Any niggers here?

Any niggers here?

Other urls found in this thread:

yo mugga fugga iz b a nigga fo sho

So blacks are good at spotting criminals?

If OP was a pic of Idris Elba or Denzel Washington this thread would get 250+ responses

no nigra here boss

Ha ha epic joke have an upvote XD I too am a trump-voting normie and find this humor relavent.

You steal my bike boy?

we are just having fun liberal.

Nice downvote dude, but you have your own Sup Forums threads up you can be having fun in instead of being upset about this one!


Well yeah, you assume they look in the mirror at least once a day.

>Actively perpetuating the conservatism= racist meme
kys pls

Hello sir...


Porn, pepes, O'reilly, and this shit. Yup good ol' tv and film discussion.

that needs to say cuck instead of criminal

All 4 of those things have been on tv.

Sup Forums is a few threads down

I'm not a liberal you trumptard normie. Are you SERIOUSLY this new? Sup Forums was racist when it was funny and annoyed Obama-voting Normies. Now the Normies are racist and vote Trump so it's not funny anymore and we do something different to troll them... get it

great thread (((((Sup Forums)))))

that's just a pedo, tho

yeah but not as frequently and at least they were sort of masked with tv related shit. This is just plain low effort.

Helllo reddit!

what did clone guwop mean by this?

really makes you think

>tfw have the exact same type of nose
delete this

That's just newfag contrarianism. You retards thought that because we hated Bush, we must not be far-right, but the reason is because Bush and his neo-Conservative pals are all left of center Republicans. But because you're too politically illiterate to understand that Republican and Conservative aren't interchangeable terms, we're stuck with the contrarian meme.

This site used to be about humor and pushing it regardless if it was making fun of the retarded, kids, tragedies like 9/11, religion or race. Just because there was racism here it didn't necessarily meant that this site was right wing.People like you take all the humor and memes and all that shit too seriously.

welcome newfag.

We had tons of racist shit back with Bush was pres.
We said nigger so much in like 2007 that m00t filtered it to peanut butter, and then roody poo.

>Sup Forums was funny
>When Obama was president
pick one

Sup Forums has never had a political stance or leaning. Most of the early years of Sup Forums was just edgy to be edgy.

After Reddit invaded though, we got a bunch of reactionaries.

Personally I enjoy the right wingers here since most of the racist shit is funny and or accurate, and they only get triggered about religion. The left, goddamn you niggers are a buzzkill.

I'm black but I don't use the n-word you racist motherufkcer.

>Not a mullet, halfcast, druggy-blue eyes, and blonde soul patch

>goes to prison
>unJUSTS himself