Possible major spoilers for Vader in Rogue One

A picture from behind the scenes footage leaked out of Vader without his suit.
This lines up with rumor that in the middle of the movie while the Rebels are on the planet Eadu, Vader attacks but gets hit by a crashing Tie-Fighter causing him to be in a bacta tank and receive new limbs. He'll have about 20 minutes of screen time.

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>le stronk woman meme character literally defeats FUCKING DARTH VADER


Fuck off.

so how can the greatest star pilot in the universe get hit by a crashing tie fighter?

You're about 17 years late in recognizing that user


I liked the prequels though

not an argument


So Starkiller can pull a Star Destroyer out of orbit, but Vader can't push a tie-fighter out of the way?

That's not canon anymore so yeah. Especially if he's focused on ground battling.



>Vader attacks but gets hit by a crashing Tie-Fighter causing him to be in a bacta tank and receive new limbs
sounds shit

>you lived to see a limbless Vader floating in space goo give orders via force telepathy

Didn't that happen like a year ago in the supposedly canon comics, except he was fine?

he didn't have the high ground so good


if I pull that mask off will you die?

It would be extremely operational

I wonder if Hayden will get a cameo


Did you forget A New Hope?
Be uses that's exactly how he lost in that movie

He refused to spin.

He needed to triple his flip power.

but spinning is a good trick

>So Starkiller can pull a Star Destroyer out of orbit
Never happened

Nah, you fuck off.

kek. it all comes together.

>LITERALLY gets clipped by a tie fighter trying to evade the aluminum falcon

>lower half of a wampa suit on michael phelps

Is this so he is slower and stiffer by the time of the original trilogy ?

What did he mean by this?

what other limbs does he have to lose? they were all chopped of in the Battle of High Ground

>the strong female protagonist will remove his oppressive white dick with a broken piece of glass from the crashed tie-fighter cockpit

did darth vader prove he was one of the galaxy's greatest pilots in any of the movies

he kind of sucked

>describes a picture on an imageboard

Fuck you OP

apparently hes the only one who knew about spinning so that made him the greatest


>all his greatest victories have come while flying
>all his greatest defeats have come while on the ground

He's done it again from beyond the grave

>Darth Vader is defeated by "I Rebel :3"

Nigger, you'd better be trolling. How in the fuck are they going to justify that on screen?

Who else wants comfy wampa pants now?

then your opinion is automatically void. Fuck off already

Muh Original Trilogy. Muh childhood.

Do you not see the prop there? Are you people this retarded?

Exactly. Early on they stated that they would explain why he was slow in ANH. New prosthetic limbs, new suit, not used to it yet since ANH starts immediately after.

look at this moron

Irabelle shoots Vader in the stomach as Vader growls and runs away clutching his chest

KEK imagine that

>mfw if this actually happens

Darth Vader will not die in this film

In Ep4 he was in his tie-like fighter when they destroyed the deathstar now kys

muh no taste

His TIE was in the trench, the low ground in that battle. Now you kys

>implying losing the Battle of Yavin was his defeat

He was disabled and had to leave the field of battle. Hardly can be considered a retreat, much less a defeat.

Also, Vader took out like five X-Wings in defense of the Death Star before finally being knocked out of the battle, hardly something to scoff at. If he hadn't been flying some shit-tier, meme'd out Sienar clunker, he could have mopped up ezpz.

Also also, risking your life to save one single battle station when you have more being built is stupid.