decent insights into the creative process. It's not groundbreaking shit, but still not bad to listen to when you want to kill some time. Also, he doesn't talk much about conspiracies as the name might suggest, so I don't know where you're getting that from.

... and other than his twitter presence, which I admit was his downfall and too toxic for even his standards, he barely tackled the topic of Jews in the majority of his video content. And if he did, it wasn't ever more critical than a lot of Jewish jokes made on television before.

Yes, I'm a Sam dickrider. Have followed him since MDE's inception and have even worked with him on a few occasions. I don't blame people for it, but he is a bit misunderstood when it comes to his edge factor. Either people pick and choose the worst things they've seen/heard about him and claim him to be some ultimate edgelord, or they just can't see past his trollgame. Again, I'll admit he's been a fucking idiot on twitter, but the best example I can present for Sam Hyde's style is his anti-gay rant at a comedy show in Brooklyn. You'd have to be pretty out of the loop on Sam's track record and material that he has put out to not be able to tell he doesn't actually believe the shit he was spewing about gay people and AIDS. The political shit is where he kind of lost me a bit, and for a while there I was on the fence about whether or not it was all being done in the same vein, but now I think he's gone too far into alt-right territory and, to quote the man himself, "it's getting to a point to where even I have a problem with it."

Correction: His anti-gay shit isn't the best example of his comedic style. What I really meant is that it's a solid example of the lengths he's willing to go for his comedy that you could still argue for him not having any ill-intent other than to piss off sum young, hip Brooklynites.

gnarls barkley in the house

Charles's merch wasn't instant either, I ordered the hoodie the day it got put out and it got here two days ago. It's way easier to put out clothing merch, especially with an established company, than some 800 page clusterfuck book. Still took longer than he said though. Bombstrap hoodie came in on time.

Hydewars definitely dropped in quality, I subscribed to it just before he paywalled it 'cause I want to keep supporting him, but those creative insights aren't there anymore, not worth seeing it early. And I also really don't see the point of his Twitter activity. It's fucking bizarre, he's really putting the nails in his own coffin. I think the political humor worked better a few years ago, when there were less people in on it? Not sure what I'm trying to say.

And the anti-gay material worked when it was indefensible, ludicrous bullshit he was satirizing. As a skilled cocksucker, it pisses me off to see the lengths people have gone to defend queer habits developed in an anti-gay world in a world where they won't be fucking executed for wanting to fuck men. Thing is, people still do fucking hate gay people for no reason, and while my evidence of this anecdotal, it is varied. Where I do really have to stop giving him the benefit of the doubt is when I see his Twitter, and when I see him imply multiple times that gay people are child molesters/all were molested. That's probably because I'm bi, though, but I see this, and I see that people really believe this, even if he doesn't. It just troubles me.

I'm bi too and gays are all (practically all) child molesters tbf

bi too they are quite predatory

the gay community does have a lot of degenerate habits tbf

Thoughts on kid six?

why don't you all go suck each other off?


gay pic

Sup Forums absolutely btfo for good

As much as I'd like to disassociate bisexuality from homosexuality, it's not going to happen in the relative future. The only reason we associate is because straight folk see us all as the same, and ultimately we share goals and are both minority groups (at least not as small as trans, lel), and HIV.

At risk of stereotyping, bisexuals tend to be more sociopathic than gays, mostly because there seems to be a greater willingness to admit choice in sexuality. Do I think people ultimately have a choice? I really don't know.

That's what I'm saying. We would call out behavior that should not be allowed to continue societally, but we shouldn't fucking eviscerate these people. I think if more people knew about the fate of Turing, Canada's notorious gay purge, and the thousands of more egregious events that have happened to queers, they'd understand better why gay people are so fucked up. Everyone really takes for granted that people would literally be arrested in many first world countries for homosexuality.

>tfw no bf

people still think sam is funny?

They call me Peanut Arbuckle

black white supremacist