Channel Awesome. Not. Even. Once

Goddamn. I've grudgingly tolerated his seemingly endless amounts of precious bullshit for far longer than he probably deserves credit for. But with this video, he finally did it. He finally broke me.

I will never watch another video from Brad fucking Jones ever again, not even ironically.

Oh, now don't get me wrong! The movie he riffed was pure dogshit (I ain't even Christian), but in this video he has finally completed his transformation into a fully-fledged caricature. Not the Cinema Snob, but Brad himself. Whining explicitly about white privilege (exhibiting an almost disturbing degree of self-loathing), joking that all the characters were racist and homophobic simply because of the color of their skin and where they lived, passive-aggressively virtue-signaling how tolerant and compassionate he is towards other religions and social groups.... the man's become a complete Tumblr/SJW/Regressive Left stereotype (whatever the fuck you want to call it).

All the warning signs were there (that fucking podcast with those triggered tumblrinas, for one), but I guess I was either just way too trusting or too fucking stupid to back away until now. I always thought he was just a spineless pandering man-whore like Doug, but now he's really put his money where his mouth is.

Seriously, watching this video almost made me physically ill.

Yeah, I agree.

Stop watching their fucking videos and let them die then you fucking cuck

That's what happens when you let a she-devil run off with your balls.

Brad is still of the funniest indie guys on the web, I don't mind him getting political, he is not extremist in any view, the movie is shit and his opinions IMO are just plausible and well funded.

Same fagging.

>watching youtube garbage

The whole lot of them are embarrassing amateurs. The only reason they achieved some success was because they thought of doing it first, it certainly wasn't down to any talent.

I blame Lindsay

>Le Don't Like Don't Watch meme
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>everyone who works with a guy who cries over a cape and uses a plastic gun for comedy while spazzing out left, right, and center is a huge faggot

Do tell.

Fuark you, yo. Channel Awesome is the shiz.

Nothing like gettin comfy with some good comic books and putting on a channel awesome playlist desu fampai

brad and spoony where the best things to come out of channel awesome , and you know its true , everyone else is mediocre with the exception of maybe 3 or 4

>watching tv garbage

Yeah. I haven't seen much of his new stuff because he took an obvious decline in quality. The Midnight Reviews have usually been consistently good though.

I couldn't find a single CA autist who didn't shit themselves on twitter after the election.

As for Brad, what did you expect from a guy that was raised by a lesbian.

>Brad is still of the funniest indie guys on the web

Where can I subscribe?

emphasis on "were"

Everything to come out of channel awsome is trash and current Spoony/Brad are pathetic shells of human beings now.

Niggas get in here for some Eggkara on Cytube

is he the one that tried to false flag pedoshit on gamergayters?

What happened to the tit cow that was on the site with Cinema Snob?

that was cuck in the shadows i believe

I don't remember him being so cringey.

She cucked him and left him.

He divorced her long ago.

That's what you get for watching these autistic retards try to make money off the internet. Are you honestly shocked that the people who made their careers off of the fad of "reviewing movies online" aren't also going to latch onto fads of political correctness?
Also CA has always sucked. Sorry to break it to you