WTF is Hollywood doing?

Not to bring politics into this, but this kind of stuff already cost Clinton the election and the democrats both the house and senate... what are they doing? What's the goal?

90% of movies (and most TV and even video games to a great extent) now have some sort of obvious political message shoehorned in... will they ever stop and go back to making entertainment and art for its own sake?

Yes, I realize there has always been politics in our media, but NEVER to the degree it has been in the past 5 years or so. It's getting fucking weird.

Other urls found in this thread:

Another example of what I'm talking about...

i was thinking the same thing, no meme

>Yes, I realize there has always been politics in our media, but NEVER to the degree it has been in the past 5 years or so

Guess you missed the part in A New Hope where they blow up a planet.

An actual discussion would be nice, but whenever this subject comes up everyone starts trolling one another...

Clinton lost the election because she's a two-faced cunt whose a god damn criminal

>Rogue One does well
>femnists rejoice
>Ghostbusters 2 is made
a girl can dream

Nigga 5 years ago you were 10. Everything has always been shit.

>but this kind of stuff already cost Clinton the election and the democrats both the house and senate...

>Sells planes to Saudi Arabia who bomb the yemense wuth impunity
>Clinton Foundation corruption
>She lost because women are cast in films

Ok mate.

I'm boycotting the movie because of this shit

Congrats assholes, you lost a sale

Controversy based on Social Justice issues brings a lot of clicks and generates internet commotion among millennials. The studios use the free publicity to their benefit by spewing inane shit.IT's also beneficial to them to cater to the widest possible audience, and male nerds are already enfranchised, so it's only logical to try to pander to women, which usually don't give a shit about fantasy/sci-fi: it's much easier to get 10% more women buying tickets than it is to get the same proportion of men, especially if the only difference is picking a chick to be your protagonist.

Don't pay for it user. If you have any respect for your manhood and your ancestors, don't pay for it. Wait for a rip.

case in point
that may or may not be the case about clinton, but sjw backlash is what drove trump's victory imo

A girl can also post tits or GTFO

Cultural Marxists taken hold in whats mainstream and subverting it using pawns such as Feminists and Social Justice Activists to further their Agenda.

In the end, they want to destroy Western Civilization, but their only replacement is what is closest resembled to Communism.

its called pandering.they get brownie points for doing this and promoting it, the SJW's get off on hollywood "listening to them" and everyone gets a big pat on the back
SJW's and the like are much louder then white males on Sup Forums, so they aim to appease them. It doesnt make much more then doing this though. Hollywood executives really dont care, they just throw stuff like this around to be safe


>case in point

It's kind of hard to have an actual discussion with someone that believes media has never been this political, Hollywood used to make anti Communist films during the cold war.

>but sjw backlash is what drove trump's victory imo
It really wasn't, you'd be surprised how little of an issue sjw are outside the internet, people voted for trump for 2 reasons
1.theyre sick and tired of the same old shit in politics and just want something different
2.people fucking despise the Clintons

>Pandering to the vocal minority while saying FU to the silent majority


They need to fight for diversity because we didn't have it in the past when movies like Aliens and Resident Evil were just nothing but white men.

>Sells planes to Saudi Arabia who bomb the yemense wuth impunity

The jews are losing it because they now realize they can't realize the protocols of the learned elders without shutting down the goyish redpilled internet which is impossible

This. They know it makes money

Is that why she won the popular vote?

Lefitists do to be fair, not that there are many

i recorded this because im a little too drunk to type, but its serious, but its kinda long

Das RITE!!!!


i don't know, the sjw backlash was a huge factor from my point of view to the ~30-40 and under crowd

Just America perfecting then killing art forms one at a time.

a man has nice trips

thanks, nice insight so far

no that was because the illegals get to vote on their future and the don't want to go back

Dont be afraid, Sup Forums is a board of peace, everyone is welcome.

Appreciate your voice on this, you seem like a reasonable guy.


Clinton lost the election because democrats didn't feel like voting for her, not because of some alt-right tidal wave.

Voting for trump actually came in below turnouts from the recent past, democrats just lost more from a combination of putting forward a shitty inspiring candidate and Obama not turning out to be bush 3

So, whoever completely writes off this idea, needs to tell us how many illegal immigrants did vote. Obama encouraged them to vote only weeks before the election, so some of them had to have voted. The question is, how many out of those 13 million?

>>>>>>>>go ahead and call me a cuck sjw numale

Your point of view is wrong Sup Forums now grow the f*ck up you god damn loser.

50 cents has been deposited in your account

>Clinton lost the election because democrats didn't feel like voting for her
Hmm, I wonder why that was?

Seriously Sup Forums just go away no one like you and no, Sup Forums doesn't count either because they're not even human! LMAO REKT I REKT THIS KID SOOOO HARD XXXDDD

Don't mess with me punk I'm the master of epic burns.

maybe I'm not recalling the old films correctly, but wasnt the empire pro-human, not pro- white human? i dont remember the empire ever discriminating against people of color

no fucking way i am supporting this leftist tripe

remember when star was was just about samari's in space with a qt love triangle and fun?

Fuck Disney for turning this into a political mouthpeace.

i watch star wars to escape not to be reminded of some fucking stupid man hating movement.

Political Correctness was 100% the reason Trump won

off you go now, return to Reddit

I don't post on or browse either of those boards.

How has Rogue One been politicized? Two of the writers said this to act like they took this gig to change Star Wars into some kind of liberal preachy shit when really they did it for them money. None of the material that has been released so far makes it seem like they're going to have a ton of hammy shit about how hard it is to be a woman. This film will make a billion dollars and you'll still be tilting at windmills.

What is his name again?

fuck this shit this is like ghostbusters all over again.
go away you losers back to your shitty reddit sub site.

literally everyone hates you.

>money = merit

It certainly wasn't the only factor, but to say the turnout for Trump had nothing to do with a pushback against all this SJW noise is inaccurate.

There were definitely a lot of people who were tired of being labeled racist, or people who were put off by the petulance of young adults pitching fits on Ivy League campuses over halloween costumes, or people who were weary of people pushing 67 different genders.

For all her strengths, Clinton definitely was a poor candidate. However, the base themselves must shoulder part of the responsibility.

Alright this has been bothering the hell out of me since i first saw it

Can someone explain why the FUCK the new black stormtroopers are wearing german WW2 ammo puches? Literally why? Just what exactly is (((disney))) trying to tell us here with this particular outstanding prop choice?

did you not just read the image in the Op? It's politicized.

Race Bannon

By the fucking actors and writers using star wars fame for their political mouthpieces and abusing the source material.

Its like how Simon Pegg made Sulu gay.

absolutely fucking retarded

>but sjw backlash is what drove trump's victory imo
Nah Trump won because Clinton's ground game was garbage outside of metropolitan areas. He had the lowest Republican turnout in 8 years, but there weren't democrats voting where it mattered.
Outside of the internet, no one gives a shit about "the SJWs", and to act like that was a driving force behind Trump's victory is delusional. It's Sup Forums trying to act like they somehow influenced world politics, when in actuality it was the dems shitty candidate and shitty organisation.

have you not noticed that mg42s were used by them in the originals?

piece it together, dingus.

Didn't he have to recant his words due to Disney not wanting merchandise sales to take a hit assuming you bought stormtrooper memorabilia you would be labelled a white supremacist?

Did you not just read my post?

>hollwood people saying liberal things
Whoa! Stop the presses!

SJW is losing it. They always do.

projectionist kino

>reeeeeeeeee you must be ______ and ____ from __________ I know for sure reeeeeee

y'see the single biggest problem with your social justice weiner is they try to normalize and de-stygmatize mental illness. Misery loves company.

3. Memes were used as the most effective propaganda machine since 1939

Fuck off commie. It's fucking Star Wars, not some art film. It's a business, not art.

Rogue One is heavyhanded tripe for multiple reasons:

>Rampant political ideology infusion
>Dumbing down loose caricatures to send a more on-the-nose message because people are dumber (or at least the studio thinks they are)
>(((reasons))), probably
>Hollywood is so far up its own ass now that it's head is almost popping back out its neck

>I have no source the post

Wait, it leaked already?

I fucking love it when a retard thinks he's noticed something that's been normal for decades.

I bet you didn't know that all of their guns are WWII guns with shit glued on them, huh?

yeah but today's liberal shit is usually factually incorrect batshit insanity. It's almost all hypberbole in every statement.

So it's really obnoxious to see idiots push for 'safety pins because literally Hitler' and 'go see our fantasy about fighting an oppressive regime if you're unhappy with the US election'

t. used to be liberal 10 years ago

you dumb autistic faggot nigger shut your fucking trap.

>WTF is Hollywood doing?

they are trying to grab a new market while relying on the established fan base to go see the movies no matter what they do to them


>rattles tits

College-aged liberals have always been a bunch of loony assholes. It's just easier for them to coordinate their dumb bullshit now with the internet. The writers getting buttblasted about the election and tweeting shit they just made up isn't part of some global conspiracy. I'm sure Disney made them delete that shit. Calm the heck down.

Because a galaxy far far away is actually hell

way to leave out the (human)
your no better than the left

It's fun seeing you in every thread posting the same image over and over again.

You're not going to change anything, though. in other words, you have no proofs...

>he doesnt realize that the original trilogy was in response to the Vietnam War and Episode III had pretty blatant Bush Adminstration parallels

Learn your shit next time, son.

The empire was always an allegory for Nazism.

At least back then, they at least tried to be subtle.

fuck these gay samefagging redditor threads.
how did the exact same fucking group of people from the ghostbusters shit come back to Sup Forums all of a sudden

PR shills so they can screencap a few comments and write an article about it.

a new hope was fucking based on triumph of the will

>Oppressive, powerful, military-high regime
>vs a gang of misfit aliens, smugglers, moist farmers

user, if you're USA you're the bad guy.

>how many alt-right scare words can I stuff into one post

I assumed they made Sulu gay because George Takei is gay.

It wasn't because trump was a good candidate or because of sjws, it was because it's pretty clear to a ton of people that she's a scheming Machiavelli who was just going to be more of the same military industial complex/pharma/finance industry dick sucker. Nobody wants to vote for that and she STILL came ahead in popular vote.

Really made me think.

2 white men WhiteMansplaining as well as giving the women and minorities an assist into their new jobs.

This shit writes itself.

>I assumed they made Sulu gay because George Takei is gay.
They did, and Takei said that was dumb, so they WhiteStraightMansplained to Takei that he was wrong.

At least since trump won we can sit back and laugh at these silly lefties playing their silly games. Imagine how much more painful this shit would be if hilldog won

The question you have to ask is how much of this is empty virtue signalling compared to how much of it actually influences the movie.

I frankly don't give a fuck if they get every click bait outlet on earth to go on about grill power, so long as the movie is entertaining and largely free from such cringeworthy additions.