Is she going to take over Hollywood, Sup Forums?

Is she going to take over Hollywood, Sup Forums?

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Let's wait and see what puberty has to say.

It can be...unkind.


Was it a record setting BLACKED?


I thought it was the other girl that had a broke family

shes not particularly cute as a kid either

you can tell shes gonna be ugly

I give her 4 years tops before shes on drugs

Shes already fuck ugly

So you're saying she's going to play a nazi in a Kevin Smoth movie in 7 yrs?

Oh lord, not at all.

If anything she is being set up to fail.

See you in five yrs when you're posting the "what went wrong" thread.

That picture of her with Hugh Moungus


i know these pictures are often shopped but that looks almost real

based parents living thru their children

she'll be lena dunham in 4 years

because it is. just run the google search

She's ugly as fuck

What the fuck could her parents have possible done to make hollywood give a shit about their 12 year old all of the sudden? Were they whoring her out to the pedo ring?

She's so fucking gross

Why the fuck was that shade of lipstick even made

that is real

chloe is so fucking gross now that people believe her real pics are shooped

she already fuck uglies ((()))

Some people just have 'it'.

She obviously has the x factor that casting agents look for.

She is literally a who and ugly


They got lucky. Somebody needed a mannish girl to complement a feminine froggy kid.


Do these people not have editors or proofreading?
Is it Millie or Milly?
Is that really James Corden in the bottom left? Could be. Could be Chloe. Hard to tell.

That's a man. No way that is a women

she has terrible fashion sense

Seriously, what the actual fuck was she going for here? Was she intentionally trying to look like a psychotic roid clown?

when did she got those deltoids?

mirin dem traps tho

Who thought that dress was a good idea

Nah. There are people paid to dress her, and that's what's truly fucked up.

I think they hate her too, I mean they put her in shoulder pads sometimes for Christ's sake.

when does the transition finish

Never. Hormone therapy is forever, user.

Hard to tell

>when i see it

>Hurr durr never seen Masculine Chloe pics before

Ban every single fucking one of you. Just shut the fuck up and fuck the fuck off.

t. Chloe

are you ok user

lets talk about her future in the kinographics arts and industry

Christ normies have overrated Stranger Things.

shes gonna make it or crash and burn

her parents are FUCKING LEECHES

i've seen plenty. it's always funny to remark on them again.

her revenge against them will be sex and drugs starting pretty much now

>Chubby arms and no breasts

Fuck, if I was a woman I'd hate looking like that. Literally nothing appealing about her.

is the funniest /tv meme of this second semester

>V=line dress made to show off breasts
>no breasts
>not even attractive perky flat chest, it's literally sagging


How long until they get to her?

>I give her 4 years tops before shes on drugs
>implying she already isnt on drugs

difference is you could tell he was a downy even at a young age, that's kind of why he was cast in all those roles.

>shes not particularly cute as a kid either

Until 2038.

looks like a faggoty boy with make up

>little girl actor
oh geez i wonder what virtue will be signalled this time

Most of his interviews are boring. He has a great rapport with younger kids though.

>Bobby Brown
Cuter buzzed, I say she embrace it and become a hero type.

>He has a great rapport with younger kids though.

She's an ugly little dyke!!!FACT!!!

Have't seen anything she's in, but I wish her well. Few of these child stars make it out in one piece. The only one that comes to mind is Hilary Duff. All the others got hung out to dry.

>Hilary Duff.
Who is ryan gosling
tobey maguire
leonardo di memeo

My mistake, I meant female child stars. Striking huge fame at such a young age, all I can come up with are the ones who crashed and burned all over the tabloids.

as if you wouldn't

Christian Bale is a fucking lunatic.

look at this dindu

put your trip back on krager you nigger faggot

The fucking state of him


She can't act for shit. She's fine in the show because she doesn't have to speak but when she talks everything fall apart.
But that doesn't matter since it's Jewlywood, but apparently she's got an horrible personality which doesn't bring you far in Hollywood

wow that is some gamble, i wouldn't move somewhere unless i was guaranteed a job.

probably didn't work out for a lot of people,

She'll be fine.

>barely says 10 words for an entire season
>shocked faces throughout
>breakoutout star of 2016

I really liked Stranger Things and even I think this is bullshit.


I think it's established that Finn Eolfhard will be the biggest actor out of the kids of the show.
The kid who plays Will will be fine too if he can grow up not looking like a fahgot.

She's got good facial structure and is thin, she'll be fine.

She looks like Jaime Lee Curtis on a 10 year old body, Jesus she's gonna look fucking OLD when she hits purberty

Not with her greedy ass dad still representing her

I love Millie, he's a fine actor.

He has literally no chin, he will not age well.

Are you serious? He has a more defined jawline and cheekbones han most adults I've seen.

Look at a profile shot of him, bruh. No chin.

Is it transgender?

Hell, just compare him to the other kids. His lower jawline seems to dissolve, like he's a Dr. Suess character.

He doesn't have a huge fucking butt chin because he's a 12 year old, he has a nice jawline and cheekbones that's what matter the most.

Are you stupid? That's Dustin and he literally doesn't have bones in his body

So dedicated she shaved her head.
Wow. So brave.

testosterone makes your jaw bigger



>That's Dustin

I know, I'm referring to the frog behind him. Even Dustin has more chin than him.

i know these pictures are often shopped but that looks almost real

The only one in that pic who got a bigger chin than Finn is Millie

Looks like she'd be a good fit for the shrew in a live-action secret of nimh.


Shes the most forced "breakout star" I've ever seen. She'll most likely fade into obscurity in a year or 2

what are you talking about she's the next Chloe Grace Moretz!!!!

I bet it's because she sucked off a lot old Jewish producers to get her family out of bankruptcy

when you busted a nut but millie still sucking