Sam hyde/MDE

i just watched this sam hyde video

and i dont understand the humor. this house 7 thousand views, i didnt laugh. i dont get it.

can someone please explain in simple terms what it's all about, or actually, what million dollar extreme is all about? why do they have 30 youtube channels and why did his show get cancelled?

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well your not a 16 year of who frequents pol this is coming from someone who goes on pol I hate this bs its fucking retarded

lol so random

He's loved by Sup Forums for his unfunny Sup Forums routines, thats all

why do you guys always pick the worst ones? as if that proves how funny sam is
check these out
officer maggot dick cop faggot
ideas man
sam hyde's paradigm shift

i suffer from the condition known as "weak pussy"

His standup skits (where he's just testing out new material) are the best.

Andy Kaufman was a mistake.

he's extremely hit and miss. this is the first thing you must learn.

a lot of his stuff I don't actually even laugh but I still enjoy it. It's statement comedy.

Sup Forums is a relatively new fold into the mde universe. I'm guessing you don't know too much about him.

His stuff is targeted towards people who are embittered with society and see things for what they are. If you're a happy little blue pilled retard you aren't going to get it. If you haven't had the thoughts and perceptions that he lays out before you watch him you won't get it. It's targeted towards a specific audience. It's not conventionally humorous in any way.

>21 fucking minutes

doesn't matter how funny it may be, that's too long


>he'll never experience the great story of Billy the Clown

He's appealing to people with a chip on their shoulder and helps validate said chip.
He's a jerk.

the chip validates itself.

if you think the world is in a good state you are blissfully stupid.

You can't beat evil with more evil.

fire with fire

This is the voice of the estrogen filled numale

So you're saying you want us all to die?

>use the weapons or tactics of one's enemy or opponent, even if one finds them distasteful.

It's that kind of mentality that has caused Europe to be in it's current state. It's the bullshit that the boomers created from their ivory towers to feel morally superior. And thank fuck it's starting to die.

The lyrics elude to everyone dying in the end.

>Blow the universe into nothingness
>Nuclear warfare shall lay us to rest

>Fight fire with fire
>Ending is near
>Fight fire with fire
>Bursting with fear
>We all shall die

>Time is like a fuse, short and burning fast
>Armageddon's here, like said in the past

The boomers were just as brainwashed as you are.

>muh pol

Subhuman intelligence.

He's le professional irony guy, he's purposefully being ugly and ridiculous. That's his 'style' being ironic, looking retarded and being obnoxious. His fans are the ones who like h3h3 shit.

I don't even know who this is

You don't get it. Stop trying to.

The lyrics are metaphor. It's art reflecting reality. Take it literally at own risk.

Life is short. You can either enjoy the ride, or spend every waking moment obsessing about how "wrong" things are. Your choice.

You're just playing dumb. You know I'm right.
You can't beat evil with more evil.
The song you posted is making the same statement.

Yeah man it's so deep, he's so ironic while being purposefully ugly, so complex and revolutionary, perfect for my fkn superior intellect and taste in kino
Whitest Kids U' Know is so much better.

Don't strain that little brain of yours son.

It will be a short and shitty ride if you don't ever make any attempt to resolve conflict. Even shorter if someone decides to blow up your car.

>he says as he browses /s4s-lite/: feet and pedophilia edition

Hedonism is what caused Rome to fall.

Hedonism leads to pain and misery down the track. You seem to have bought into the boomer bullshit I alluded to. Life is not a fucking joy ride. For the majority of human history it's been a bloodbath. And unless something is done now and people wake up from this degenerate good goy hedonistic bullshit it's going to get worse again.

Not the guy you're replying to but enjoying life does not mean being a hedonist.

In the unlikely event that someone decides to blow up my car, I would press charges. In the meantime, no point in worrying about counterfactual misfortunes.

You are clueless about history and about life.

looool threw trash on the floor and kicked something XD

You just named the only good videos out of hundreds MDE have made.

His stand up is fucking trash.

enlighten me then.

>having fun and sex is degenerate
>t. virgin

The shirt actually says "nimble" on it :(

It's because you're from plebbit

Not an argument.

You can't beat evil at all tard, hence the chip

You are wrong and that is a very sad outlook on life.
You should learn to believe in people.
You are one and you wouldn't be here without all the ones that came before you.

MDE is the perfect honeypot for finding out who likes unfunny 3dge humor.

I'd be friends with that guy

are you a woman. Judging people on their appearance is a feminine trait

Do people like him, as a joke?

You are so smart bro, so deep, you like SAM HYDE woah man, please please tell me your ways I bet your IQ is the highest

Looks obvious he is not trying to be funny, but only annoying. He makes critiques, not comedy. He says he is a comedian, but he is joking about that. He is a social critic.

>please please tell me your ways
zippy water

zippy water doesn't do shit without a power hat and a milano cookie


At least Andy was funny when he wanted to.

mde videos are great. fuck you guys go watch that lifehacker fag that throws eggs at shit. that is the true cancer

>Hedonism is what caused Rome to fall.


Try reading a fucking book instead of watching a youtube video.

Diminishing returns caused the fall of rome. Read a book called "Collapse of Complex Societies"

This is honestly the best video on youtube:

it's alt right and triggers leftcucks

that's all you need to know and why it needs to be supported

best video

FYI sam hyde is on record for raping a 15 year old.

Learn to think for yourself, fag.

tell me something i couldn't have guessed


You gotta be at least 5 levels of irony deep to appreciate MDE.

so a fucking retard? gotcha

Untenable expansionism was the primary cause of Rome's decline, you fucking dumpling.

is that him talking? he made a fake 21 minute infomercial? that's funny for once.

>His stuff is targeted towards people who are embittered with society and see things for what they are.
t. angsty teenage faggot

I had never seen the Tedx thing until recently and I was surprised at how funny the whole thing along with the situation was

some of his other stuff is hit or miss but a lot, including world peace, is just shit

Sup Forums and Sup Forums can't even leave the house much less rape someone. I doubt they can properly use a microwave oven

Hi Sam!

With WP canned he can go back to being funny.

Has Sammy said anything about new kstv?


Where's Nick at? :/

What do you expect from a gum dumb like him?

The average Sup Forums uses can probably use a microwave the same way a teen girl can text without looking.

Poor Sammy has the worst and maybe dumbest fans out there. Sad!

>Sniffs fingers


Until you have children.

See's video of shit hole big cities like london and paris that have always been shit holes, but now with some darkies, Just like Americas big cities such as LA and Chicago.

"Hurrr uroooop is Crumbling Gys XD"

>Hedonism is what caused Rome to fall.
Stopped reading right there.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Fuck off Sup Forums

Do you guys live on literally 0 layers of irony?

I bet they don't even power cap.

I smiled. No laughs. Race war is the only vid worth posting.

Sam Hyde is funny


Sam Hyde is funny

Hi Sam!
Hi Sam's mom!

Go to bed, Sam.

his mom doesnt think he is funny

he's just fucking around for the few fans that generally just like content from him

there's a reason it's not on his main channel

>Sam Hyde canceled
>Emily Youcis shitcanned and impotently screaming "I owned that stadium!"
I can't wait to see who's next :)

learn how to greentext faget

Here ya go

>Hey maayun I love me some CLAURK
>I don't have any money

i like sam and mde but this is fucking horrible. is he actually crazy?

Time to get #Bug!