Is this true?

Is this true?

Why do people act like Miley wasn't slutty and layered in controversy back in the HM days?

+++ fake miley theory confirmed true +++

>So, what do you do?
>I'm into, uh, well, murders and executions, mostly.

now we just need more proof Paul is dead





Confirmed for illuminati doll.

I dream about meeting this bitch and calling her Hannah.

She seems so butthurt, so desperate to get away from it.

How many girls do you think ended up irl a lost crackewhore like the persona Miley pushes now?

Before Trump got elected Hannah Montana was alive and well. Now Mylie Cyrus says Hannah Montana is chopped upend buried in her back yard!

This is only the beginning of the Trump dynasty and it's only going to get worse!

What she says is true, from a certain point of view.

dumb bitch

Mergers and acquisitions?

friendly reminder Sup Forums is always right

That's comfy

When I first heard her new song, I thought it was the singer 'Pink'. It was her. It isn't her.

It's not the same person.


>Miranda Cosgrove attemped to testify in court last year on the grounds of sexual assault. Which Hollywood executive(s) convinced her not to. HINT: dan wasn't alone.

fucking Dan

>June 26, 2010
That's around the time Miley started gaining weight and in 2012 she lost it and then some, finally getting rid of the long overdue baby fat.
It would take an enormous amount of willful ignorance to think this conspiracy is real but I guess that's what Sup Forums has the most of, except from genuine ignorance

What's his name again?

*calls you that*

Do people really give such a shit about miley cyrus to make up a conspiracy theory to rationalize her becoming slutty?

Jesus... Gangbanged by old execs when she was a kid. Poor Miranda, no wonder she looks dead inside now. I can't imagine her nightmares.

I wanna fuck Miley

don't call me that

'Party in the USA' Miley was absolute god tier

>flat body with little boy haircut

Gross user