What is this man's name, again?

What is this man's name, again?

Vindictive Cummysnatch

brofist cowabunga

Bendthatdick Cucumberpatch

Fucking Boy George

Beadick Cuminherbush

Bubblegum Crumblysnack

Babadook Crispybob

Benevolent Cunnyposter

Benedict Cumberbatch, star of BBC TV's highly overrated series Sherlock.

Fix'd, no need to thank me.

ass man ?

benny cunnysnatch



benefits clumberjack

I'm just gonna assume this is your attempt at trolling and not that you got lost on your way to tumblr.

Thefrensch Champagne

I actually am not sure anymore

Camberwell Lumberjack

What's going on here? Mmmm

Bendeddick Cuminsnatch

>ohh nooooo tumblr is coming to get me!!
Sorry I intruded on your SAFE SPACE, moron.

Benedrude - Cumberstorm


Baltington Hufflepuff

Why is his face so severely deformed?

Suckmydick Cuminyourass

Dormammuive Cometobargain

Paddington Bungeejump

Your apology is appreciated but unnecessary. You will find the users here are far less easily "triggered" than you will be used to.

Idris Elba

Bane Bigguycatch

>You will find the users here are far less easily "triggered" than you will be used to.
Considering , I'm not convinced of that. That post is the definition of triggered.

Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles

Benadryl Cuminsideher

Whatever you say, sugar tits.

Mister Doctor

>B-b-but I'm not triggered, see my dismissive response proves it!
Mmhm. *smiles*

Benedictus Lumberjack

Benderover Cuminabitch

Snumberdink Bumbleborth

Cumbydick Bumandsnatch

Benedict "250 negroes" Cumberplantation

Bartholomew Von Helsing

wow that's almost as bad as him actually doing that personally! what an awful racist he must be!

I hate Benny Cumby now!

F-fuck off. Legacy is hereditary but race isn't.

Wow you really are pissed.

Bumbaclot Cummies

Buttercup Minysnack

Bandlesnap Chimneysweep