
Letterboxd thread: post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched

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First for based machill!!!


i'm a massive faggot ama letterboxd.com/PsychologistHD/

This is a site for film. This is allowed. This is brave. This is 2016.
The top '''review''' is by some creature like that.
That's all pathetic

Why wouldn't it be allowed

idc about one liners as long as they're...insightful? and not meaningless tosh

Control quality shouldn't allow demented individuals to be the representation of the people's opinion on a film


Who can judge that though. Who is the tosh police
it's a film diary website, people can use it leave whatever comment/information they want in my opinion

Stop being faggy, Ronald


Friendship ended with ITALIAN CRIME FILMS

Now GODFREY HO is my best friend

nice trips. also no

nice meme ronald! I've seen it on reddit!

daily reminder

why do so many people take this site so seriously
grow up, just read the reviews of people you follow

Careful to not fall from there

>this mongrel thinks himself a true Aryan with good taste in film

be jelly it is the best gollum/smeagol impression ever
>being embarrassed about high school

Why don't you love me anymore ? ;^(


Kind of annoyed that it's taken me this long to see The Exterminating Angel. In fact, I should really be more into Buñuel in general.

What's some good recs? I've seen Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Los Olvidados and Belle de Jour. Got Obscure Object of Desire somewhere on my hdd as well.

What was your favourite segment in VHS?

Looks fun, where do I start?

So, the Film Club of the week is with "Ultimo Tango A Parigi", right?

Don't forget to watch, rate, review and comment on the general :)

Yeah, same case with EAE. Some thing just keep getting pushed, until you receive the right incentive and then can't escape. Thanks, Criterion

Viridiana is his best.

>reading letterboxd "reviews"

ok, but have you seen the petty whining lists turned essays that are clogging up the top lists page, the only thing I sometimes look at but it's also people trying to hard for "funny" gimmick lists...

The Exterminating Angel is his best in my opinion.

Some you haven't mentioned, that I liked Viridiana and Diary of a Chambermaid. A lot of people like Simon of the Desert, but I wasn't particularly fond of that one. It's fine but it didn't have the power of the others mentioned. That being said, it's only an hour, maybe less. So you can knock it out in no time.


I feel like the only person who actually cares about this is you. And yet you continue to post these, why? To try to validate your irrational anger?

Sounds like I'm lying for no reason but I actually didn't know it was getting a release until after I watched it. Like, after I was done it come up on my newsfeed that Criterion were doing Exterminating Angel on blu ray and I was... "huh that was weird"

Cool I'll check it out.

Diary of a Chambermaid looks pretty promising, I'll see what I can do with that one. I'll try SotD if I have some spare time soon.

illusion travels by streetcar
mexican bus ride

The one with Emily. Also enjoyed the frame narrative quite a bit.

Yes. W2c

Stupid cat

>I rate art

Oh boy! The entire history of artistic criticism is dead thanks to this user and his reaction images.

What a time to be alive.


You didn't feel so good then

Well tipped m'goodlad. How many Christians have thou slayed on r/atheism today fellow Redditor?

Kys, steakbro

>still has shit taste

two stars short on Edge of Seventeen there famalam

Kys you fat mick

Why no rating for Squid and the Whale?

fair dig

wasn't sure how i felt about it after a single watch. it's a very rapid-fire movie and i'm not sure that watching it bleary eyed after waking up at 3am was ideal. will probably rewatch sometime this week, maybe thursday night.

i don't feel that way. it was a solid directorial debut, though. thought it was funny that Hailee Steinfeld was basically playing a more energetic version of her character from When Marnie Was There - the opening narration from both films is very similar. preferred Marnie, though.

>steakembryo watches english dubs
very surprising

usually i watch both. very much worth it on Marnie for Steinfeld's performance alone. she's fantastic in it.

You have the power to erase 3 people from letterboxd - who do you choose?

You and the two people you like the most.

So witty

fuck that nigga hope he eats his own balls

SJB, Todd Gaines, James Healey


I need to re-watch Raising Arizona, its been far too long.

Too low ratings for the first two

I'm going to rewatch Contempt but i won't even try to help the neon demon.

shut it whore

Get fucked, retard

I didn't get banned yet btw and also that cuck never accepted my apology

>been 'away' from 6 months
>cinemos still being developed
>Sup Forums's rym equivalent threads still exist

You apologized? m8...

still, you can't get into fights with people that aren't used to any sort of aggression at all

Yeah, I guess if I really felt like it I could btfo him on IMDb and not get in any real trouble because I don't use IMDb for anything other than information.
I noticed the mods deleted all of our comments on that one guy's review, so I'm guessing I won't be getting in trouble for this one. It was fun while it lasted

Take Shelter, Far From Heaven, Interstellar or Embrace of the Serpent?

Yeah, one thing that this shithole definitely offers to anyone staying here for some time, is some very welcome desensitization and a (theoric) better handling of whatever insults. On SJW havens like Letterboxd, though...

take shelter duh

Interstellar is the 'greater' film, even if not the best

Take Shelter for sure


Every female and Sammy James Black

>neon demon
>higher than 1 star
go away you anti-art faggot

>almost plotless visual fantasia

hehe I think we know who's the actual pleb here

t. embryo

TND is one of the best of the year. Anyone dumbly hating it is clearly the real anti-art

*leans into mic* wrong

*shoves mic into embryo's ass*

*leans into mic* wrong

That must be painful when it's inside your hole


Too bad imdb flick lovers had to co-opt the "embryo" insult. It had potential.

t. embryo

you shouldn't insult yourself so much user

>dismiss discussion and pretends to be another user supporting his retarded POV

Neon Demon is good and you have bad taste

>Jimmy shakes hand

Can you still speak, embryo?


How many films have you seen? I can understand if you've seen less than 500, it's the only possible way Neon Reddit would be likable.

More than you, but that wouldn't be hard anyway, embryo

Post profile lol

Ah, the 'post profile' kid

what makes it one of the best of the year?

it works every single time

>best soundtrack
>excellent colors
>best cinemtography
>kino director
>best waifus
more like what doesn't make it the best of the year

haha holy fuck i'm not that user but
>excellent colors
>best waifus
is all i needed to know. get the fuck out of here

t. embryo

>"kino" wasn't the dead giveaway
Smoothhands pls

I'm not that user, either. It's one of the best films of the year, though, and not for meme reasons.

So no actual substance to that estimation then? Gotcha.


t. embryo


Sweet Jesus, it's more than a decade later
