The downgrade from Taylor Swift and Gigi Hadid

The downgrade from Taylor Swift and Gigi Hadid

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aren't they both gay?

who is this shitskin

Really, he goes with that?

And what is she doing dating based Joe Jonas?

>"willing to settle down for" an attention seeking, dumb crack whore

time to put the purity rings back on

literally who

>Young talented man who at one stage used to wear a purity ring settles down for a 6/10 Brit slut who's defs had more cock than a poultry farn.

wait the jonas brothers are still a thing?

>can't even identify your fellow american


the 60% isn't a meme after all

Yeah, I remember the purity ring thing being a big deal back then.


>willing to settle down with a 20 year old woman

what a fucking moron.

I'm really curious: how does he pull so much prime pussy? What the hell do they see in him?

>purity ring

does he have a cuckold fetish?

>sophie turner
>prime pussy
>implying she hasn't been a literal British slag since she was 16

she's better looking than him

should i know who they are?

>sophie turner
>prime pussy

but yeah he's good looking and famous. that's all you need.

This was my first reaction.

I am shocked, user. SHOCKED!

haven't they been dating for like less than a month? kek they never learn

It's all just bullshit pushed out by their publicists to create a public image

He's making a huge mistake.

She will bloat up at 30 and he will regret his decision.

He is an attractive popular musician he could anybody he wants. The reason he dates all these famous girls is because it helps his career.

>implying Sophie isn't a whore for Aidan Gillen

>implying Sophie isnt just a whore.

why do you guys hate sophie turner

not really anymore


I though she was a lesbian? Or is she bisexual?
Does that if they have sexual relations and he doesn't use a condom or get vaccinated he will get STDs?

our guy right here

>She's taller than him

>YFW he will have to sodomize in order to get any appreciable prostate stimulation while fucking her.


Isn't he like 35 and a divorcee? She has terrible taste

Who are these people?

coke fan going skellington

you can tell he's a cuck

i hate that too, but aren't they all coke fans ?
but yeah fair point anyway

necromancy movie with Sophie when?


Pretty fucking generous t-b-h

I think theyre both bi, honestly.

is it though?

american girls are prudish, british girls are NASTY

they do it all and then some

>american girls are prudish
lmao not anymore

Only the ugliest Jonas is.

Don't even act like you could do better. Or even half as good. As Sophie Turner.

Is it though? I can understand that if you're famous and dating non-famous girls. But the girls he's dating are the cream of the crop of famous people as well.
Though, in some sense I can understand like wanting to be with like. Still, it's quite surprising exactly WHICH famous girls he ends up dating.

Also, WHAT career? They aren't a thing anymore.

Who are either of these people?

girl is in game of thrones.

the dude was relevant like 10 years ago on disney channel

i bet she's more fun than the other two. taylor seems like a cold bitch and gigi is probably just a boring airhead.

>cant act
>annoying accent when it should be pleasant
>not cute
>on game of reddit
>tv actress
I dont know..

Hes currently in a pop group called DNCE.

>pretending you don't know ugly slag from game of thrones while browsing Sup Forums


I was try to meme. Nobody cares about game of thrones actors that arent even good

thats not maisie

I live in Britain and it's the classic r9k conundrum here of all the girls here being absolute cockfiends but being physically repulsed by me

Its supposed to be an edgy way of spelling dance, I assume.

Fellow britfag here, most girls round here are either absolute cockfiends or raging dykes, theres not a huge amount of middle ground.

and how would you describe yourself ?

Sophie is a whore for everyone.

Hadid is a filthy white-hater.

he has a new band now


ur a liar and a fool

She said a britbong cokehead who will literally suck any fuckers cock for one shit line of washing powder mixed with sugar.

when you're young experimenting with wacky looks is fun and excusable

good for her

why would she need to fuck anybody for coke when she can damn well afford the habit from tv money

She looks disgusting as blonde


Those girls grew up dreaming about him and his boy band.

because she's a young brit idiot

Why is she so perfect, lads?

nice shoop, here's the original

she's raping me with her eyes

>sophie turner
Kek. When is game of shits over. They are really stretching it out huh?

Really? No conservative country girls in Britain?

*me and the guy sitting next to me
