If you could watch any of these films again, which would you pick?

if you could watch any of these films again, which would you pick?


But I can watch any film again, you imbecile

black swan. all others are trash. at least black swan has tchaikovsky

fury road or django. Most of the rest I regret watching even once.

the social network
if you meant "for the first time", whiplash



it must have won a lot of oscars

black swan or tree of life

The artist> the Kings speech> the tree of life
In that order

>The King's Speech
>Mad Max Furry Road

I like 12YAS and Whiplash more, but The Social Network just has great re-watch value.


inception interstellar the revenant

Best thing I've seen in years.

12 Years a Slave and The Tree of Life are unironically the best movies there.

Of those I've seen (which is most of them) Whiplash is the only really good one so I choose whiplash


>if you could watch any of these films again

So this is from a rewatchability standpoint? Obviously mad max, toy story 3 and django

Once you watch it once and understand it fully it loses its luster and meme-based mystery appeal

Solidly entertaining and has a nice feel to it, would rather just watch the first one though desu

>A separation
Good movie just not entertaining enough to wanna watch it again

>Black Swan

Can't fucking stand catwoman, stands out as anne in every role she plays. I just know its Anne Hathaway, she can't disappear into a role worth a damn. So annoying

>Mad Max
Do I really need to explain myself here? Just fun to watch

Overhyped, overblown, boring as shit, come at me. Watching leo dodge injuns gets after a couple watches

>The Tree of Life
Not really sure why this is even an option

>King's Speech
Cool to watch for the first time, additional watches aren't needed

>Force Awakens
Christ almighty don't remind me. Star Wars should've ended after they rescue Han from Jabba's Palace. Making a seventh for a moneygrab is understandable, but as a stand alone film this shit is awful.

Would say high rewatchability, but I saw it twice since it came out so too soon for me rn

>12 years
Oscar grab, cool to watch once but why would you ever want to rewatch something like that

Good movie but Shrek is the true DW animation kino

>Social Network
You're kidding with this one right?

Close fourth

>Wolf of Wall Street
Easily Leo's stupidest film

>The Artist

Why would you ever wanna rewatch this

Entertaining as shit. Scenes never get old.

Trap me on a desert island and I'd pick The Shining, Big Lebowski and Die Hard to watch the rest of my life. Not saying these are the greatest movies ever or anywhere close, just personally films I find that never get old and stay entertaining.

>dislikes the social network
>loves quentin tarantino masturbates to himself for 3 hours
>zootopia high rewatchability
only thing you got right was shrek

Whiplash is the best film on there.

-Didn't mean I disliked social network, just meant it has like 0 rewatchability

-Quentin jerking himself off is entertaining as fuck

-zootopia is definitely rewatchable

Zootopia and Inside Out are absolute animationkino.

excellent taste, seems identical to mine except i liked interstellar and didn't really mind hathaway. You got a letterboxd or something? I want to watch your top films that I haven't seen

nah I've lurked here a long time and have always thought about making one but idk

Top films though? Well taking away the meme-tier stuff that gets posted all the time I'll list a few that I love that aren't usually talked about too often. These are just what comes to mind though, stuff that I can always come back to

Guilty Pleasures:
Adventureland (Loved it since it came out, always been a top 100 for me, don't understand the meme around here though. I think its because I really relate to Jesse's character and just that sort of life he lives)
Babette's Feast
Toy Story
Die Hard 1-3 (2 is ok)
Most Clint westerns
Gran Turismo
2 fast 2 furious (I get shit on a lot for it but oh well)
What's Eating Gilbert
OG Willy Wonka
Taxi driver
Death Wish

Iron Man

A bridge too far
Starship Troopers
Letters from Iwo Jima

Big Leb
Super Troopers
Billy Madison

I am legend
Forbidden Kingdom
Enter the Dragon
John Wick
Shaolin Soccer
Longest Yard
Any Given Sunday
the good ESPN 30 for 30's (another list entirely)
I know it all sounds like reddit shit, but from my experience here most people pass around the same classic artsy campy stuff around here all the time, which I love, everyone should watch some of those movies at least once, but most of them just give you that unique one time experience and then its over, like playing half-life for the first time. Once you watch it, its done, you already know what it is.

I like movies that have rewatchability. I think most of the one's I've listed have that quality at least.

I'd love to check out yours though if we have the same tastes, maybe I'll make one and add you

Mad Max and its not even fucking close

Interstellar probably.

Problem child 2

>normie: the post

The Tree of Life or Interstellar, but where ToL has gotten better each rewatch, Interstellar has only had its flaws stick out more, so it'd be nice to see it for the first time again.