I don't get it

I don't get it

Senn Penn learns that his brother dies and remembers his childhood in the 50s. He meditates on his family, nature, and God, and learns to reconcile the magnificence of the universe with personal tragedies.

>mom is pure
>dad is stern
>bad things happens
Psychology 101 plus "I need to connect any event of my life with something bigger to feel I am something".

>tfw to dumb for Malick

>tfw to intelligent to not get malick

This is me but I still enjoy his movies because of the good sounds and the colors of the pictures

Pretentious hipster trash. I don't mind slow moving or experimental films, but this was just incomprehensible and so pretentious.

>christfags being in peace with themselves and the universe
to unrealistic for me

>i need to see a muscled man in spandex on the screen every few seconds or my latent homosexuality might become too overpowering and make me come out to my parents

it's ok, stick to your kiddie shows

>t. capeshit aficionado

He seen another world.

>there are two ways in life
>the way of nature (selfish, always finding reasons to be unhappy, portrayed by brad pitt)
>the way of grace (selfless, finding happyness in small things, portrayed by brad pitts wife)
i mean, the movie pretty much spells it out for you

Pleb of the day award goes to you OP. Congratulations!!

I think most movies. I see shit from huge blockbusters to tiny foreign films shot on a shoestring budgets and generally enjoy most of both. The Tree of Life was just pointless. No story to be engrossed in, no characters to attach myself to, no dialogue to enjoy. It's just shots of volcanoes, nebulas, then some dinosaurs show up; some of the stuff growing up was nice, but other stuff was pointless. Then people touch each other on a beach and the movie ends.

On a scale of Capeshit to Tree of Life there's like 95% of all movies ever made, you do realize this right?

if you dont get it then youre not white

There was a story, there was a narratiev, there was clear characters, there was enough dialogue you don't even need it to make a great film.

You are just a pleb. Go back to capeshit of your choice.

and to spell "too" correctly, apparently

>he's to unintelligent to get memes

"christian intellectualism" at its best

>Go back to capeshit of your choice
Like I said, most movies fall inbetween the two extremes, but if calling me a "capeshit kid" makes you feel better then all the power to you. Maybe I just went in with expectations too high; I heard a lot of people comparing it to 2001: A Space Odyssey, and it just simply didn't compare at all. 2001 is a masterpiece, absolutely amazing, if any film changed my life it was this one, but Tree of Life is absolutely no 2001.

I like the film for its technical aspects like its cinematography etc. but when it gets connected to context like its narrative, editing, script/screenplay it just falls down horribly hard. I don't like to use the word, but it comes off as pretentious when it tries to distinct the grace and nature in such a black and white judgemental way.

I love To the Wonder and Knight of Cups though. KoC is one of my most watched films of all time at this point.


As the scathing shitposts have begun to arrive, it's time to note again that many if not most anons who make their posts as "film enthusiast" simply have an intolerance for theological expression in contemporary art, even though every museum in the world is stocked with a dominance of religious and especially Christian subjects.

High-minded disgust for religion always has been the sneaking basis for sneering at Malick.

>On a scale of Capeshit to Tree of Life there's like 95% of all movies ever made, you do realize this right?

1) This is not true
2) You're a retard. Tree of Life is easy as fuck to understand and not complex at all
3) Stop copying Steven Bonnell's speaking style

That's just your taste then. I thought it was incredibly engrossing, and I found the characters very relatable. And they took up FAR more screentime then the creation scene. And if you saw it as people just "touching on a beach" you didn't put any thought into understanding the movie. I always find the ending to be very moving

>Tree of Life is easy as fuck to understand and not complex at all
This applies to every Malick film. You can read them easily on the surface level and then some of them have some deeper stuff too that works. I like him as director and it annoys me people think he is trying to obfuscate whatever he tries to say or film. He puts his themes and ideas for display with a big fucking sign.

It's interesting that you take issue with the editing. It's actually the main flaw I saw in To The Wonder. Malick is always so precise with every frame and cut, TTW just felt a little rushed. Either way, I would agree that Knight of Cups may well be his best film

Dumb christfag trash.
>that's where god lives

Don't worry, user. It's pseudo-intellectual trash.

Retard. Was it supposed to? Besides, the line you bring up was not Malick's philosophy, it was his establishing of the type of belief that character had. Also, see

Hello newfag.

I was engrossed, immersed, completely lost in the experience that was To the Wonder. I don't even notice its flaws outside of the Priest segment that comes out of nowhere and is pretty shoddily built-up and executed..

>Felt a little rushed
Funny you use the word rush. Maybe it is tied to with how his actual style of handling the camera changed (again). There's certainly more chase and speed to it in To the Wonder that is also shown in KoC. Like the actual camera chases the characters with a haste in TTW and KoC at points. Sort of a eye-of-the-storm kinda feel to it.

The way TTOL was edited scene after scene and combined to form its narrative around its central themes made me think it was way too judgemental and frankly even . I understand it was autobiographical work, but to me it was far too deep in its own ass and self-importance. I do not find these qualities in his later work like TTW and KOC or maybe I willfully ignore them.


lol b2reddit

Oh and I definitely agree with how TTW feels like its in a rush and that evolution is one thing I love when comparing TTW/KOC to TTOL/TTRL.

It feels like a bolt of energy in the scenes and the pace they move from one another to next one.

Weightless and Radegund when

Dude religion lmao.

It is more about abstract kind of transcendence

>Steven Bonnell

Bardem's parts in that movie were my favorite aspect honestly, the way he has subtle influences on their relationship was fantastic in my opinion, along with his character's struggle to find tangible value in his calling.
Also he uncannily looked like my former pastor whom I respect in a lot of ways so that might be another reason I liked his character so much.

I've got KoC being shipped to my house right now and it's his only film I haven't seen yet, really excited to finally watch it.


I suppose if I'd have to summarize the film for you I'd post pic related

They were throwing rocks at god

Wow so deep !

Darn, I was so wrong. This film is a 10/10/10/10 masterpiece for all of time. Damn those films that tell stories, this is what I need.

Ah, we disagree there. I see how personal experience might affect your opinion there. I suppose I would've preferred a larger role for him that doesn't come out of the eye of the corner suddenly to the middle of the film.

Are you religious? I don't believe in higher beings or similar things, but love Malick.

It figuratively summarizes most important themes Malick has brought up in his films (and in TTOL) like connecting to something transcendental (God, light?), connection to nature being lost in a material world, and immaterial salvation of people. It's his formal signature that's even pointed out in The New World through dialogue. It is not supposed to be subtle in the slightest.

Yeah that's the thing about his movies, there's a lot of those odd narrative shifts that can feel slightly jarring I guess. I would have preffered a smoother balance between his story and the couple but it's not something that bothers me too much.

Also I would probably say I'm religious and believe in God, probably not an anthropomorphic one though. I have been fascinated by christianity for years and see a lot of truth in it, but I don't really adhere to any particular theology.

>tree of life didn't tell a story
>a story is necessary to a film

That's all you need senpai

Usually his narrative shifts are within the established characters own narratives. This just disjointed the film, experience, poem, whatever you want to call his works in my opinion, but what do I know in the end, nothing.
I love the sound design in The New World, TTW and KoC. These films are amazing to listen at loud volume.

>Usually his narrative shifts are within the established characters own narratives.
and what I mean by this is when Bardem gets introduced the entire film's focus changes suddenly to a crisis of faith of a priest when it was study of different kinds of love and depression before it.

Haven't seen that one yet but wouldn't you describe the relationship between man and God as a kind of love?

I don't think I can comment on anything religious or faith-required as I do not believe to such things.

maybe someone religious can say something about faith and relationship to God(s)

The priest is dealing with agape and the couple is dealing with eros

Literally "2deep4you: the movie".

I think it was well-made in terms of direction, but suffered in dialogue and plot.

Coming to terms with the tragedies of your familial past is an interesting concept, but framing that almost entirely around an abusive father, I think is where it fundamentally missed the mark, especially considering there's dead brothers involved.

I ultimately respect what it was trying to do, but I did not like the film as a whole. Malick is talented though, I just wish his direction was backed up by some better writers.

I was just saying that the relationship between man and God is generally characterized as one of love so if the movie is about the different forms of love, it doesn't seem to be disjointed, at least in concept

Why do brainlets think cities are unnatural? it makes no sense, a termite colony is considered nature but a skyscrapper isnt? why? humans are animals too.
Malick's luddite antropophobe mesage is not deep nor intellectual he just can't deal with reality.
>Progress and humanity bad
>Nature and god good
>*tips cowboy hat*
American intellectual film makers

>Why do brainlets think cities are unnatural?
For starters, fresh air isn't even available in most cities. Hell, in some cities you have actual health concerns if you don't use a filter like Hong Kong when it is at its worst.

but the skyscrapers represent the way of nature

>Most cities are Chinese shitholes

I live in a relatively small town at Norway and the air pollution (as in there's a lack of fresh air) is a concern even in here, more so in the spring, summer and fall than in the winter.

Nice meme reply tho.

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

>I live in a relatively small town at Norway and the air pollution (as in there's a lack of fresh air) is a concern even in here,
You are getting completely memed on by hippies if you believe that nonsense.

>fresh air isn't even available in most cities
Move out of South/East Asia? I guarantee the air here in Edmonton is as fresh as your small town.

All the people I know who claim to like Malick are pretentious hipsters and """intellectuals""". I can't even watch his movies

I realized this a while back and stopped caring about who or what hipsters are or if I was one and stopped using the term entirely
>mfw someone says hipster
Couldn't care less

if you think malick is "pretentious", odds are you've watched a film after his first three, which are his best by far and the only three of his worth watching.


This is the only movie I ever walked out of and it was 5 years ago

did you see the first frame of the movie?

>generally enjoy most of both
thanks for discrediting yourself so I don't have to

yeah, It's pretty much lost all meaning by now. It's been overused by normies and contrarians to describe so many things it's ridiculous

>the only three of his worth watching.
Days of Heaven is his best but come the fuck on

I'd say it was a dry run for what was to come with one foot in the past & one in the future.

he did the young delinquent bits better in Badlands and the ruminative relationship bits better in everything he's done since.

damn bible is sexists!

newfag get out




I won't.

And you can't do anything about it. ;^)

>movie stops now and again for shots of volcanoes and planets

Wow, so deep

semi-illiterate get out