New Indian Sesame Street character


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Will he poo all over Sesame street?

lmao poop in toilet

Cousin Skeeter?

>it's a pol triggered by a nonwhite or female in media thread

poo in the curry

brown in town


Wait I thought that sesame street was occupied by monsters and talking animals, what are they trying to say about Indians?

I thought there are more chinese than indians there

>idiots now complain that Sesame Street is suddenly progressive

this is a children's show, why is everyone getting so triggered about a show they haven't watched since they were 5?

Hope sesame street has a corner at the end of it otherwise this poor chap is out of a job

Sesame Street has always been affirmative action street. Why did you think otherwise?


looks like dressed poo

Looks Mexican.



>show stars a 7 foot tall bird, his imaginary friend, a green trashcan man, and a blue monster who has a cookie addiction
>it's the Indian character who is hard to believe

I do wonder if he will shit in the street/grope female character though

Why did they need to make him indian? The puppets didn't have a clear ethnicity


Didn't they add a muppet with AIDS years ago? Who cares?




Why are they giving the Muppets race and nationality?

They are muppets. I thought the point was to represent people and character traits without getting hung up on that shit so any kid could project and identify.



sesame street is a show that has from the start had tons of not white characters, real people not muppets

Sup Forums and thedonald care
so they spam it


>meant to be progressive by introducing an Indian character
>he dresses like a stereotypical Indian, defeating the purpose of being progressive

>Why are they giving the Muppets race and nationality?

It's nothing new. For example, Sam The Eagle is obviously American and Dr. Honeydew definitely has Asian traits(yellow skin, slanted eyes, doctorate)


Why are people rightfully upset about children being politically indoctrinated by liberal shitlib SJW bolshevists

Gee i wonder, kys leddit

It disappoints me that none of you fucks have heard of Avenue Q

This, you fucking plebians




Sup Forums truly is the worst board

>It's Sup Forums gets triggered about race episode

Why is it that nobody ever learns any morals in these things, and it's just lame, old racist jokes?


This is completely unrealistic.

Sesame Street is like a working class Urban city, and Indians tend to be upperclass

Now thats quality bait, good job op

at what point was the show and public televisio not liberal you total shithead ignoramus

> it wasn't explained to me on MDE so why would I know about it

What's his name? Is it Raj or Ajeet?

This is from a musical you mongs.

No one likes you, Pajeet. Go be creepy and rapey somewhere else.

>giant bird
>trashcan monster
>heroin addicted violet elephant

Fucking white ppl, every time lmao

i'm very surprised they haven't had one for years



>poltards get triggered by colors

Back to your safespace.

Why are neckbeards so triggered over baby shows?

Go back to /r/ShitRedditSays and also /leftypol/

Why are leftist manchildren here?

You're only making the board more right wing.


tip top kek

what does his poopoo look like?

East Indian or American Indian (Native American)?

Nope. This is Sup Forums. Sup Forums is over there.

This Communism argument is getting pretty old.

It is basically the equivalent of fedora tipping. Real Communism actually hasn't been tried because all Communist nations that have ever existed were and are Stalinist not Communist. Despots taking over is not part of the Communist manifesto and Communism actually did work in Russia before Stalin..

>Real Communism actually hasn't been tried
Yes, many times.
Also marxist communism is pseudoscience, that's the MAIN reason it doesn't work in the real world.
Dialectical materialism is retarded and so is the denial of genetics/instincts and human nature.

Give me ONE reason the workers shouldn't own the means of production.

Does that look like a fucking petrol huffer to you?

They won't actually gain anything from it.

They would be producing/consuming the pretty much the exact same amount of resources if you take the capitalists out of the picture.

Nice proof bourgeois filth.

Because managing the means of production is a different job than working with them.

Besides, under every communist state, the means of production (including, in this case, the workers) are controlled by a political vanguard, not "the workers".

Besides, under every Stalinist state, the means of production (including, in this case, the workers) are controlled by a political vanguard, not "the workers"*

Way to undersell.
What really happens is net production goes to shit, because industries are run through a political system, not a search for net production (profit). So you get both useless activity and a lack of products people want, as well as a lack of new products and methods.

Basically, the communist system works so poorly that every state running it has to become totalitarian in order to enforce it.



>Has to
>There are no Capitalist dictatorships
Oh wait, under Capitalism you can just buy the media and enslave people with debt so nobody talks about those.

Do you even know what an argument is?

If you took every single penny, every single consumer good AND capital good from the capitalists the working class wouldn't be any better off. No new consumer goods or capital goods are being produced in this scenario.

Please explain how the working class will magically be able to own more consumer goods after the "revolution".


It's like a religious fundamentalist calling me a "sinner". lol

This assumes, of course, that the people founding a particular communist state aren't implementing a system of central control of all resources specifically so they can control all the resources themselves.

>>There are no Capitalist dictatorships
Not him, but yes there is.

But they're not even CLOSE to as bad as communist ones.

Hell singapore is basically a dictatorship and most people there are doing well.

Sesame Street has been liberal for over 30 years. That's the whole fucking point of the show

>enslave people with debt
I think you're thinking of central banking and keyenesianism.

Which isn't capitalist.

I said nothing about capitalist countries.
There are dictatorships in non-communist countries, of course. Half the point of taking power is to control the resources.

While we're all here, what makes Avenue Q the comfiest musical of all time? Is it the perfect blend of feels and comedy?

Oh wow a children's show being inclusive, who fucking cares

Don't think any of the underages on here even know this is a bait thread mate, let alone what Avenue Q is.

>I thought the point was to represent people and character traits without getting hung up on that shit so any kid could project and identify.

That's not special treatment though which is what they want.

I heard there's a brown person on Barney mr. necky. Is this white genocide?

But a fucking bird or a monster is not a nationality.

Why indian and not anything else?. It makes no sense.

Is a fucking stereotype.