What are your thoughts on Bedazzled Sup Forums?

what are your thoughts on Bedazzled Sup Forums?

it's the epitome of Frasercore

has a few funny bits and Elizabeth Hurley looks incredible, but overall a rather lame and forgettable movie

fun fact, Elizabeth Hurley brought this outfit in from her own wardrobe


not sure why but that makes it even hotter

It was an auto-biography.

Pic related, wish backfiring



*autistic screeching*


holy kek

my sides

I cut my balls off to watch her get BLACKED


I bought a copy to help my boy pay that alimony.

>those collagen injections
still would though

el justo!! jajaja

Is that the IASIP set?

>solve fermat's last theorem


The question here is how did he get his hair back, or was this a shoop?


But my teenage self yanked on his tiny penis too it on more than one occasion

I JUST FUCKing love this film. MY goodness it was the SHIT all the way UP to the end.

I came buckets to it.

Still do occasionally.

>Brendan hooking up with a woman being compared to a devil or a demon

Was this movie prophetic or something

Watching when I was younger I was like "wtf, use one of those wishes to fuck the hot devil"

I'm just surprised he never fucked Elizabeth Hurley in the movie. She was at least 30x hotter than his romantic pursuit.