Why didn't he walk out of the bathroom with his dick in his hand?

Why didn't he walk out of the bathroom with his dick in his hand?

>ack ack ack

What did he mean by this?

II >> I >>>>> III

you know deep down in your heart this is true

Part II transcends even the best Kubrickino

I think most people generally agree with this.

What's dumb is that the bullet in his forehead would've rendered him unconscious instantly (even if it didn't immediately kill him). Brains basically shut down upon receiving heavy trauma even if death is avoided.

some people think I is on par or better than II quality-wise.

or so I've noticed

pretty much the overwhelming consensus

This is true.

Was this the best film kiss of all time?

Why the fuck was the subway so loud? I live in New York and it's never been that loud unless I was in the subway itself. Even in a restaurant with a window to look right at the train it isn't as loud as that scene

Al Pacino was really good looking when he was young.

I liked I better. Plot was just way more interesting IMO and (old) Vito is superior to Michael in every way except being a cunt.

I liked Part I better too. I just enjoyed the story of the family more at that point, before shit went to Vegas. Not to say II wasn't amazing as well.

I thought it was an elevated train

Maybe. but I've never heard one that loud. I guess it was dramatic affect then

just turn your brain off bro

Another question I have is, if he got shot in the head, why did he grab at his neck?

Unfortunately the set pieces and overall action in older films, especially Coppola's, have aged really poorly.

The dialogue and stories are what will stand the test of time.

He choked on his food when he was surprised by the bullet in his head

I love kisses of death.

Because he was too busy walking out of the bathroom with his towel in his hand

finally someone adressing the main question here