What are some other painfully, shamelessly, unoriginal movies that were well-received?

What are some other painfully, shamelessly, unoriginal movies that were well-received?



No shit the entire film is an homage

>An entire film

Here's another painfully, unorigin---I mean homage.

L'Artiste is actually good and was objectively the best film of its year. One of the rare cases where the Best Picture winner was deserved.

Nah, no one remembers it. I've never even seen it. I just hate how people praise films and never mention them again.

I haven't heard anyone mention that movie in any situation except "silent movies that were released after the silent movie era" since that movie came out. Literally nothing, and its so great and influencial it wins best picture

>pic related
not unoriginal but severely over praised thanks to muh Melies

>where the Best Picture winner was deserved

Fuck you its a great movie. You wouldnt say this if it didnt get that stupid award.

kys pleb

Unoriginal? The Artist?

>[citation needed]

Holy shit this.


Because it literally is like one of those movies in the 30s. It's a movie you watch for the first time and throughly enjpy especially given how lovely and innocent it is. It does have no rewatchability though, but it never tried to and yet is one of the more original things the movie industry has come up with post 2000

what's original about it?

Marvel Flicks


is this b8?

Jean was cool in that. Perfect match.

Oh Chloe, what happened?

Reservois Dogs

Everything this man has ever made

Which one? The drama one or the one with people have jerking off to car crashes?