Why was it so misunderstood?

Why was it so misunderstood?

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The last 40 minutes were literal dogshit.



It was misunderstood by the people who think it had higher deep meaning. It's a simple to understand and Snyder isn't that smart to make it as deep as people want to believe. No matter how many generic religious stuff he tries to shove into it for faux meaning.

The public was simply not ready for a movie like this. That's why it received so much backlash, people fear what they don't understand.

Don't worry, someday the world will finally see this masterpiece for what it is and we will join Zack in the sun.

Unconventional story structure

Non linear plot and no comedic relief

>Critics can consistently recognize the genius of Kubrick, Nolan, Spielberg, Tarantino, etc
>Somehow cant understand a blockbuster capeshit made by a hack director

Why cant you autists just die?

Why do we talk about the same movies every goddamn day.

Why did you autists misunderstand this movie so much. Holy shit.

Snyder forget that he makes movie about Batman and Superman

Hello, millennial.

> Kubrick, Nolan, Spielberg, Tarantino

>Kubrick, Nolan, Spielberg, Tarantino,

Honestly I felt it was very easy to follow. But, you are right. Zack Snyder will at random choose to use no establishing shot, throwing the viewer right into the middle of events, often diving right into expository dialogue with no room for breath. This gives the film the exhilarating speed of a cyclone, and gives scenes like the party at Luthor's house a breadth of scope in comparison.

>the genius of Kubrick, Nolan, Spielberg, Tarantino, etc

people were expecting another generic marvel capeshit
they didn't thought they'd get to see Snyder's magnum opus and the essential capekino
People will watch this in 50 years and will regard it as a classic film.

implying what came before wasn't... wew

Go to bed, Zachariah

People wanted Man of Steel/Watchmen

What they got was a piece of rushed shit that was absolutely heavily fucked up by a publishing studio and directed by a man who went full Sweden:

BvS will be remembered 50 years from now the same way Batman & Robin and Tommy wiseau's The Room. People still talk about these movies.

I do think that, once divorced from all the political bullshit, critics will ponder why exactly a film of such ambition was panned so heavily. Assuming art has a future post-virtue signalling.

It was weird, but that's what made it good.

absolutely this

pains me to say it but it's true. how anyone could fuck up a Superman and Batman movie is beyond me.

Feel free to make a thread on something else

Cognitive dissonance.

People expected it to be an incredibly straight-forward action romp and it wasn't. Since that's what the overwhelming majority of cape movies are, they insist that it match that template and refuse any and all evidence to the contrary, dismissing it as "headcanon."

It's like insisting that "Training Day" is a shitty buddy cop movie because it's too serious and there's not enough jokes.

>It's like insisting that "Training Day" is a shitty buddy cop movie because it's too serious and there's not enough jokes.

Training Day had fuckloads of jokes, though they weren't exactly quips.

because Sup Forums is full of posters who are the critical combination of stupid, but with a massive superiority complex

BvS is full of on-the-nose symbolism. The movie practically bashes you over the head with it (even literally when Doomsday started bashing superman with the memorial statue) but these posters are convinced that they were the only ones who "got it"

While most viewers were turned off by Goyer's shitty dialogue, the glib characters, the shoehorned shilling for DCEU and all the editing and tonal issues. These posters convince themselves that the ONLY reason somebody wouldn't like this movie is because they didn't understand it.

Except training day had tons of jokes. Humor is what connects your to these characters, and what makes the darker moments really stand out.

Its an extremely amateurish writer who sets out to make a dark movie, and then accomplishes this by making the characters completely humorless. It isn't dark, it's just unnatural and it's just hacky writing.

hahahahaha you can't seriously be this delusional

You're not wrong, but that's not as deep as the rabbit hole goes. Doomsday is unquestionably symbolic of Superman's guilt, but that's not all he's a stand-in for. What else does he destroy in that scene?

Your common sense.

Doomsday is a cgi troll

He is there so Batman and Sooperman and Wonder Woman can team up to fight a cgi troll

>well son, we're on top of a mountain and, hey, did I ever tell you about the time I drowned some cows and then ate pie? Damn I felt like a fuckin hero! Well see ya son i'm gunna go back to bein dead
>"he's...he's got...Martha..."
>record scratch
>ding ding ding ding ding


Doomsday is just a shoehorned in badly CGI monster so they can forcibly showcase the trinity punching something.

That was his purpose. Nothing more.

You beat me to it user. Good movie understanding IQ.

This is actually a decent criticism

t. autist

And thank you for proving our point so conclusively. You see nothing but the obvious, though I'll give you this much - just acknowledging Doomsday as symbolic of Superman's guilt still puts you a cut above what people were willing to see when it first came out.

There's an allegory here, but people refuse to see it, because they refuse to accept Superman as representative of anything beyond his traditional associations, forgetting that his story is and always has been the story of the immigrant.

Go to bed Zack, your movie sucked

Because it's a clumsy crash course on base level philosophical themes that makes retards feel smart, but also has giant fights filled with digital explosions to satisfy their thirst for childish nonsense. To the pseudo-intellectual bro, it provides everything they want and more by also being universally disliked and therefore the ideal choice for contrarians and trolls.

In short, it's a meme movie for idiots.

I suppose they need their champion just like everyone else, and that happens to be Zack Snyder. It's just unfortunate for the rest of us that he's such a truly atrocious filmmaker that attracts the worst kind of person and he simply will not go away.


>9 months
>people are still mad

Yeah, you should really calm down and stop shiposting about it every day.

>Sup Forums is one person

Don't be stupid. There are many people shitposting about it every day. is clearly one of them.

>the larger the number of themes that are crammed into a single movie, the better it is

Wow and here I thought there was more to it than that.

The themes explored in it were too deep for the average viewer.
The public wasn't ready for a life changing experience like that.

>And thank you for proving our point so conclusively.

Because modern idiots can not physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually, or spiritually understand Kino

Armond White has a really good review on how wrong the retarded people who hate BvS are

>Armond White

Retard detected . Believing what a professional troll says.

nope, that's me

The "obvious" is snyder lacks the talent or ability to turn a goyer script into anything remotely serviceable. Goyer is a horrid writer who's gone so far up his own asshole hes torn the fabric of the universe and vanished into his own pocket reality. But if you can unfuck his shit (like nolan did, once, apparently by accident) you can get something legitimately brilliant. But that applies to everything.

While goyer may have intended for batman to represent america (lol), superman to represent islam (lol!), and their conflict to represent pre/during/post 9/11 (LMAO) by way of combining no less than four comic arcs into a single movie (half of which get discarded completely at exactly 120 minutes), zack snyder didn't grasp that and, instead, just took the prettiest superman/batman panels he could, shot them, then left the editor to clean up the mess he made, while making sure said editor knew to include all the product placement and sequel tie-ins.

So all of this is to say, while the director can correct the failings of the script and the editor can correct the failings of the director and writer, the skill burden on the editor increases exponentially the more the writer and director fuck up. So while the movie could be saved, no one talented enough to do so would want to.

>He thinks Superman in BvS is an allegory for immigrants

Nice attempt, I'll give you that

It's contrarian city, home of the world's largest squirting dildo!

you're an idiot, the whole point of that scene was that Common was dead the second he looked at Harley. Joker was just being Joker and playing it all up.

>It's a simple to understand and Snyder isn't that smart to make it as deep as people want to believe.

Actually, listen to this themidside.com/snyder-series-man-of-steel/

at about the 42 minute mark, they interview someone who worked with Snyder and she talks about how he finished all his highschool classes early, so he only had two left to do his senior year, and he would spend the rest of his time painting, working out, and reading.

>No matter how many generic religious stuff he tries to shove into it for faux meaning.

Most of the symbolism has nothing to do with religious imagery at all, I'm sorry you couldn't pick up on it.

why do you misunderstand it so much?

>Critics can consistently recognize the genius of Kubrick
But thats not true, they panned 2001 when it first came out dummy

is there anything sadder than a DCuck defending Suicide Squad?

no one talks about Back and Robin and The Room as often or in the same as they talk about BvS

Too niche a concept, doesn't help that the audiences don't pay any attention.

Superman has literally been the immigrant story since its conception, its one of the basic tenants of the character

>I don't actually have a point, I'm just here to shitpost

god, this

May favourite bit of all the theorycrafting was when they claimed that the hole in the wall represented Moby Dick and the white whale allegory.

Then Snyder came out and said that it was Ontario.

>no black characters

Since they couldn't call people racist for not liking the movie the criticism actually stuck for once.

pic related

Superman was, originally, just "MURRICA." The alien from dead world thing didn't come till decades later.

except there's literally a faggot couple making out in the background of one of the scenes

>yet people still think the martha scene had anything to do with superman

>I take shitposting seriously

Are you actually autistic?

Do you have trouble telling when people are making fun of you?

It's sad and embarrassing when DCucks type up those paragraphs that they are parroting from other retards like Armond, and their theories have nothing to do with the writers or directors intentions.

>black people hate gays

You guys spend too much time on Sup Forums

>DChad cinema still being discussed to this day
>Marvel nu male discussion dies after a few days
On a side note. Who here started lifting weights after watching BvS? The idolization and striving to exceed the limit of the characters and the overall capekino makers who were involved in this masterpiece got to me. Marvel nu male shit will never have this effect on people.

It was unliked.

>On a side note. Who here started lifting weights after watching BvS?

Hey there DC Chad here too. I literally started sucking non stop cocks after watching BvS and looking at all the DC threads with all the muscular men with no shirts on.


Why are you so insecure? Your post really brings out your personality irl.

The plot was a mess but it wasn't non linear you stupid fucking dinkus

I am about to watch this movie now. Does anybody have a link to stream?

I wonder how much time the same couple of autists has spent whining about this movie that they claim not to like here on Sup Forums

You trying to summon that guy who insists the lex-ship scenes were non-linear because in some scenes he'll be wearing a jacket and in other scenes he isn't?

also I'm looking for an ultimate edition extended cut link

Was that really a paragraph to you? Must be nice still being in 2nd grade.

Find it yourself you fucking faggot.


The fuck is with people thinking Sup Forums is slower (abusive) google?


I just watched it for the first time today. It wasn't that bad, but it won't ever change the world because its a fucking superhero movie. None of them can or will change anything because they're all the same banal shit, just flavored differently.

>Kubrick, Nolan, Spielberg, Tarantino

You were never alive in the 1900's literally neck yourself

>Nolan, Spielberg, Tarantino

Preach it.

Sup Forums memers these days are bunch of pathetic manchildren and the worst of all are these BvS superiors.

I disagree, at least there was something enjoyable in Batman & Robin

BvS has NOTHING except the Batman scenes and Wonder Woman smiling after getting punched. The rest of the movie is

>Superman crying
>Trailers for future movies
>something something apple tea

This argument falls apart when you watch the movie. Every discussion i've had about BvS has been nothing but "What you say vs. What i see"

And what i saw was Batman and Superman unable to have a simple conversation, misunderstandings left and right, Lex Luthor being fucking stupid and probably the only semi-interesting Superman plotpoint in the movie: "What would happen if this guy was actually our enemy?"

If there was someting to "get" about this movie then clearly most people didn't, seeing as most people did not like it, and that is the result of the terrible direction the movie had, the fact that you have to come here and explain it reflects that