Post films that women will never understand. I'll start

Post films that women will never understand. I'll start.






>harry potter


You think women understand the half blood prince with respect to Harry Potter and Dumbledore?

it's not hard to understand that tom cruise thinks he's the last samurai

I think they don't understand it's a bad franchise.

That movie was garbage.

He's not. The movie isn't even about Tom Cruise.

>White man cucks nip warrior by killing him and boning his wife

This is actually pretty good

>film that men will never understand

nice try woman

t. faggot

Harry Potter is shit. It's normies first fantasy novel.

what is the first one in the third row?

Women don't understand revisionism.

Nah, my wife loved this movie.

Quints confirmed she banged you while imagining Tom Cruise.

beyond to black rainbow
go back to /lit/



>beyond to black rainbow
thanks, is it worth watching?

beyond the*

>women don't understand Americans rewriting history to put them at the centre of it.

>the first weeaboo
Pick one

Actually just one of SW's narratives.


How did the Yankee doodles out themselves at the centre of Master and commander? It was British vs. French.


>when plebs who get to watch our scraps get jelly that we make movies about ourselves

do you even realize how sad you are?


But what did your wife's son think of it?

>Samurai don't use guns because muh culture
Fucking inaccurate anti-Imperialst trash. The Samurai were armed with rifles, minus Shiroyama



it is decidedly so

okay the movie is about Tom Cruise, I mean he is the big name star. But the titular "Last Samurai" is Watanabe. I have never understood why people fail to realize that Tom is not the last samurai.


this movie is fucking stupid

or maybe I need to rewatch it


rewatch it

Pls don't bully Maria.

it was originally about a British ship hunting down an american ship. It was changed because merica

Steven Seagal doesnt understand that movie either


>Have to invent themselves a history to be relevent

We don't have the same definition of the word "sad"


He's the point of view character and there for Westerners to understand Japanese culture.

So happy to see that movie posted in here.
Best of Spielberg and it doesnt get enough recognation.

My favorite Spielberg too

The Far Side of the World did indeed have the surprise following a U.S. ship, but under very different circumstances.

It's difficult to develop a national culture when the country is so large and people from all corners of the globe are pouring in to establish residence.

My gf actually liked this movie when we watched it and shes a massive pleb who normally hates any movie set in the past.

The people you usually find hating this movie are the ones who like to spout phrases like "colonization" and "cultural appropriation."

Requesting pic of female reviewers stating his movie had a gay subplot.

Where's pasta guy? He's late

Wait, what?

But colonization is exactly what put the samurai in the tragic position they were in in the film.

In their view the close friendship of the
captain and the surgeon was evidence that they were secretly gay lovers, or that they were secretly attracted to each other.


I hop you're not implying that western powers colonized Japan.

No, I'm saying fear of colonization prompted Japan's rapid modernization that left the already relic samurai even further behind.

Ok. That makes sense.

Who knows from where she drew that conclusion. Maybe this meme has some truth to it after all

Fast and Furious and Jaws

Agreed, but I was commenting more on the kind of person who would pitch a fit over that fact that Tom Cruise is the lead actor of a movie called The Last Samurai, without the knowledge of the historical context of the rebellion.

>Doesn't have a culture
I have not been to ONE foreign country where I didn't hear American music in a public setting.

The US did after WWII but not with immigration but more of by creating the current Japanese state.

Yeah, in the latter half of the 19th century, they invited advisors from all over Western Europe and the U.S. to help them modernize their military and industrial capabilities. One of the many reasons they were able to mop the floor with the Chinese, Koreans, and Russians.

Any film centred around concepts that are completely alien to women, such as honour, respect and loyalty.



Not a "movie" but still counts



switch Munich out for synodcate new york

To play devil's advocate, these are all productions with casts that are 100% male.

Would you be interested in watching movies that are 100% female?

>developing a culture in 200 years

Precisely how stupid are you?

t. a Canadian

Dude fags amirite? XD

>let me show you where the major is

I don't think the female mind can even begin to understand what happens in this scene.

any movie that depicts honor, dignity, respect, bravery and sacrifice.

I was my wife's only romantic partner, so no kids

>mr nobody
Okay. So a chick told me about this movie.
I want to be clear- what do women think about this movie that differs from how men see it?
When I first saw it I thought that it was a allegory to God.

Fujoshits think any two male characters they find hot interacting no matter how long or the context of said interaction is proof that they're gay for each other.


Stop replying to yourself you jap fuck

Jap? Wtf?

This would be great if it wasn't for the agenda pushing shit

>implying i read the thread

Edgy virgin detected.

There are plenty of honorable, respectful, and loyal women throughout history.

i think those are movies nobody ever understands

what agenda?

name 72

you realize a woman wrote those books?

it might literally be the only tv show about war that doesn't have an agenda

You realize bookfags complain how different they are right