More Kino?

Serious Question: Which series is more kino? The original Star Wars trilogy (excluding the prequels) or the Lord of the Rings trilogy (excluding The Hobbit trilogy)?

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lord of the rings
while neither might be high art, star wars was literally made for children

None of these are kino besides fellowship of the ring. the OT is starkino, whatever the fuck that means anymore

Neither is kino but LOTR is at least an amazing, entertaining series with some artistic value. The original trilogy is honestly just as bad as the prequels if you look at it objectively. It sucks because it's one of my favorite series' and I still enjoy watching it but the plots, acting, and directing are so fucking clunky in them and the themes honestly don't really evolve at all over the course of the plot.

I enjoy Star Wars more but Lord of the Rings has some of the greatest production values ever put on screen.

LOTR > SW OG trilogy
The Hobbit < SW prequels

>not the Two Towers

frodo a shit and its aged the second worst

Best battle scenes pleb and most memorable scenes

Two Towers is the best solely because of Sam's speech. It's one of those scenes that elevates the entire movie with it's inclusion, just a perfect scene.

star wars is overrated and not kino

>not kino as fuck

I can understand overrated but I'll be damned if this isn't godly kino

>smoke, blue light, red light
>that makes it kino
reiterating what is already apparent isn't that special. LOTR does the same thing with Frodo and Sam getting dirtier and dirtier as they go further into Mordor.

No thats not how it works. Fellowship is nearly perfect.

If you are eternally twelve

If a scene can wrap up an entire movie while also adding to it in a meaningful way it absolutely can elevate the rest of the scenes in the process. It's basically a type of composition.

TTT is overrated


SWOT was great but it was ruined by remasters and edits

Prequel trilogy is kino. OT is popcorn.

fellowship > prequels > ttt > hobbit > rotk > star wars ot

anything else is bait.

What is more kino

>Indiana Jones in space
>An epic fantasy tale with perfect visuals, music, plot and world building?

Gee yeah much better to watch Hackrison Ford dodge 400 shoots aper second and be a cunt, what a solid character and story

>Indiana Jones in space

this so much, ffs even SW main theme is a Indiana Jones theme ripoff.
Fucking terrible unwatchable movies, they were good at their time cause visuals but the story, acting and music are fucking awful shit