I refuse to believe that no female character in the walking dead wants to fuck him

I refuse to believe that no female character in the walking dead wants to fuck him

Other urls found in this thread:


That is one ugly kid.



mr jade?

you don't get to bring kids

I wonder what the father of that kid thinks of all these other grown men handling his child



Is it possible to have a thread with a child actor in the image without pedos getting involved?

Hey you leave /ourgal/ G outta this.


that would be extremely painful

What is it with this guy and stances?
Does he think that is what acting is about?

i made this as a gift for you my friend
nosebro here




i also recorded this
it's worth listening to my friend

i never heard this girl`s voice. can someone post a video of her with sound. I`m curious.

Why won't mods ban pedophiles?

The answer is obvious.

alpha-males can't help it, user

power-stances are just part of who we are

>dat tummy


nice work!

most men aren't territorial pedophiles like you

im so glad you're here now


listening now

I think I've finally figured out why they haven't killed off Judith yet.
It's the makeup.
See, usually when someone dies on the show they have to have a shitload of makeup and shit out on them for the death wounds and whatnot, and that takes forever.
A little toddler isn't gonna stand still and keep quiet while a makeup artist does all of that

Projecting what? I just don't like kiddy diddlers

thank you


>Meant to be Negan thread
>Goddamned pedophiles ruin it




dawwww :3

well, me neither, so



have you seen what she looks like now?

yup, that thing missing was her "cunny-essence"

here, feel free to familiarize yourself with out literature


brb, going to alaska

Janitor here say goodbye to your cunny accounts.

she's 2x married and seeks me out several times a year, but im staying away

He has 10 wives. I'm sure some of them fucking love it.

this shit is gay yo

*leans back

what's the matter... RICK

can't handle a little...

*long pause and stare



laura b! i knew you'd understand my friend

no, no, I mean laura b

kek, but yeah, trailer chicks are so much trouble

had my fair share of those too

I'm more into upper-class nerdy girls myself, 2bh

there's nothing more alpha than cunnyism, user

OK mods, you've banned me before for nothing. Please ban the pedos in this thread now and do something good.

well, I know who she is, of course

but I've never been into that kind of stuff

my cunnyism roots come from the old ryry days


Go back to plebbit

>le pedo maymay

mine are from jessie/brianna routes


How is it a meme?
You freaks are talking about wanting to fuck kids

>still doesnt post daddy
your own fault faggot

it's an adoration thing
you really don't understand?

exactly, comes with the territory

I'm a soldier of cuteness, basically

>dat dream


laura got thicc in all the right places, too

>the healthiest thing

pretty much

see, that's why I don't subscribe to waifuism

the whole showbiz life is way too toxic to put up with

>a zombie apoclapyse
>no air condition
>has the ability to sit on a porch and be a family man with a completely clean white shirt

What in the fuck are you guys watching

>dat projecting

literally no one has said anything about that

Comfy apocalypse kino

it's yours my friend
i only came to prepare a way for you
i drank 12
i must sleep.....................

He lives like a king at his own settlement, he's just on that porch waiting for Rickold to get home so he can show what a stand-up guy he is for not killing Carl who killed some of his dudes.


sweet rated-G dreams, my friend :3

Puffy Vayaina.

Is that Lera?


all the female characters have probably scene negan bash someone's head in at least once or have seen him/his men murder friends/family which is enough to warrant a strong dislike I think

But he's hot

There is power and air condition at that house


why not?

Kill off screen, have it implied but not shown

I refuse to believe none of his men have killed him already. Completely unrealistic shit

cause they just press a button and get a new ip in 15 seconds?

lol wait you didnt know they could do that?HAHA wow thats hilarious did you just get a computer haha wow welcome to the internet new guy